hsqldb源码分析系列3 执行引擎分析 插入过程分析

来源:互联网 发布:网络热词2017 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:00





 public Result executeCompiledStatement(Statement cs, Object[] pvals) {        Result r;        if (abortTransaction) {            rollback(false);            return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001));        }        if (sessionContext.depth > 0) {            if (sessionContext.noSQL.booleanValue()                    || cs.isAutoCommitStatement()) {                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_46000));            }        }        if (cs.isAutoCommitStatement()) {            if (isReadOnly()) {                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25006));            }            try {                /** special autocommit for backward compatibility */                commit(false);            } catch (HsqlException e) {                database.logger.logInfoEvent("Exception at commit");            }        }        sessionContext.currentStatement = cs;        boolean isTX = cs.isTransactionStatement();        if (!isTX) {            if (database.logger.getSqlEventLogLevel()                    >= SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL) {                sessionContext.setDynamicArguments(pvals);                database.logger.logStatementEvent(this, cs, pvals,                                                  SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL);            }            r                               = cs.execute(this);            sessionContext.currentStatement = null;            return r;        }        while (true) {            actionIndex = rowActionList.size();            database.txManager.beginAction(this, cs);            cs = sessionContext.currentStatement;            if (cs == null) {                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_07502));            }            if (abortTransaction) {                rollback(false);                sessionContext.currentStatement = null;                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001));            }            try {                latch.await();            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                abortTransaction = true;            }            if (abortTransaction) {                rollback(false);                sessionContext.currentStatement = null;                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001));            }            database.txManager.beginActionResume(this);            //        tempActionHistory.add("sql execute " + cs.sql + " " + actionTimestamp + " " + rowActionList.size());            sessionContext.setDynamicArguments(pvals);            if (database.logger.getSqlEventLogLevel()                    >= SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL) {                database.logger.logStatementEvent(this, cs, pvals,                                                  SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL);            }            r             = cs.execute(this);            lockStatement = sessionContext.currentStatement;            //        tempActionHistory.add("sql execute end " + actionTimestamp + " " + rowActionList.size());            endAction(r);            if (abortTransaction) {                rollback(false);                sessionContext.currentStatement = null;                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(r.getException(),                        ErrorCode.X_40001, null));            }            if (redoAction) {                redoAction = false;                try {                    latch.await();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    abortTransaction = true;                }            } else {                break;            }        }        if (sessionContext.depth == 0                && (sessionContext.isAutoCommit.booleanValue()                    || cs.isAutoCommitStatement())) {            try {                if (r.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) {                    rollback(false);                } else {                    commit(false);                }            } catch (Exception e) {                sessionContext.currentStatement = null;                return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001,                        e));            }        }        sessionContext.currentStatement = null;        return r;    }

   database.txManager.beginAction(this, cs); 事务执行开始阶段, 这里事务处理用简单的方式进行处理,



   /**     * add session to the end of queue when a transaction starts     * (depending on isolation mode)     */    public void beginAction(Session session, Statement cs) {        if (session.isTransaction) {            return;        }        if (cs == null) {            return;        }        writeLock.lock();        try {            if (cs.getCompileTimestamp()                    < database.schemaManager.getSchemaChangeTimestamp()) {                cs = session.statementManager.getStatement(session, cs);                session.sessionContext.currentStatement = cs;                if (cs == null) {                    return;                }            }            session.isPreTransaction = true;            if (!isLockedMode && !cs.isCatalogLock()) {                return;            }            beginActionTPL(session, cs);        } finally {            writeLock.unlock();        }    }


    void lockTablesTPL(Session session, Statement cs) {        if (cs == null || session.abortTransaction) {            return;        }        HsqlName[] nameList = cs.getTableNamesForWrite();        for (int i = 0; i < nameList.length; i++) {            HsqlName name = nameList[i];            if (name.schema == SqlInvariants.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_HSQLNAME) {                continue;            }            tableWriteLocks.put(name, session);        }        nameList = cs.getTableNamesForRead();        for (int i = 0; i < nameList.length; i++) {            HsqlName name = nameList[i];            if (name.schema == SqlInvariants.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_HSQLNAME) {                continue;            }            tableReadLocks.put(name, session);        }    }

  执行过程 r             = cs.execute(this);



 Result getResult(Session session) {        Result          resultOut          = null;        RowSetNavigator generatedNavigator = null;        PersistentStore store              = baseTable.getRowStore(session);        int             count;        if (generatedIndexes != null) {            resultOut = Result.newUpdateCountResult(generatedResultMetaData,                    0);            generatedNavigator = resultOut.getChainedResult().getNavigator();        }        if (isSimpleInsert) {            Type[] colTypes = baseTable.getColumnTypes();            Object[] data = getInsertData(session, colTypes,                                          insertExpression.nodes[0].nodes);            return insertSingleRow(session, store, data);        }        RowSetNavigator newDataNavigator = queryExpression == null                                           ? getInsertValuesNavigator(session)                                           : getInsertSelectNavigator(session);        count = newDataNavigator.getSize();        if (count > 0) {            insertRowSet(session, generatedNavigator, newDataNavigator);        }        if (baseTable.triggerLists[Trigger.INSERT_AFTER].length > 0) {            baseTable.fireTriggers(session, Trigger.INSERT_AFTER,                                   newDataNavigator);        }        if (resultOut == null) {            resultOut = new Result(ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT, count);        } else {            resultOut.setUpdateCount(count);        }        if (count == 0) {            session.addWarning(HsqlException.noDataCondition);        }        return resultOut;    }

 PersistentStore store              = baseTable.getRowStore(session);就是获取这个表对应的内存存储


     终于来到 insertSingleRow插入一条记录操作了





 Result insertSingleRow(Session session, PersistentStore store,                           Object[] data) {        if (baseTable.triggerLists[Trigger.INSERT_BEFORE_ROW].length > 0) {            baseTable.fireTriggers(session, Trigger.INSERT_BEFORE_ROW, null,                                   data, null);        }        baseTable.insertSingleRow(session, store, data, null);        performIntegrityChecks(session, baseTable, null, data, null);        if (session.database.isReferentialIntegrity()) {            for (int i = 0, size = baseTable.fkConstraints.length; i < size;                    i++) {                baseTable.fkConstraints[i].checkInsert(session, baseTable,                                                       data, true);            }        }        if (baseTable.triggerLists[Trigger.INSERT_AFTER_ROW].length > 0) {            baseTable.fireTriggers(session, Trigger.INSERT_AFTER_ROW, null,                                   data, null);        }        if (baseTable.triggerLists[Trigger.INSERT_AFTER].length > 0) {            baseTable.fireTriggers(session, Trigger.INSERT_AFTER,                                   (RowSetNavigator) null);        }        return Result.updateOneResult;    }


  /**     *  Mid level method for inserting single rows. Performs constraint checks and     *  fires row level triggers.     */    Row insertSingleRow(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data,                        int[] changedCols) {        if (identityColumn != -1) {            setIdentityColumn(session, data);        }        if (hasGeneratedValues) {            setGeneratedColumns(session, data);        }        if (hasDomainColumns || hasNotNullColumns) {            enforceRowConstraints(session, data);        }        if (isView) {            // may have domain column            return null;        }        Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, true);        session.addInsertAction(this, store, row, changedCols);        return row;    }



    /**     * If there is an identity column in the table, sets     * the value and/or adjusts the identiy value for the table.     */    protected void setIdentityColumn(Session session, Object[] data) {        if (identityColumn != -1) {            Number id = (Number) data[identityColumn];            if (identitySequence.getName() == null) {                if (id == null) {                    id = (Number) identitySequence.getValueObject();                    data[identityColumn] = id;                } else {                    identitySequence.userUpdate(id.longValue());                }            } else {                if (id == null) {                    id = (Number) session.sessionData.getSequenceValue(                        identitySequence);                    data[identityColumn] = id;                }            }            if (session != null) {                session.setLastIdentity(id);            }        }    }

 setGeneratedColumns 处理有表达式的列数据生成规则,

    public void setGeneratedColumns(Session session, Object[] data) {        if (hasGeneratedValues) {            for (int i = 0; i < colGenerated.length; i++) {                if (colGenerated[i]) {                    Expression e = getColumn(i).getGeneratingExpression();                    RangeIteratorBase range =                        session.sessionContext.getCheckIterator(                            getDefaultRanges()[0]);                    range.currentData = data;                    data[i]           = e.getValue(session, colTypes[i]);                }            }        }    }

 enforceRowConstraints(session, data); 处理列的约束,如果整数是否超过限制等


    /**     *  Enforce max field sizes according to SQL column definition.     *  SQL92 13.8     */    public void enforceRowConstraints(Session session, Object[] data) {        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {            Type         type = colTypes[i];            ColumnSchema column;            if (hasDomainColumns && type.isDomainType()) {                Constraint[] constraints =                    type.userTypeModifier.getConstraints();                column = getColumn(i);                for (int j = 0; j < constraints.length; j++) {                    constraints[j].checkCheckConstraint(session, this, column,                                                        (Object) data[i]);                }            }            if (colNotNull[i] && data[i] == null) {                String     constraintName;                Constraint c = getNotNullConstraintForColumn(i);                if (c == null) {                    if (ArrayUtil.find(this.primaryKeyCols, i) > -1) {                        c = this.getPrimaryConstraint();                    }                }                constraintName = c == null ? ""                                           : c.getName().name;                column         = getColumn(i);                String[] info = new String[] {                    constraintName, tableName.statementName,                    column.getName().statementName                };                throw Error.error(null, ErrorCode.X_23502,                                  ErrorCode.COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, info);            }        }    }


Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, true); 申请内存空间


    public CachedObject getNewCachedObject(Session session, Object object,                                           boolean tx) {        int id;        synchronized (this) {            id = rowIdSequence++;        }        Row row = new RowAVL(table, (Object[]) object, id, this);        if (tx) {            RowAction action = new RowAction(session, table,                                             RowAction.ACTION_INSERT, row,                                             null);            row.rowAction = action;        }        return row;    }

             RowAction action = new RowAction(session, table,

                                             RowAction.ACTION_INSERT, row,


    表操作Represents the chain of insert / delete / rollback / commit actions on a row.


    插入之前做的事情太多了,session.addInsertAction(this, store, row, changedCols); 终于来到操作插入的过程了。


    public void addInsertAction(Session session, Table table,                                PersistentStore store, Row row,                                int[] changedColumns) {        RowAction action = row.rowAction;        if (action == null) {/*            System.out.println("null insert action " + session + " "                               + session.actionTimestamp);*/            throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR,                                     "null insert action ");        }        store.indexRow(session, row);        session.rowActionList.add(action);        row.rowAction = null;    }

      用AVL tree保存表的数据信息,索引而且每个节点保存数据,普通的AVL数操作,插入过程还加了写锁


  /**     * Insert a node into the index     */    public void insert(Session session, PersistentStore store, Row row) {        NodeAVL        n;        NodeAVL        x;        boolean        isleft        = true;        int            compare       = -1;        final Object[] rowData       = row.getData();        boolean        compareRowId  = !isUnique || hasNulls(session, rowData);        boolean        compareSimple = isSimple;        writeLock.lock();        try {            n = getAccessor(store);            x = n;            if (n == null) {                store.setAccessor(this, ((RowAVL) row).getNode(position));                return;            }            while (true) {                Row currentRow = n.row;                compare = 0;                if (compareSimple) {                    compare =                        colTypes[0].compare(session, rowData[colIndex[0]],                                            currentRow.getData()[colIndex[0]]);                    if (compare == 0 && compareRowId) {                        compare = compareRowForInsertOrDelete(session, row,                                                              currentRow,                                                              compareRowId, 1);                    }                } else {                    compare = compareRowForInsertOrDelete(session, row,                                                          currentRow,                                                          compareRowId, 0);                }                // after the first match and check, all compares are with row id                if (compare == 0 && session != null && !compareRowId                        && session.database.txManager.isMVRows()) {                    if (!isEqualReadable(session, store, n)) {                        compareRowId = true;                        compare = compareRowForInsertOrDelete(session, row,                                                              currentRow,                                                              compareRowId,                                                              colIndex.length);                    }                }                if (compare == 0) {                    if (isConstraint) {                        Constraint c =                            ((Table) table).getUniqueConstraintForIndex(this);                        throw c.getException(row.getData());                    } else {                        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23505,                                          name.statementName);                    }                }                isleft = compare < 0;                x      = n;                n      = isleft ? x.nLeft                                : x.nRight;                if (n == null) {                    break;                }            }            x = x.set(store, isleft, ((RowAVL) row).getNode(position));            balance(store, x, isleft);        } finally {            writeLock.unlock();        }    }



 /**     * Balances part of the tree after an alteration to the index.     */    void balance(PersistentStore store, NodeAVL x, boolean isleft) {        while (true) {            int sign = isleft ? 1                              : -1;            switch (x.iBalance * sign) {                case 1 :                    x.iBalance = 0;                    return;                case 0 :                    x.iBalance = -sign;                    break;                case -1 :                    NodeAVL l = isleft ? x.nLeft                                       : x.nRight;                    if (l.iBalance == -sign) {                        x.replace(store, this, l);                        x.set(store, isleft, l.child(store, !isleft));                        l.set(store, !isleft, x);                        x.iBalance = 0;                        l.iBalance = 0;                    } else {                        NodeAVL r = !isleft ? l.nLeft                                            : l.nRight;                        x.replace(store, this, r);                        l.set(store, !isleft, r.child(store, isleft));                        r.set(store, isleft, l);                        x.set(store, isleft, r.child(store, !isleft));                        r.set(store, !isleft, x);                        int rb = r.iBalance;                        x.iBalance = (rb == -sign) ? sign                                                   : 0;                        l.iBalance = (rb == sign) ? -sign                                                  : 0;                        r.iBalance = 0;                    }                    return;            }            if (x.nParent == null) {                return;            }            isleft = x.nParent == null || x == x.nParent.nLeft;            x      = x.nParent;        }    }






     执行完之后   endAction(r); 事务处理结束,出错则回滚,成功则提交


    public void endAction(Result result) {//        tempActionHistory.add("endAction " + actionTimestamp);        sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearStatementTables();        if (result.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) {            sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearResultTables(                actionTimestamp);            database.txManager.rollbackAction(this);        } else {            sessionContext                .diagnosticsVariables[ExpressionColumn.idx_row_count] =                    result.mode == ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT                    ? Integer.valueOf(result.getUpdateCount())                    : ValuePool.INTEGER_0;            database.txManager.completeActions(this);        }//        tempActionHistory.add("endAction ends " + actionTimestamp);    }




void endActionTPL(Session session) {        if (session.isolationLevel == SessionInterface.TX_REPEATABLE_READ                || session.isolationLevel                   == SessionInterface.TX_SERIALIZABLE) {            return;        }        if (session.sessionContext.currentStatement == null) {            // after java function / proc with db access            return;        }        if (session.sessionContext.depth > 0) {            // routine or trigger            return;        }        HsqlName[] readLocks =            session.sessionContext.currentStatement.getTableNamesForRead();        if (readLocks.length == 0) {            return;        }        writeLock.lock();        try {            unlockReadTablesTPL(session, readLocks);            final int waitingCount = session.waitingSessions.size();            if (waitingCount == 0) {                return;            }            boolean canUnlock = false;            // if write lock was used for read lock            for (int i = 0; i < readLocks.length; i++) {                if (tableWriteLocks.get(readLocks[i]) != session) {                    canUnlock = true;                    break;                }            }            if (!canUnlock) {                return;            }            canUnlock = false;            for (int i = 0; i < waitingCount; i++) {                Session current = (Session) session.waitingSessions.get(i);                if (current.abortTransaction) {                    canUnlock = true;                    break;                }                Statement currentStatement =                    current.sessionContext.currentStatement;                if (currentStatement == null) {                    canUnlock = true;                    break;                }                if (ArrayUtil.containsAny(                        readLocks, currentStatement.getTableNamesForWrite())) {                    canUnlock = true;                    break;                }            }            if (!canUnlock) {                return;            }            resetLocks(session);            resetLatchesMidTransaction(session);        } finally {            writeLock.unlock();        }    }