
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网65平开窗传动器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:22
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <strsafe.h> #define CONNECTING_STATE 0 #define READING_STATE 1 #define WRITING_STATE 2 #define INSTANCES 4 #define PIPE_TIMEOUT 5000#define BUFSIZE 4096
 typedef struct {    OVERLAPPED oOverlap;    HANDLE hPipeInst;    TCHAR chRequest[BUFSIZE];    DWORD cbRead;   TCHAR chReply[BUFSIZE];   DWORD cbToWrite;    DWORD dwState;    BOOL fPendingIO; } PIPEINST, *LPPIPEINST; 
  int _tmain(VOID) {    DWORD i, dwWait, cbRet, dwErr;    BOOL fSuccess;    LPTSTR lpszPipename = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\mynamedpipe");  // The initial loop creates several instances of a named pipe // along with an event object for each instance.  An // overlapped ConnectNamedPipe operation is started for // each instance.     for (i = 0; i < INSTANCES; i++)    {     // Create an event object for this instance.        hEvents[i] = CreateEvent(NULL,    // default security attribute                 TRUE,    // manual-reset event                                TRUE,    // initial state = signaled                                NULL);   // unnamed event object       if (hEvents[i] == NULL)       {         printf("CreateEvent failed with %d.\n", GetLastError());          return 0;      }       Pipe[i].oOverlap.hEvent = hEvents[i];        Pipe[i].hPipeInst = CreateNamedPipe(
lpszPipename,   // pipe name          PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX |     // read/write access          FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,    // overlapped mode          PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE |      // message-type pipe          PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE |  // message-read mode          PIPE_WAIT,               // blocking mode          INSTANCES,               // number of instances          BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR),   // output buffer size          BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR),   // input buffer size          PIPE_TIMEOUT,            // client time-out          NULL);           // default security attributes       if (Pipe[i].hPipeInst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)       {         printf("CreateNamedPipe failed with %d.\n", GetLastError());         return 0;      }    // Call the subroutine to connect to the new client       Pipe[i].fPendingIO = ConnectToNewClient(Pipe[i].hPipeInst,                &Pipe[i].oOverlap);        Pipe[i].dwState = Pipe[i].fPendingIO ?          CONNECTING_STATE : // still connecting          READING_STATE;     // ready to read    } 
    while (1)    {    // Wait for the event object to be signaled, indicating    // completion of an overlapped read, write, or    // connect operation.        dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(INSTANCES,    // number of event objects                hEvents,      // array of event objects                FALSE,        // does not wait for all                INFINITE);    // waits indefinitely 
    // dwWait shows which pipe completed the operation.        i = dwWait - WAIT_OBJECT_0;  // determines which pipe       if (i < 0 || i > (INSTANCES - 1))       {         printf("Index out of range.\n");          return 0;      }
    // Get the result if the operation was pending.        if (Pipe[i].fPendingIO)       {          fSuccess = GetOverlappedResult(Pipe[i].hPipeInst, // handle to pipe               &Pipe[i].oOverlap, // OVERLAPPED structure               &cbRet,            // bytes transferred               FALSE);            // do not wait           switch (Pipe[i].dwState)          {          // Pending connect operation             case CONNECTING_STATE:                if (! fSuccess)                {                   printf("Error %d.\n", GetLastError());                    return 0;               }               Pipe[i].dwState = READING_STATE;                break;           // Pending read operation             case READING_STATE:                if (! fSuccess || cbRet == 0)                {                   DisconnectAndReconnect(i);                   continue;                }                Pipe[i].dwState = WRITING_STATE;                break;           // Pending write operation             case WRITING_STATE:                if (! fSuccess || cbRet != Pipe[i].cbToWrite)                {                   DisconnectAndReconnect(i);                   continue;                }                Pipe[i].dwState = READING_STATE;                break;              default:             {               printf("Invalid pipe state.\n");                return 0;            }         }        } 
    // The pipe state determines which operation to do next.        switch (Pipe[i].dwState)       {       // READING_STATE:       // The pipe instance is connected to the client       // and is ready to read a request from the client.           case READING_STATE:             fSuccess = ReadFile(Pipe[i].hPipeInst,                Pipe[i].chRequest,                BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR),                &Pipe[i].cbRead,                &Pipe[i].oOverlap);           // The read operation completed successfully.              if (fSuccess && Pipe[i].cbRead != 0)             {                Pipe[i].fPendingIO = FALSE;                Pipe[i].dwState = WRITING_STATE;                continue;             }           // The read operation is still pending.              dwErr = GetLastError();             if (! fSuccess && (dwErr == ERROR_IO_PENDING))             {                Pipe[i].fPendingIO = TRUE;                continue;             }           // An error occurred; disconnect from the client.              DisconnectAndReconnect(i);             break;        // WRITING_STATE:       // The request was successfully read from the client.       // Get the reply data and write it to the client.           case WRITING_STATE:             GetAnswerToRequest(&Pipe[i]);              fSuccess = WriteFile(Pipe[i].hPipeInst,                 Pipe[i].chReply,                 Pipe[i].cbToWrite,                 &cbRet,                 &Pipe[i].oOverlap);           // The write operation completed successfully.              if (fSuccess && cbRet == Pipe[i].cbToWrite)             {                Pipe[i].fPendingIO = FALSE;                Pipe[i].dwState = READING_STATE;                continue;             }           // The write operation is still pending.              dwErr = GetLastError();             if (! fSuccess && (dwErr == ERROR_IO_PENDING))             {                Pipe[i].fPendingIO = TRUE;                continue;             }           // An error occurred; disconnect from the client.              DisconnectAndReconnect(i);             break;           default:          {            printf("Invalid pipe state.\n");             return 0;         }      }   }    return 0; } 
  // DisconnectAndReconnect(DWORD) // This function is called when an error occurs or when the client // closes its handle to the pipe. Disconnect from this client, then // call ConnectNamedPipe to wait for another client to connect.  VOID DisconnectAndReconnect(DWORD i) { // Disconnect the pipe instance.     if (! DisconnectNamedPipe(Pipe[i].hPipeInst) )    {      printf("DisconnectNamedPipe failed with %d.\n", GetLastError());   } // Call a subroutine to connect to the new client.     Pipe[i].fPendingIO = ConnectToNewClient(Pipe[i].hPipeInst,          &Pipe[i].oOverlap);     Pipe[i].dwState = Pipe[i].fPendingIO ?       CONNECTING_STATE : // still connecting       READING_STATE;     // ready to read } 
 // ConnectToNewClient(HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED) // This function is called to start an overlapped connect operation. // It returns TRUE if an operation is pending or FALSE if the // connection has been completed.  BOOL ConnectToNewClient(HANDLE hPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpo) {    BOOL fConnected, fPendingIO = FALSE;  // Start an overlapped connection for this pipe instance.    fConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, lpo);  // Overlapped ConnectNamedPipe should return zero.    if (fConnected)    {      printf("ConnectNamedPipe failed with %d.\n", GetLastError());       return 0;   }    switch (GetLastError())    {    // The overlapped connection in progress.       case ERROR_IO_PENDING:          fPendingIO = TRUE;          break;     // Client is already connected, so signal an event.        case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED:          if (SetEvent(lpo->hEvent))             break;     // If an error occurs during the connect operation...       default:       {         printf("ConnectNamedPipe failed with %d.\n", GetLastError());         return 0;      }   }     return fPendingIO; }VOID GetAnswerToRequest(LPPIPEINST pipe){   _tprintf( TEXT("[%d] %s\n"), pipe->hPipeInst, pipe->chRequest);   StringCchCopy( pipe->chReply, BUFSIZE, TEXT("Default answer from server") );   pipe->cbToWrite = (lstrlen(pipe->chReply)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR);}