not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link类似问题的解析

来源:互联网 发布:中国贸易条件数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:51


LINK : LNK6004: Debug/aoe.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link

LINK : LNK6004: Debug/aoe.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link


-aoe-aoe-debug 1
-debug 2

第一个debug文件夹编译后不会有exe文件生成 ,第二个debug文件夹编译后会有exe文件生成。


假如出现上述错误,可以使用clean,然后第一个文件就剩了BuildLog.htm文件 ,



接下来了解一下Incremental Link Table。

那么什么是Incremental Link Table呢?




假如一个程序有连续两个foo和bar (所谓连续,就是他们编译连接之后函数体连续存放), foo入口位置在0x0400,长度为0x200个字节,那么bar入口就应该在0x0600 = 0x0400+0x0200。程序



这么紧凑,每个函数体后都有padding(全是汇编代码int 3,作用是引发中断,这样因为古怪原因运行到不该运行的padding部分,会发生异常),有了这些padding,就可以一定程度上缓解

上面提到的问题,不过当函数增加内容太多超过padding,还是有问题,怎么办呢?MSVC在Debug build中用上了Incremental Link Table, ILT其实就是一串jmp语句,每个jmp语句对应一个





/INCREMENTAL (Link Incrementally)

The /INCREMENTAL option controls how the linker handles incremental linking.

By default, the linker runs in incremental mode. To override a default incremental link, specify /INCREMENTAL:NO.

An incrementally linked program is functionally equivalent to a program that is nonincrementally linked. However, because it is prepared for subsequent incremental

links, an incrementally linked executable (.exe) file or dynamic-link library (DLL):

Is larger than a nonincrementally linked program because of padding of code and data. (Padding allows the linker to increase the size of functions and data without

recreating the .exe file.)
May contain jump thunks to handle relocation of functions to new addresses.
Note   To ensure that your final release build does not contain padding or thunks, link your program nonincrementally.
To link incrementally regardless of the default, specify /INCREMENTAL. When this option is selected, the linker issues a warning if it cannot link incrementally, and

then links the program nonincrementally. Certain options and situations override /INCREMENTAL.

Most programs can be linked incrementally. However, some changes are too great, and some options are incompatible with incremental linking. LINK performs a full link

if any of the following options are specified:

Link Incrementally is not selected (/INCREMENTAL:NO)
/OPT:REF is selected
/OPT:ICF is selected
/ORDER is selected
The use of /INCREMENTAL is not compatible with /MAPINFO:LINES.

/INCREMENTAL is implied when /DEBUG is specified.

Additionally, LINK performs a full link if any of the following situations occur:

The incremental status (.ilk) file is missing. (LINK creates a new .ilk file in preparation for subsequent incremental linking.)
There is no write permission for the .ilk file. (LINK ignores the .ilk file and links nonincrementally.)
The .exe or .dll output file is missing.
The timestamp of the .ilk, .exe, or .dll is changed.
A LINK option is changed. Most LINK options, when changed between builds, cause a full link.
An object (.obj) file is added or omitted.
An object that was compiled with the /Yu /Z7 option is changed.
To set this linker option in the Visual Studio development environment

Open the project's Property Pages dialog box. For details, see Setting Visual C++ Project Properties.
Click the Linker folder.
Click the General property page.
Modify the Enable Incremental Linking property.
To set this linker option programmatically

