
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网2016下载安装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:18
*1.FLASHBACK QUERY*/ --闪回到15分钟前 select *  from orders  as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '15' minute)  where ...... 这里可以使用DAY、SECOND、MONTH替换minute,例如: SELECT * FROM orders AS OF TIMESTAMP(SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL'2' DAY) --闪回到某个时间点 select  *  from orders  as of timestamp  to_timestamp (''01-Sep-04 16:18:57.845993'', ''DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF'') where ... --闪回到两天前 select * from orders  as of timestamp (sysdate - 2) where......... /*2.FLASHBACK DROP*/   1.flashback table orders to before drop;     2.如果源表已经重建,可以使用rename to子句:   flashback table order to before drop  rename to order_old_version;   /*3.FLASHBACK TABLE*/   1.首先要启用行迁移:   alter table order enable row movement;   2.闪回表到15分钟前:   flashback table order  to timestamp systimestamp - interval '15' minute;     闪回到某个时间点:   FLASHBACK TABLE order TO TIMESTAMP    TO_TIMESTAMP('2007-09-12 01:15:25 PM','YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM')