extjs4.1中出现Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined的错误

来源:互联网 发布:数据采集器工作原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:33


比如 Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined,此时如果代码比较多的时候,不太好找错误,


在 Ext.util.Observable中捕获错误的详细信息,添加红色代码即可,这样就可以找到错误原因了

addListener: function(ename, fn, scope, options) {

        var me = this,
            config, event, hasListeners,
            prevListenerCount = 0;

        if (typeof ename !== 'string') {
            options = ename;
            for (ename in options) {
                if (options.hasOwnProperty(ename)) {
                    config = options[ename];
                    if (!me.eventOptionsRe.test(ename)) {
                        if (typeof(config) == 'undefined') {
                            console.error('Cannot bind to event "' + ename + '" - method does not exist on object', options.scope);
                        } else {

                            me.addListener(ename, config.fn || config, config.scope || options.scope, config.fn ? config : options);
        } else {
            ename = ename.toLowerCase();
            event = me.events[ename];
            if (event && event.isEvent) {
                prevListenerCount = event.listeners.length;
            } else {
                me.events[ename] = event = new Ext.util.Event(me, ename);

            // Allow listeners: { click: 'onClick', scope: myObject }
            if (typeof fn === 'string') {
                if (!(scope[fn] || me[fn])) {
                    Ext.Error.raise('No method named "' + fn + '"');
                fn = scope[fn] || me[fn];
            event.addListener(fn, scope, options);

            // If a new listener has been added (Event.addListener rejects duplicates of the same fn+scope)
            // then increment the hasListeners counter
            if (event.listeners.length !== prevListenerCount) {
                hasListeners = me.hasListeners;
                if (hasListeners.hasOwnProperty(ename)) {
                    // if we already have listeners at this level, just increment the count...
                } else {
                    // otherwise, start the count at 1 (which hides whatever is in our prototype
                    // chain)...
                    hasListeners[ename] = 1;


