
来源:互联网 发布:少女前线数据没了 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 07:16
/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: kathleen * Date: 12-12-16 * Time: 下午1:10 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */function Cire(config,values){    this.x = config.x ? config.x:0;    this.y = config.y ? config.y:0;    this.w = config.w ? config.w :80;    this.h = config.h ? config.h :40;    this.c_x = this.x;    this.c_y = this.y+this.h/2; ="name"; ="id";    cxt = document.getElementById("canvas");    cxt = cxt.getContext("2d");    this.draw = function(h){        if(this.l_w){            cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);            cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.l_w,this.y-this.l_w,this.w+ 2*this.l_w,this.h+ 2*this.l_w);        }        if(h){            this.y = this.y + h;        }        this.l_w = cxt.lineWidth;        cxt.beginPath();        cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);        cxt.rect(this.x,this.y,this.w,this.h);        cxt.stroke();        cxt.fillStyle = "red";        cxt.font = "normal 20px 宋体";        cxt.textAlign="center";        cxt.textBaseline="middle";        cxt.fillText(, this.x+ this.w/2,this.y+ this.h/2);        cxt.closePath();        return this.h;    }    this.clear = function(){      cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);            cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.l_w,this.y-this.l_w,this.w+ 2*this.l_w,this.h+ 2*this.l_w);    }    this.isBelong= function(x,y){        var s_x = this.x;        var s_y = this.y;        var e_x = this.x + this.w;        var e_y  = this.y + this.h;        if(x > s_x && x < e_x && y > s_y && y < e_y){            return {,};        }        return false;    }}function RidCire(config,values){    this.x = config.x ? config.x:0;    this.y = config.y ? config.y:0;    this.w = config.w ? config.w :80;    this.h = config.h ? config.h :40;    this.c_x = this.x;    this.c_y = this.y + this.h/2;    this.r = config.r ? config.r : 10; = ? : "name"; = ? : "id";    this.draw=function(h){        if(this.l_w){            cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);            cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.l_w,this.y-this.l_w,this.w+ 2*this.l_w,this.h+ 2*this.l_w);        }        if(h){            this.y = this.y + h;        }        this.l_w = cxt.lineWidth;        cxt.beginPath();        cxt.moveTo(this.x+this.r,this.y);        cxt.lineTo(this.w+this.x-this.r,this.y);        cxt.quadraticCurveTo(this.w+this.x,this.y, this.w+this.x, this.y+this.r);        cxt.lineTo(this.w+this.x,this.h+this.y -this.r);        cxt.quadraticCurveTo(this.w+this.x,this.h+this.y, this.w+this.x-this.r, this.h+this.y);        cxt.lineTo(this.x+this.r,this.h+ this.y);        cxt.quadraticCurveTo(this.x,this.h+this.y, this.x, this.h+this.y -this.r);        cxt.lineTo(this.x,this.y+this.r);        cxt.quadraticCurveTo(this.x,this.y,this.x+this.r,this.y);        cxt.closePath();        cxt.fillStyle = "red";        cxt.font = "normal 20px 宋体";        cxt.textAlign="center";        cxt.textBaseline="middle";        cxt.fillText(, this.x+ this.w/2,this.y+ this.h/2);        cxt.stroke();        return this.h;    }    this.isBelong= function(x,y){        var s_x = this.x;        var s_y = this.y;        var e_x = this.x + this.w;        var e_y  = this.y + this.h;        if(x > s_x && x < e_x && y > s_y && y < e_y){            return {,};        }        return false;    }}function Line(config){    this.x= config.x? config.x:0;    this.y = config.y? config.y:0;    this.e_x = config.e_x ? config.e_x:0;    this.e_y = config.e_y ? config.e_y:0;    this.draw = function(config){        if(this.l_w){             cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);           if(this.x == this.e_x){             cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.l_w,this.y,this.l_w*2,this.e_y-this.y);           }           if(this.y == this.e_y){               cxt.clearRect(this.x,this.y-this.l_w,this.e_x-this.x,this.l_w*2);           }        }        if(config){            if(config.h){                this.y = this.y + config.h;                this.e_y = this.e_y + config.h;            }            if(config.w){                this.x = this.x + config.w;                this.e_x = this.e_x + config.w;            }        }        this.l_w = cxt.lineWidth;        cxt.beginPath();        cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);        cxt.lineTo(this.e_x,this.e_y);        cxt.closePath();        cxt.stroke();    }}function ArcAdd(config){    this.x = config.x ? config.x:0;    this.y = config.y ? config.y:0;    this.r = config.r ? config.r:0;    this.R = config.R ? config.R : 0;    this.lineWidth = cxt.lineWidth;    this.draw= function(h){        this.clear();        this.y = h ?this.y + h: this.y;        cxt.beginPath();        cxt.arc(this.x,this.y,this.r,0,2*Math.PI,false);        cxt.closePath();        var x = this.x - this.R/2;        cxt.moveTo(x,this.y);        cxt.lineTo(this.x+ this.R/2,this.y);        cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y-this.R/2);        cxt.lineTo(this.x,this.y+ this.R/2);        cxt.stroke();    }    this.clear = function(){        cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.r- this.lineWidth,this.y-this.r- this.lineWidth,2*this.r+2*this.lineWidth,2*this.r+2*this.lineWidth);//清除圆,所以w = r    }    this.isBelong = function(x,y){        var s_x = this.x-this.r/2;        var s_y = this.y-this.r/2;        var e_x = this.x + this.r/2;;        var e_y  = this.y + this.r/2;        if(x > s_x && x < e_x && y > s_y && y < e_y){            return true;        }        return false;    }}function ArcSub(config){    this.x = config.x ? config.x:0;    this.y = config.y ? config.y:0;    this.r = config.r ? config.r:0;    this.R = config.R ? config.R : 0;    this.lineWidth = cxt.lineWidth;    this.draw= function(h){        this.clear();        this.y = h ?this.y + h: this.y;        cxt.beginPath();        cxt.arc(this.x,this.y,this.r,0,2*Math.PI,false);        cxt.closePath();        var x = this.x - this.R/2;        cxt.moveTo(x,this.y);        cxt.lineTo(this.x+ this.R/2,this.y);        cxt.stroke();    }    this.clear = function(){        cxt.clearRect(this.x-this.r- this.lineWidth,this.y-this.r- this.lineWidth,2*this.r+2*this.lineWidth,2*this.r+2*this.lineWidth);//清除圆,所以w = r    }    this.isBelong = function(x,y){        var s_x = this.x-this.r/2;        var s_y = this.y-this.r/2;        var e_x = this.x + this.r/2;;        var e_y  = this.y + this.r/2;        if(x > s_x && x < e_x && y > s_y && y < e_y){            return true;        }        return false;    }}function ARCLine(option){//弧线option = option?option:{}; this.x = option.x ? option.x:10;this.y = option.y ? option.y:50;this.e_x = option.e_x ? option.e_x : 100;this.e_y = option.e_y ? option.e_y : 10;this.c_x = option.c_x ? option.c_x : this.e_x/2;//中间近制点默认为终点的X/2this.c_y = option.c_y ? option.c_y : this.e_y;//中间Y轴点为终点水平一致this.draw = function(h){//type为bool值,如果type为true时,则闪闪单点下移,包括控制点,返回整 体下移if(h){this.e_y = this.e_y + h;this.c_y = this.c_y + h;}cxt.moveTo(this.x,this.y);cxt.quadraticCurveTo(this.c_x, this.c_y, this.e_x, this.e_y); cxt.stroke();}this.getRange=function(){//返咽的是矩形区域,方便清除var x ;var y ;var e_x;var e_y;if(this.y>this.e_y){x = this.x;y = this.e_y;e_x = this.e_x;e_y = this.y;return {x:x,y:y,e_x:e_x,e_y:e_y};} x = this.x;y = this.y;e_x = this.e_x;e_y = this.e_y;return {x:x,y:y,e_x:e_x,e_y:e_y};}}

刚刚学HTML5,在这想用HTML画图特性,画一个组织架构图。目前开发完毕所有组件,无非就是封装了一些画矩形的类,图圈的类。先上代码看下吧。写得不好,我懂,这只是初版 ,以上组件开发完毕,将是组合起来开发图纸。明天上一个版本,大家学习一下。上面封闭了画矩形,画圆角矩形,画曲线。画圆等等。先看下效果图吧。上面都可点击的。要花几天组起来。
