
来源:互联网 发布:vb中index是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 01:37
#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <string.h>#define MaxSize 50#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0typedef int BOOL;typedef struct student {  char num[9];  char name[9];  char sex[5];  float score;}student;typedef student T ;typedef struct {  int Size;  int MaxList;  T Element[MaxSize];}List;List* initial() {    List *lst;    lst=(List *)malloc(sizeof(List));    return lst;}void CreateList(List *lst, int maxsize) {   lst->Size = 0;   lst->MaxList = maxsize;}BOOL Append(List *lst,T x){  if(lst->Size > lst->MaxList) {      printf("Out of Data!");      return FALSE;  }  strcpy(lst->Element[lst->Size].num, x.num);  strcpy(lst->Element[lst->Size].name, x.name);  strcpy(lst->Element[lst->Size].sex, x.sex);  lst->Element[lst->Size].score = x.score;  lst->Size++;  return TRUE;}BOOL IsFull(List* lst) {   if(lst->Size==lst->MaxList)        return TRUE;   else        return FALSE;}BOOL Insert(List* lst, int pos, T x) {    int i;   if ( IsFull(lst)){       printf("Overflow"); return FALSE;   }   if ( pos<0 || pos > lst->Size){       printf("Out of Bounds");       return FALSE;    }   for ( i=lst->Size-1;  i>=pos;  i-- ) {       lst->Element[i+1] = lst->Element[i];   }  strcpy(lst->Element[pos].num, x.num);  //字符;  strcpy(lst->Element[pos].name, x.name);  strcpy(lst->Element[pos].sex, x.sex);  lst->Element[pos].score = x.score;   lst->Size++;   return TRUE; } BOOL Remove(List* lst, int pos) {    int i;    if(pos>=0 && pos <= lst->Size-1) {        for(i = pos; i < lst->Size-1; i++ ) {            lst->Element[i] = lst->Element[i+1];        }        lst->Size = lst->Size -1;    }    else {        printf("要删除的位置不合法!\n");    }    return 0; } BOOL Replace(List* lst, int pos, T x) {     if(pos >= 0 && pos <= lst->Size) {        lst->Element[pos] = x;        printf("替换成功!\n");     }     else {        printf("输入的信息不合法\n");     }     return 0; } void Find(List* lst, int pos) {    if(pos>=0 && pos <= lst->Size-1) {        printf("find it!\n");    } }void output(List *lst, int j) {    printf("%-10s%-10s%-10s%6f\n",lst->Element[j].num, lst->Element[j].name, lst->Element[j].sex,lst->Element[j].score);} void Loc(List* lst, char *a) {     int i;     for(i = 0; i < lst->Size-1; i++) {        if(!strcmp(lst->Element[i].num , a)) {            output(lst, i);break;        }     } }void Show(List *lst) {  int i;  printf("数据表中记录条数为:%d\n",lst->Size);  printf("____________________________________________________________________\n");  for(i=0; i < lst->Size; i++) {      printf("%-10s%-10s%-10s%6f\n",lst->Element[i].num, lst->Element[i].name, lst->Element[i].sex,lst->Element[i].score);      printf("____________________________________________________________________\n");  }}void input( T*  stemp ) {    printf("学号:");    scanf("%s", stemp->num);    printf("姓名:");    scanf("%s", stemp->name);    printf("性别:");    scanf("%s", stemp->sex);    printf("成绩:");    scanf("%f", &stemp->score);}int main(){  List *L;  int i, pos, maxsize;  int loc = 0;  char sf;  char num[10];  T*  stemp;  stemp = (T *)malloc(sizeof(T));  L = initial();  maxsize = MaxSize;  CreateList(L, maxsize);  printf("请输入所选择的功能代码:\n");  printf("1-Append   2-Show   3-Insert  4-Remove  5-Replace \n");  printf("6-find  7-Locate 0-Exit\n");  scanf("%d", &i);  do{    switch(i) {      case 1:          printf("请输入学生信息:\n");          input(stemp);          if (Append(L,*stemp)==TRUE) {              printf("添加数据成功!");          }          else {              printf("添加数据失败!");          }          break;      case 2:          Show(L);          break;      case 3:          printf("您要在哪个位置插入记录?");          scanf("%d",&pos);          printf("请输入您要插入的学生记录:\n");          printf("请输入学生信息:\n");          input(stemp);          Insert( L, pos, *stemp );          Show(L);          break;      case 4:           printf("请输入要删除学生的位置:\n");           scanf("%d", &loc);           Remove( L, loc );           Show( L );           break;      case 5:            printf("请输入您要替换的位置:\n");            scanf("%d", &loc);            input(stemp);            Replace( L, loc, *stemp );            Show(L);            break;      case 6:            printf("请输入要查找第几个学生的信息:\n");            scanf("%d", &loc);            Find( L, loc-1 );            output(L, loc-1);            break;      case 7:            printf("请输入要查找学生的学号:\n");            scanf("%s", num);            Loc(L, num);      default:break;    }      if (i!=0){          printf("是否继续?(Y/N)");          getchar();          scanf("%c", &sf);          if (sf=='N'||sf=='n') {                break;          }          printf("请输入所选择的功能代码:\n");          scanf("%d",&i);      }  }while(i);  return 0;}
