
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺活动方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 18:42
unit USendMail;interfaceuses SysUtils, Classes, IdSMTP, IdMessage, IdAttachmentFile;/// <summary>/// 邮件发送/// </summary>/// <param name="Smtp">邮件服务器主机 例如</param>/// <param name="Port">邮件服务器端口 默认:25</param>/// <param name="User">邮件用户名,需要加上</param>/// <param name="Pass">邮件密码</param>/// <param name="MailTo">邮件接收人,多个时用“;”分隔</param>/// <param name="MailCC">邮件抄送接收人,多个时用“;”分隔</param>/// <param name="Subject">邮件主题</param>/// <param name="Content">邮件内容</param>/// <param name="Attachment">附件文件,多个文件名用“;”分隔</param>/// <returns></returns>function SendMail(Smtp: string; Port: Word; User, Pass, MailTo, MailCC, Subject, Content, Attachment: string): Integer; stdcall;implementationfunction SendMail(Smtp: string; Port: Word; User, Pass, MailTo, MailCC, Subject, Content, Attachment: string): Integer; stdcall;var  FSMTP: TIdSMTP;  FMailMessage: TIdMessage;  SL: TStrings;  I: Integer;begin  FSMTP := TIdSMTP.Create(nil);  FMailMessage := TIdMessage.Create(nil);  FMailMessage.CharSet := 'utf-8';  FSMTP.Host := Smtp;  FSMTP.Port := Port;  FSMTP.Username := User;  FSMTP.Password := Pass;  SL := TStringList.Create;  SL.Delimiter := ';';  try    {Mail To}    SL.DelimitedText := MailTo;    if SL.Count > 0 then    for I := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do      FMailMessage.Recipients.Add.Address := SL[I];    {Mail CC}    SL.DelimitedText := MailCC;    if SL.Count > 0 then    for I := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do      FMailMessage.CCList.Add.Address := SL[I];    {Subject and Content}    FMailMessage.Subject := Subject;    FMailMessage.Body.Text := Content;    {Attachment}    SL.DelimitedText := Attachment;    if SL.Count > 0 then      for I := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do        with TIdAttachmentFile.Create(FMailMessage.MessageParts, SL[I]) do        begin          ContentType := 'application/octet-stream';          ContentDisposition := 'attachment';          ContentTransfer := 'base64';        end;  finally    SL.Free;  end;  try    try      FSMTP.Connect();      FSMTP.Send(FMailMessage);      Result := 0;    except on E:Exception do      Result := -1;    end;  finally    if FSMTP.Connected then      FSMTP.Disconnect;  end;  FMailMessage.Free;  FSMTP.Free;end;end.
