Pragmatic Thinking Learning笔记

来源:互联网 发布:蛀牙漱口水 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:27


Software isn't designed in an IDE or other tool. It's imagined and created in out heads.

Two most important modern skills are these:

a.Communication skills.

b.Learning and thinking skills.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Always consider the context: Everything is interconnected.Everything forms one immense, interconnected system of reality.Nothing exists in isolation;everything is part of the system and part of a large context.Small thing can have unexpecctedly large effects.

Every good journey begins with a map or a plan.


2.Journey from Novice to Expert.

Any given team likey has members at widely different skill levels and can't be treated as a homogeneous set of replaceable resources.

Expert shef konws the subtle difference between just enough and "too much" depending on the humidity.

Five Dreyfus Model Stages:

stage1: Novices. They need context-free rules to follow.Novices don't particularly want to learn; they just want to accomplish an immediate goal.They face the problem of not knowing which rules are most relevant in a given situation.And when something unexpected comes up,they will be completely frustrated.


stage2:Advanced Beginners.They can start to break away from the fixed rule set a little bit.The can try tasks on their own,but they still have difficulty troubleshooting.The want information fast,for instance, you may feel like this when you're learning a new language or API and you find yourself scanning the documentation quickly looking for that one method signature or set of arguments.They can start using advice in the correct contex, based ont similar situations they're exprerienced in the recent past but just before.You might see this sort of reaction when the CEO calls an all-hands meeting and presents charts and figures showing sales projections and such.Many of the less experienced staff will tend to dismiss it as no being relevant to their individual job.Advanced Beginners don't want the big picture.


stage3: Competent.Their work is based more on deliberate planning and past experience.Without more experience, they'll still have trouble trying to determine which details to focus on when problem solving.


stage4:Proficient.They need big picture. The wiill seek out and want to understand the larger conceptual framework around this skill.They can correct previous poor task performance.The can also learn from the experience of others.

They know the maxim(格言).They have the experience and the judgement to understand what this maxim means in context.And what it doesn't work out that way, they know what needs to change.It becomes apparent to them which plans need to be discarded and what needs to be done instead.


stage5: Expert.They know the differences between irrelevant details and the very important details,perhaps not on a conscious level, but the experts know which details to focus on and which details can be safely ignored.They are very good at trageted,focused pattern matching.

Experts work on intuition.

 For novice to experts you need  practice.

 Learning phases:




In system thinking, as in object-oriented programming, it's often the relationships between  things that are interesting,not the things themselves.These relationships help form the context that makes all the difference.

