
来源:互联网 发布:杜蕾斯网络代理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 12:09

    HOG(Histogram of Oriented Gradient)是2005年CVPR会议上,法国国家计算机科学及自动控制研究所的Dalal等人提出的一种解决人体目标检测的图像描述子,该方法使用梯度方向直方图(Histogram of Oriented Gradients,简称HOG)特征来表达人体,提取人体的外形信息和运动信息,形成丰富的特征集。

     HOG描述子高维图像特征向量生成步骤:1.图像归一化; 2.利用一阶微分计算图像梯度; 3.基于梯度幅值的方向权重投影; 4.HOG特征向量归一化;  5.得出HOG最终的特征向量

step 1:图像归一化



Step 2 利用一阶微分计算图像梯度




Step 3 基于梯度幅值的方向权重投影

       HOG结构:  通常使用的HOG结构大致有三种:矩形HOG(简称为R-HOG),圆形HOG和中心环绕HOG。它们的单位都是Block(即块)。Dalal的试验证明矩形HOG和圆形HOG的检测效果基本一致,而环绕形HOG效果相对差一些。并且,圆形与环绕形的HOG文献比较少,应用研究没有矩形HOG普遍。所以,着重讲解矩形HOG的情况。矩形HOG块的划分:一般一个块(Block)都由若干单元(Cell)组成,一个单元都有如干个像素点组成。

      在每个Cell中有独立做梯度方向统计,从而以梯度方向为横轴的的直方图,梯度方向可取0度到180度或0度~360度,但dalal实验表明,对于人体目标检测0度~180度这种忽略度数正负级的方向范围能够取得更好的结果。然后又将这个梯度分布平均分成个方向角度(orientation bins),每个方向角度范围都会对应一个直方柱。 根据Dalal等人实验,在人体目标检测中,在无符号方向角度范围并将其平均分成9份(bins)能取得最好的效果,当bin的数目继续增大效果改变不明显,故一般在人体目标检测中使用bin数目为9范围0~180度的度量方式。

      对梯度方向的投影权重方式的选取: 对于梯度方向的加权投影,一般都采用一个权重投影函数,它可以是像素点的梯度幅值,梯度幅值的平方根或梯度幅值的平方,甚至可以使梯度幅值的省略形式,它们都能够一定程度上反应出像素上一定的边缘信息。根据Dalal等人论文的测试结果,采用梯度幅值量级本身得到的检测效果最佳,使用量级的平方根会轻微降低检测结果,而使用二值的边缘权值表示会严重降低效果(约为5%个单位10-4FPPW(False Positives Per Window))。




         重叠块:Datal等人在他们那篇关于HOG最为经典的论文《Histogram of Oriented Gradient for Human Detection》提出了利用块与块的重叠(Overlap)来解决混叠,并且取得了不错的效果。 在重叠方式中,块与块之间的边缘点被重复根据权重投影到各自相邻块(block)中,从而一定模糊了块与块之间的边界,处于块边缘部分的像素点也能够给相邻块中的方向梯度直方图提供一定贡献,从而达到关联块与块之间的关系的作用。Datal对于块和块之间相互重叠程度对人体目标检测识别率影响也做了实验分析。



Step 4:HOG特征向量归一化




Step 5 HOG最终的特征向量生成



① SIFT是基于关键点特征向量的描述。

② HOG是将图像均匀的分成相邻的小块,然后在所有的小块内统计梯度直方图。

③ SIFT需要对图像尺度空间下对像素求极值点,而HOG中不需要。

④ SIFT一般有两大步骤,第一个步骤是对图像提取特征点,而HOG不会对图像提取特征点。







function F = hogcalculator1(img, cellpw, cellph, nblockw, nblockh, nthet, overlap, isglobalinterpolate, issigned, normmethod)%  IMG:  是输入图像, CELLPW和CELLPH分别是单元格像素宽度和高度。%  NBLOCKW、NBLCOKH: 分别是块中单元格在x和y方向上数量。%  NTHET: 是梯度方向直方图容器的数目%  ISSIGNED: 是梯度方向直方图范围从无符号的0到pi和有符号是0到2*pi条件。可以通过设置变量的值ISSIGNED来指定。%  OVERLAP:  两个相邻块重叠的比例。%  ISGLOBALINTERPOLATE:严格按照Dalal论文中程序要求来的。%  NORMMETHOD:是块直方图归一化方法,设置为下列字符串:‘none',这意味着非规范化;%                                                 ’l1’,这意味着L1规范标准化;%                                                  'l2’,这意味着L2规范标准化;%                                                  'l1sqrt’,这意味着L1sqrt规范标准化;%                                                  'l2hys',这意味着L2-hys-norm标准化。%   F:是一个行向量,存储所有块的最后的直方图,从左上角到右下角一个一个扫描图像的方式,单元格的直方图以相同的方式存储在每个块中。%  注意:CELLPW*NBLOCKW 和 CELLPH*NBLOCKH 应该分别等于IMG的宽度和高度。%  调用方式1:  这里是一个示范,在Dalal的论文中提到所有参数的设置最佳值是:当窗口是128*64的大小(128行、64列)%                F = hogcalculator(window, 8, 8, 2, 2, 9, 0.5, 'localinterpolate', 'unsigned', 'l2hys');%  调用方式2: 函数也可以像下面这样调用:F = hogcalculator(window);其他参数的设置都通过使用上述dalal的提到的最佳值来默认。%—————— 设置默认参数值。if nargin < 2     cellpw = 8;    cellph = 8;    nblockw = 2;    nblockh = 2;    nthet = 9;    overlap = 0.5;    isglobalinterpolate = 'localinterpolate';    issigned = 'unsigned';    normmethod = 'l2hys';else    if nargin < 10        error('Input parameters are not enough.');    endend% ——————检查参数的有效性。[M, N, K] = size(img);if mod(M,cellph*nblockh) ~= 0    error('IMG''s height should be an integral multiple of CELLPH*NBLOCKH.');endif mod(N,cellpw*nblockw) ~= 0    error('IMG''s width should be an integral multiple of CELLPW*NBLOCKW.');endif mod((1-overlap)*cellpw*nblockw, cellpw) ~= 0 ||...        mod((1-overlap)*cellph*nblockh, cellph) ~= 0    str1 = 'Incorrect OVERLAP or ISGLOBALINTERPOLATE parameter';    str2 = ', slide step should be an intergral multiple of cell size';    error([str1, str2]);end% 设置高斯空间权量窗口的标准偏差。delta = cellpw*nblockw * 0.5;% 计算梯度比例矩阵。hx = [-1,0,1];hy = -hx';gradscalx = imfilter(double(img),hx);gradscaly = imfilter(double(img),hy);if K > 1    gradscalx = max(max(gradscalx(:,:,1),gradscalx(:,:,2)), gradscalx(:,:,3));    gradscaly = max(max(gradscaly(:,:,1),gradscaly(:,:,2)), gradscaly(:,:,3));endgradscal = sqrt(double(gradscalx.*gradscalx + gradscaly.*gradscaly));% 计算梯度方向矩阵。 加上较小数值避免划分为零。gradscalxplus = gradscalx+ones(size(gradscalx))*0.0001;gradorient = zeros(M,N);% 无符号的情况:方向范围是0到pi。if strcmp(issigned, 'unsigned') == 1    gradorient =...        atan(gradscaly./gradscalxplus) + pi/2;    or = 1;else    %有符号的情况:方向范围是0到2*pi。    if strcmp(issigned, 'signed') == 1        idx = find(gradscalx >= 0 & gradscaly >= 0);        gradorient(idx) = atan(gradscaly(idx)./gradscalxplus(idx));        idx = find(gradscalx < 0);        gradorient(idx) = atan(gradscaly(idx)./gradscalxplus(idx)) + pi;        idx = find(gradscalx >= 0 & gradscaly < 0);        gradorient(idx) = atan(gradscaly(idx)./gradscalxplus(idx)) + 2*pi;        or = 2;    else        error('Incorrect ISSIGNED parameter.');    endend% 计算块滑步。xbstride = cellpw*nblockw*(1-overlap);ybstride = cellph*nblockh*(1-overlap);xbstridend = N - cellpw*nblockw + 1;ybstridend = M - cellph*nblockh + 1;% 计算在窗口检测到所有块的数量,这是ntotalbh*ntotalbw.ntotalbh = ((M-cellph*nblockh)/ybstride)+1;ntotalbw = ((N-cellpw*nblockw)/xbstride)+1;% generate the matrix hist3dbig for storing the 3-dimensions histogram. the% matrix covers the whole image in the 'globalinterpolate' condition or% covers the local block in the 'localinterpolate' condition. The matrix is% bigger than the area where it covers by adding additional elements% (corresponding to the cells) to the surround for calculation convenience.if strcmp(isglobalinterpolate, 'globalinterpolate') == 1    ncellx = N / cellpw;    ncelly = M / cellph;    hist3dbig = zeros(ncelly+2, ncellx+2, nthet+2);    F = zeros(1, (M/cellph-1)*(N/cellpw-1)*nblockw*nblockh*nthet);    glbalinter = 1;else    if strcmp(isglobalinterpolate, 'localinterpolate') == 1        hist3dbig = zeros(nblockh+2, nblockw+2, nthet+2);        F = zeros(1, ntotalbh*ntotalbw*nblockw*nblockh*nthet);        glbalinter = 0;    else        error('Incorrect ISGLOBALINTERPOLATE parameter.')    endend% 生成矩阵来存储一个块的直方图;sF = zeros(1, nblockw*nblockh*nthet);% generate gaussian spatial weight.[gaussx, gaussy] = meshgrid(0:(cellpw*nblockw-1), 0:(cellph*nblockh-1));weight = exp(-((gaussx-(cellpw*nblockw-1)/2)...    .*(gaussx-(cellpw*nblockw-1)/2)+(gaussy-(cellph*nblockh-1)/2)...    .*(gaussy-(cellph*nblockh-1)/2))/(delta*delta));% vote for histogram. there are two situations according to the interpolate% condition('global' interpolate or local interpolate). The hist3d which is% generated from the 'bigger' matrix hist3dbig is the final histogram.if glbalinter == 1    xbstep = nblockw*cellpw;    ybstep = nblockh*cellph;else    xbstep = xbstride;    ybstep = ybstride;end% block slide loopfor btly = 1:ybstep:ybstridend    for btlx = 1:xbstep:xbstridend        for bi = 1:(cellph*nblockh)            for bj = 1:(cellpw*nblockw)                                i = btly + bi - 1;                j = btlx + bj - 1;                gaussweight = weight(bi,bj);                                gs = gradscal(i,j);                go = gradorient(i,j);                                if glbalinter == 1                    jorbj = j;                    iorbi = i;                else                    jorbj = bj;                    iorbi = bi;                end                                % calculate bin index of hist3dbig                binx1 = floor((jorbj-1+cellpw/2)/cellpw) + 1;                biny1 = floor((iorbi-1+cellph/2)/cellph) + 1;                binz1 = floor((go+(or*pi/nthet)/2)/(or*pi/nthet)) + 1;                                if gs == 0                    continue;                end                                binx2 = binx1 + 1;                biny2 = biny1 + 1;                binz2 = binz1 + 1;                                x1 = (binx1-1.5)*cellpw + 0.5;                y1 = (biny1-1.5)*cellph + 0.5;                z1 = (binz1-1.5)*(or*pi/nthet);                                % trilinear interpolation.                hist3dbig(biny1,binx1,binz1) =...                    hist3dbig(biny1,binx1,binz1) + gs*gaussweight...                    * (1-(jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*(1-(iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *(1-(go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny1,binx1,binz2) =...                    hist3dbig(biny1,binx1,binz2) + gs*gaussweight...                    * (1-(jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*(1-(iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *((go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny2,binx1,binz1) =...                    hist3dbig(biny2,binx1,binz1) + gs*gaussweight...                    * (1-(jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*((iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *(1-(go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny2,binx1,binz2) =...                    hist3dbig(biny2,binx1,binz2) + gs*gaussweight...                    * (1-(jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*((iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *((go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny1,binx2,binz1) =...                    hist3dbig(biny1,binx2,binz1) + gs*gaussweight...                    * ((jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*(1-(iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *(1-(go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny1,binx2,binz2) =...                    hist3dbig(biny1,binx2,binz2) + gs*gaussweight...                    * ((jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*(1-(iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *((go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny2,binx2,binz1) =...                    hist3dbig(biny2,binx2,binz1) + gs*gaussweight...                    * ((jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*((iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *(1-(go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));                hist3dbig(biny2,binx2,binz2) =...                    hist3dbig(biny2,binx2,binz2) + gs*gaussweight...                    * ((jorbj-x1)/cellpw)*((iorbi-y1)/cellph)...                    *((go-z1)/(or*pi/nthet));            end        end                % In the local interpolate condition. F is generated in this block         % slide loop. hist3dbig should be cleared in each loop.        if glbalinter == 0            if or == 2                hist3dbig(:,:,2) = hist3dbig(:,:,2)...                    + hist3dbig(:,:,nthet+2);                hist3dbig(:,:,(nthet+1)) =...                    hist3dbig(:,:,(nthet+1)) + hist3dbig(:,:,1);            end            hist3d = hist3dbig(2:(nblockh+1), 2:(nblockw+1), 2:(nthet+1));            for ibin = 1:nblockh                for jbin = 1:nblockw                    idsF = nthet*((ibin-1)*nblockw+jbin-1)+1;                    idsF = idsF:(idsF+nthet-1);                    sF(idsF) = hist3d(ibin,jbin,:);                end            end            iblock = ((btly-1)/ybstride)*ntotalbw +...                ((btlx-1)/xbstride) + 1;            idF = (iblock-1)*nblockw*nblockh*nthet+1;            idF = idF:(idF+nblockw*nblockh*nthet-1);            F(idF) = sF;            hist3dbig(:,:,:) = 0;        end    endend% In the global interpolate condition. F is generated here outside the% block slide loop if glbalinter == 1    ncellx = N / cellpw;    ncelly = M / cellph;    if or == 2        hist3dbig(:,:,2) = hist3dbig(:,:,2) + hist3dbig(:,:,nthet+2);        hist3dbig(:,:,(nthet+1)) = hist3dbig(:,:,(nthet+1)) + hist3dbig(:,:,1);    end    hist3d = hist3dbig(2:(ncelly+1), 2:(ncellx+1), 2:(nthet+1));        iblock = 1;    for btly = 1:ybstride:ybstridend        for btlx = 1:xbstride:xbstridend            binidx = floor((btlx-1)/cellpw)+1;            binidy = floor((btly-1)/cellph)+1;            idF = (iblock-1)*nblockw*nblockh*nthet+1;            idF = idF:(idF+nblockw*nblockh*nthet-1);            for ibin = 1:nblockh                for jbin = 1:nblockw                    idsF = nthet*((ibin-1)*nblockw+jbin-1)+1;                    idsF = idsF:(idsF+nthet-1);                    sF(idsF) = hist3d(binidy+ibin-1, binidx+jbin-1, :);                end            end            F(idF) = sF;            iblock = iblock + 1;        end    endend% adjust the negative value caused by accuracy of floating-point% operations.these value's scale is very small, usually at E-03 magnitude% while others will be E+02 or E+03 before normalization.F(F<0) = 0;% 块标准化e = 0.001;l2hysthreshold = 0.2;fslidestep = nblockw*nblockh*nthet;switch normmethod    case 'none'    case 'l1'        for fi = 1:fslidestep:size(F,2)            div = sum(F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)));            F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)) = F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1))/(div+e);        end    case 'l1sqrt'        for fi = 1:fslidestep:size(F,2)            div = sum(F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)));            F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)) = sqrt(F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1))/(div+e));        end    case 'l2'        for fi = 1:fslidestep:size(F,2)            sF = F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)).*F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1));            div = sqrt(sum(sF)+e*e);            F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)) = F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1))/div;        end    case 'l2hys'        for fi = 1:fslidestep:size(F,2)            sF = F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)).*F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1));            div = sqrt(sum(sF)+e*e);            sF = F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1))/div;            sF(sF>l2hysthreshold) = l2hysthreshold;            div = sqrt(sum(sF.*sF)+e*e);            F(fi:(fi+fslidestep-1)) = sF/div;        end    otherwise        error('Incorrect NORMMETHOD parameter.');end

