QuickSort two way, three way partition and many other implementations

来源:互联网 发布:目标软件手游 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:10

  Quicksort is so famous which was honored as one of the top 10 algorithms of 20th century in science and engineer. It is use the

divide and conquer strategy. Divde the array into two subarray and recursively sorting the subarray, then combine them together.

Most methods are inplace partition, so the extra memory is small. It is quick if the two sub recursion trees are approximately balanced.

So the pivot figure's choosing is the critical part for the performance. There are many ways to chose the pivot to partition like the median three parition. The duplicate elements is another issue should be considered, this leads to the three way partition algorithm. Quicksort is not stable 

and has too much overhead for tinny subarrays. It can be cutoff to insertion sort for items are less than 10.

Quicksort can also be implemented without recursion, so the stack would be used.  

Quicksort can also can be funny if you want to make fun.

Quicksort T shirt.


Two way quicksort.

package hello.test;public class QuickSort {public void sort(Comparable[] a) {sort(a, 0, a.length - 1);}private void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubif(lo >= hi) return;int piv = partition(a, lo, hi);sort(a, lo, piv - 1);sort(a, piv + 1, hi);}private int partition(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubint i = lo;int j = hi + 1;Comparable v = a[lo];while(true) {while(less(a[++i], v))if(i == hi) break;while(less(v, a[--j]))if(j == lo) break;if(i >= j) break;swap(a, i, j);}swap(a, lo, j);return j;}private void swap(Object[] a, int i, int j) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubObject tmp = a[i];a[i] = a[j];a[j] = tmp;}private boolean less(Comparable v, Comparable w) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn (v.compareTo(w) < 0);}public void print(Comparable[] a) {for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {System.out.print(a[i] + " ");}System.out.println();}/** * @param args */public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubInteger[] a = {1, 5, 4, 3, 6};QuickSort qs = new QuickSort();qs.sort(a);qs.print(a);}}

Three way quicksort


package hello.test;public class Quick3Way {public void sort(Comparable[] a) {sort(a, 0, a.length - 1);}private void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {if(hi <= lo) return;int lt = lo, gt = hi;Comparable v = a[lo];int i = lo;while(i <= gt) {int cmp = a[i].compareTo(v); if(cmp < 0) {swap(a, lt++, i++);} else if(cmp > 0) {swap(a, i, gt--);} else{i++;}}// a[lo..lt-1] < v = a[lt..gt] < a[gt + 1..hi].sort(a, lo, lt - 1);sort(a, gt + 1, hi);}private void swap(Object[] a, int i, int j) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubObject temp = a[i];a[i] = a[j];a[j] = temp;}public void print(Comparable[] a) {for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {System.out.print(a[i] + " ");}System.out.println();}/** * @param args */public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubInteger[] a = {1, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 6};Quick3Way q3w = new Quick3Way();q3w.sort(a);q3w.print(a);}}

C++ implementation.

#include <iostream>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <assert.h>#include <stack>using namespace std;typedef int FIELD;const int DefaultSize = 100;// List element struct definitiontemplate<class Type> struct Element{Type key;FIELD otherdata;};// Data List definitiontemplate<class Type> class DataList{public:// constructorDataList(int maxSize = DefaultSize) : maxSize(maxSize), currentSize(0) {vector = new Element<Type>[maxSize];}// add void add(Type val){if(currentSize < maxSize){vector[currentSize++].key = val;}}// get ith element's keyType getKey(int i){assert(i >= 0 && i <= currentSize);return vector[i].key;}// get ith elmentElement<Type> get(int i){/*if(i >= 0 && i <= currentSize){return vector[i];}return NULL;*/assert(i >= 0 && i <= currentSize);return vector[i];}// set ith element's key to a new value valvoid setKey(int i, Type val){if(i >= 0 && i <= currentSize){return vector[i].key = val;}}// swap two elementvoid swap(Element<Type> &x, Element<Type> &y){Element<Type> temp = x;x = y;y = temp;}// swap elements in i and j of the listvoid swap(int i, int j){Element<Type> temp = vector[i];vector[i] = vector[j];vector[j] = temp;}// get the median index between i, j and (i + j) / 2int median(int i, int j){if(i >= 0 && i <= currentSize && j >= 0 && j <= currentSize){int m = (i + j) / 2;Type first = vector[i].key;Type second = vector[m].key;Type third = vector[j].key;if((first - second) * (third - first ) >= 0){return i;}else if((second - first) * (third - second) >= 0){return m;}else{return j;}}}// print the list keysvoid show(){for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++){cout << vector[i].key << " ";}cout << endl;}private:Element<Type> *vector;// the element listint maxSize;// max size of the vectorint currentSize;// current size of the vector};// Quick Sort class definitiontemplate<class Type> class QuickSort{public:void quickSort_left(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right);void quickSort_right(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right);void quickSort_mid(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right);void quick3Sort(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right);void quickSort(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right);void quickSort_nonrec(DataList<Type> &list, int left, int right);void median3(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high);void push2(int a, int b)// inline function for pushing two numbers {qstack.push(b);qstack.push(a);}private:stack<int> qstack;// used for non recursive quicksortint partition_left(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high);int partition_right(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high);int partition_mid(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high);int partition(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high, const int pivotIndex);};// quick sort implementation, use leftmost element as pivottemplate<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quickSort_left(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right){/*if(left < right){int pivotpos = partition_left(list, left, right);quickSort_left(list, left, pivotpos - 1);quickSort_left(list, pivotpos + 1, right);}*/// this kind of partion is using right pointer outside the rightmost boundary// so when calling to sort, the right parameter should be list rightmost position + 1if(left + 1 < right){Element<Type> pivot = list.get(left);int l = left + 1, r = right;while(l < r){if(list.getKey(l) <= pivot.key){l++;}else{list.swap(l, --r);}}list.swap(--l, left);quickSort_left(list, left, l);quickSort_left(list, r, right);}}// quick sort implementation, use rightmost element as pivottemplate<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quickSort_right(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right){if(left < right){int pivotpos = partition_right(list, left, right);quickSort_right(list, left, pivotpos - 1);quickSort_right(list, pivotpos + 1, right);}}// quick sort implementation, use middle element as pivottemplate<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quickSort_mid(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right){/*if(left < right){int pivotpos = partition_mid(list, left, right);quickSort_mid(list, left, pivotpos - 1);quickSort_mid(list, pivotpos + 1, right);}*//******************************************************// use middle element as pivot and recurse directly.int i = left, j = right;Element<Type> pivot = list.get((left + right) / 2);while(i <= j){while(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){i++;}while(list.getKey(j) > pivot.key){j--;}if(i <= j){list.swap(i, j);i++;j--;}}if(left < j){quickSort_mid(list, left, j);}if(i < right){quickSort_mid(list, i, right);}******************************************************/// partion the list and get the pivot position, a little difference with the previous sortingint pivotpos = partition_mid(list, left, right);if(left < pivotpos - 1){quickSort_mid(list, left, pivotpos - 1);}if(pivotpos < right){quickSort_mid(list, pivotpos, right);}}template<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quickSort(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right){if(left < right){// the median three as pivotint pivotIndex = list.median(left, right);//(left + right) / 2;int pivotpos = partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex);quickSort(list, left, pivotpos - 1);quickSort(list, pivotpos + 1, right);}}/*******************************************************************************************************// quicksort non recursiveThe non-recursive version works by pushing the range of the sub-file to be sorted onto the stack. Both right and left limits are pushed, one on top of the other. When they are popped, the list is partitioned with those limits. This continues until there is no more subfile to be popped off the stack.The program follows the policy of pushing the smaller subfileon top of the larger subfile. Property if the smaller of the two subfiles is sorted first, then the stack never has more than lgN etrieswhen quicksort is used to sort N elements.A lower size subfile on top ensures that the height of the stack will be lower than if the larger subfilehad been on top.*******************************************************************************************************/template<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quickSort_nonrec(DataList<Type> &list, int left, int right){push2(left, right);while(!qstack.empty()){left = qstack.top(); qstack.pop();right = qstack.top(); qstack.pop();if(right <= left) continue;int i = partition_right(list, left, right);if(i - left > right - i){push2(left, i - 1);push2(i + 1, right);}else{push2(i + 1, right);push2(left, i - 1);}}}// use the first elment as pivot to partitiontemplate<class Type> int QuickSort<Type> :: partition_left(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high){/*********************************************************************************int pivotpos = low;Element<Type> pivot = list.get(low);for(int i = low + 1; i <= high; i++){if(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){list.swap(++pivotpos, i);}}list.swap(low, pivotpos);return pivotpos;*********************************************************************************/// use the leftmost element as pivot, left and right side scan simultaneouslyElement<Type> pivot = list.get(low);int i = low, j = high + 1;while(1){while(list.getKey(++i) <= pivot.key && i <= high);while(list.getKey(--j) > pivot.key);if(i >= j) break;list.swap(i, j);}list.swap(low, j);return j;}// use last elment of list as pivot template<class Type> int QuickSort<Type> :: partition_right(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high){/*********************************************************************************// rightint pivotpos = low;list.swap(low, high);Element<Type> pivot = list.get(low);for(int i = low + 1; i <= high; i++){if(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){list.swap(++pivotpos, i);}}list.swap(low, pivotpos);return pivotpos;*********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************//right This partition method is similar to two color DNFint lo = low, hi = high;Element<Type> pivot = list.get(high);while(lo < hi){if(list.getKey(lo) < pivot.key){lo++;}else{hi--;list.swap(lo, hi);}}list.swap(hi, high);return hi;*********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************// rightint i = low;int j = high - 1;Element<Type> pivot = list.get(high);for(; ;){while(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){i++;}while(list.getKey(j) > pivot.key){if(j == 0) break;j--;}if(i >= j){break;}else{list.swap(i, j);}}list.swap(i, high);return i;*********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************// rightElement<Type> pivot = list.get(high);int i = low - 1;int j = high;while(1){while(list.getKey(++i) < pivot.key);while(j > 0 && list.getKey(--j) > pivot.key);if(i < j) {list.swap(i, j);}else{break;}}list.swap(i, high);return i;*********************************************************************************/Element<Type> pivot = list.get(high);int i = low - 1;int j = high;while(i < j){while(list.getKey(++i) < pivot.key);while(j > 0 && list.getKey(--j) > pivot.key);if(i < j) list.swap(i, j);}list.swap(i, high);return i;}// use middle elment of list as pivot template<class Type> int QuickSort<Type> :: partition_mid(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high){/*********************************************************************************//rightint pivotpos = low;int mid = (low + high) / 2;// get the middle element positionlist.swap(low, mid);Element<Type> pivot = list.get(low);// use the middle element as the pivotfor(int i = low + 1; i <= high; i++){if(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){list.swap(++pivotpos, i);}}list.swap(low, pivotpos);return pivotpos;********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************//another implement, left and right side simultaneously scanint mid = (low + high) / 2;list.swap(low, mid);Element<Type> pivot = list.get(low);int lo = low + 1, hi = high;while(lo <= hi){while(list.getKey(hi) > pivot.key){hi--;}while(lo <= hi && list.getKey(lo) <= pivot.key){lo++;}if(lo <= hi){list.swap(lo, hi);lo++;hi--;}}list.swap(low, hi);return hi;*********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************// right, use rightmost element as pivot and switch middle element to rightmostint mid = (low + high) / 2;list.swap(mid, high);Element<Type> pivot = list.get(high);int lo = low;int hi = high - 1;while(lo <= hi){while(lo <= hi && list.getKey(lo) <= pivot.key){lo++;}while(lo <= hi && list.getKey(hi) >= pivot.key){hi--;}if(lo < hi){list.swap(lo, hi);}}list.swap(high, lo);return lo;********************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************// get problem with low + (low + high) / 2int pivotIndex = (low + high) / 2;Element<Type> pivot = list.get(pivotIndex);list.swap(pivotIndex, high);int left = low;int right = low;while(right < high){if(pivot.key <= list.getKey(right)){right++;}else{list.swap(left, right);left++;right++;}}list.swap(left, high);return left;********************************************************************************/// use the middle element as the pivot, when sorting the pivot position should i// should be compared with left bound and right bound to decide the sub array's sortingint i = low, j = high;Element<Type> pivot = list.get((low + high) / 2);while(i <= j){while(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){i++;}while(list.getKey(j) > pivot.key){j--;}if(i <= j){list.swap(i, j);i++;j--;}}return i;}// use pivotIndex to specify the pivot to do the partitiontemplate<class Type> int QuickSort<Type> :: partition(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high, const int pivotIndex){// This partition method is the same as Introduction to Algorithms' and the pivot position can be selectedassert(pivotIndex >= low && pivotIndex <= high);list.swap(pivotIndex, high);// move pivot to end Element<Type> pivot = list.get(high);int storeIndex = low - 1;for(int i = low; i < high; i++){if(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){storeIndex++;list.swap(i, storeIndex);}}list.swap(high, storeIndex + 1);// move pivot to its final placereturn storeIndex + 1;}// swap the list and make the median of left, center and right elementstemplate<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: median3(DataList<Type> &list, const int low, const int high){int mid = (low + high) / 2;if(list.getKey(mid) < list.getKey(low)){list.swap(mid, low);}if(list.getKey(high) < list.getKey(low)){list.swap(high, low);}if(list.getKey(high) < list.getKey(mid)){list.swap(high, mid);}}// 3 way quick sort implementation for the list with duplicated keys which follow the dutch natianal flag routinetemplate<class Type> void QuickSort<Type> :: quick3Sort(DataList<Type> &list, const int left, const int right){if(left < right){int lt = left, gt = right;Element<Type> pivot = list.get(left);int i = left;while(i <= gt){if(list.getKey(i) < pivot.key){list.swap(lt++, i++);}else if(list.getKey(i) > pivot.key){list.swap(i, gt--);}else{i++;}}// [left..lt - 1 | pivot = lt..gt | gt + 1..right]quick3Sort(list, left, lt - 1);quick3Sort(list, gt + 1, right);}}// generate the list for sorting.DataList<int> generateList(int currentSize, int maxSize, int maxBound){srand(time(NULL));DataList<int> list(maxSize);// = new DataList<int>(maxSize);for(int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++){int r = rand() % maxBound + 1;list.add(r);}return list;}int main(){/*srand(time(NULL));int r = rand() % 10 + 1;cout << r << endl;*/DataList<int> list = generateList(10, 20, 100);list.show();/*quickSort1(list, 0, 10);list.show();*/QuickSort<int> qs;//qs.quickSort_left(list, 0, 9);//qs.median3(list, 0, 9);//list.show();qs.quickSort_mid(list, 0, 9);//qs.quickSort_right(list, 0, 9);//qs.quick3Sort(list, 0, 9);//qs.quickSort(list, 0, 9);//qs.quickSort_nonrec(list, 0, 9);list.show();return 0;}/*************************************************************************************Two way partition algorithm:Pick a pivotPut the pivot out of the way(e.g swap it to the end of the array)Do the Dutch flag routine on the rest of the arraySwap the pivot with leftmost blue element.Adaption of the Dutch flag routine.Red which is all the numbers less than the pivotBlue whichi is all numbers greater than or equal to the pivot.Just split int two parts(could have separated numbers which are equal to the pivot - would correspond to white).Loop invariant: everything to the left of the red counter is Red, everythingstarting from the blue counter is Blue. Loop invariant is a property which holdsbefore the loop is executed and after each iteration through the loop.red = l;// set at the left border of the rangeblue = r;// set at the right border where the pivot sitswhile(red < blue){if(arr[red] < pivot){red++;}else{blue--;swap(arr, red, blue);}swap(arr, blue, r)// put the pivot on the borderreturn blue}Three way partition algorithm Let v be partitioning item a[lo]. Scan i from left to right.- a[i] less than v: exchange a[lt] with a[i] and increment both lt and i- a[i] greater than v: exchange a[gt] with a[i] and decrement gt- a[i] equal to v: increment iIt is similar to Three Colour Dutch National Flag problem1. a[1..Lo-1] zeros(red)2. a[Lo..Mid-1] ones(white)3. a[Mid..Hi] unknown4. a[Hi+1..N] twos(blue)Lo = 1; Mid = 1; Hi = N;while(Mid <= Hi)Invariant: a[1..Lo-1] = 0 and a[Lo..Mid-1] = 1 and a[Hi+1..N] = 2; a[Mid..Hi] are unknowncase a[Mid] 0: swap(a[Lo], a[Mid]); Lo++; Mid++1: Mid++;2: swap(a[Mid], a[Hi]); Hi--;****************************************************************************************/