MS sqlserver全文管理与全文查询结合的示例

来源:互联网 发布:上海银行淘宝普卡好吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:10

全文索引可以使用 SQL Server 企业管理器或存储过程进行管理。有时候,将全文管理存储过程结合在进行查询的同一个脚本中是很方便的。下面的脚本范例就结合了这两个任务:

  • 创建并填充一个表。
  • pubs 数据库启用全文检索。
  • 创建全文目录。
  • 注册新表及其中的某些列,以进行全文检索。
  • 用新表中的全文索引信息填写新的全文目录。
  • 对新表执行全文查询。
USE pubs-- Create and populate a table.IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'FulltextTest') DROP TABLE FulltextTestGOCREATE TABLE FulltextTest ( article_id int IDENTITY(100,1) CONSTRAINT PK_title_id PRIMARY KEY, article_title nvarchar(200) )GOINSERT FulltextTest (article_title) VALUES (N'Steven Buchanan has always enjoyed ice skating.')INSERT FulltextTest (article_title) VALUES (N'Elvis Stoiko: The best male figure skater')INSERT FulltextTest (article_title) VALUES (N'Steven Buchanan On Ice: Skating Reaches Tops in Public Opinion Poll')INSERT FulltextTest (article_title) VALUES (N'Last night, Steven Buchanan skated on the ice!! Skating fans cheer!')INSERT FulltextTest (article_title) VALUES (N'Ice-skating brings out the best in Steven. Buchanan exults in first victory...')GO-- Enable full-text searching in the database.EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable'GO-- Create a new full-text catalog.EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'StevenBCatalog', 'create' GO-- Register the new table and column within it for full-text querying, -- then activate the table.EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'FulltextTest', 'create', 'StevenBCatalog', 'PK_title_id'EXEC sp_fulltext_column 'FulltextTest', 'article_title', 'add'EXEC sp_fulltext_table 'FulltextTest', 'activate'GO-- Start full population of the full-text catalog. Note that it is-- asynchronous, so delay must be built in if populating a-- large index.EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'StevenBCatalog', 'start_full'WHILE (SELECT fulltextcatalogproperty('StevenBCatalog','populatestatus')) <> 0 BEGIN WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02' -- Check every 2 seconds to see if full-text index population is complete. CONTINUEENDGO-- Execute a full-text query against the new table.SELECT article_titleFROM FulltextTestWHERE CONTAINS(article_title, ' "Steven Buchanan" AND "ice skating" ')


article_title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steven Buchanan has always enjoyed ice skating.Last night, Steven Buchanan skated on the ice!! Skating fans cheer!Steven Buchanan On Ice: Skating Reaches Tops in Public Opinion PollIce-skating brings out the best in Steven. Buchanan exults in first victory...(4 row(s) affected)