
来源:互联网 发布:ppt数据编辑不了 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 09:21



static void test_remove_double_dots() {  struct { char before[20], after[20]; } data[] = {    {"////a", "/a"},    {"/.....", "/."},    {"/......", "/"},    {"...", "..."},    {"/...///", "/./"},    {"/a...///", "/a.../"},    {"/.x", "/.x"},    {"/\\", "/"},    {"/a\\", "/a\\"},    {"/a\\\\...", "/a\\."},  };  size_t i;  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) {    printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", data[i].before, data[i].after);    remove_double_dots_and_double_slashes(data[i].before);    ASSERT(strcmp(data[i].before, data[i].after) == 0);  }}





static void test_match_prefix(void) {  ASSERT(match_prefix("/api", 4, "/api") == 4);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/a/", 3, "/a/b/c") == 3);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/a/", 3, "/ab/c") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/*/", 3, "/ab/c") == 4);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**", 2, "/a/b/c") == 6);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/*", 2, "/a/b/c") == 2);  ASSERT(match_prefix("*/*", 3, "/a/b/c") == 2);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/", 3, "/a/b/c") == 5);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**.foo|**.bar", 13, "") == 5);  ASSERT(match_prefix("a|b|cd", 6, "cdef") == 2);  ASSERT(match_prefix("a|b|c?", 6, "cdef") == 2);  ASSERT(match_prefix("a|?|cd", 6, "cdef") == 1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/a/**.cgi", 9, "/foo/bar/x.cgi") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/a/**.cgi", 9, "/a/bar/x.cgi") == 12);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/", 3, "/a/b/c") == 5);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/$", 4, "/a/b/c") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/$", 4, "/a/b/") == 5);  ASSERT(match_prefix("$", 1, "") == 0);  ASSERT(match_prefix("$", 1, "x") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("*$", 2, "x") == 1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("/$", 2, "/") == 1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/$", 4, "/a/b/c") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**/$", 4, "/a/b/") == 5);  ASSERT(match_prefix("*", 1, "/hello/") == 0);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**.a$|**.b$", 11, "/a/b.b/") == -1);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**.a$|**.b$", 11, "/a/b.b") == 6);  ASSERT(match_prefix("**.a$|**.b$", 11, "/a/b.a") == 6);}



static void test_skip_quoted(void) {  char x[] = "a=1, b=2  c='hi \' there'", *s = x, *p;  p = skip_quoted(&s, ", ", ", ", 0);  ASSERT(p != NULL && !strcmp(p, "a=1"));  p = skip_quoted(&s, ", ", ", ", 0);  ASSERT(p != NULL && !strcmp(p, "b=2"));  // TODO(lsm): fix this#if 0  p = skip_quoted(&s, "'", ", ", '\\');  p = skip_quoted(&s, "'", ", ", '\\');  printf("[%s]\n", p);  ASSERT(p != NULL && !strcmp(p, "hi ' there"));#endif}


static void test_parse_http_request() {  struct mg_request_info ri;  char req1[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";  char req2[] = "BLAH / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";  char req3[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nBah\r\n";  char req4[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nA: foo bar\r\nB: bar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\n";  ASSERT(parse_http_request(req1, sizeof(req1), &ri) == sizeof(req1) - 1);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_version, "1.1") == 0);  ASSERT(ri.num_headers == 0);  ASSERT(parse_http_request(req2, sizeof(req2), &ri) == -1);  ASSERT(parse_http_request(req3, sizeof(req3), &ri) == -1);  // TODO(lsm): Fix this. Header value may span multiple lines.  ASSERT(parse_http_request(req4, sizeof(req4), &ri) == sizeof(req4) - 1);  ASSERT(ri.num_headers == 3);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[0].name, "A") == 0);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[0].value, "foo bar") == 0);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[1].name, "B") == 0);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[1].value, "bar") == 0);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[2].name, "baz\r\n\r") == 0);  ASSERT(strcmp(ri.http_headers[2].value, "") == 0);  // TODO(lsm): add more tests.}

should_keep_alive函数测试  :

返回0的条件是其中一个成立 ,否则返回1

conn->must_close =1 

conn->status_code == 401

config[ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE], "yes") != 0 ||
header != NULL && mg_strcasecmp(header, "keep-alive") != 0

header == NULL && http_version && strcmp(http_version, "1.1")




static void test_should_keep_alive(void) {  struct mg_connection conn;  struct mg_context ctx;  char req1[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";  char req2[] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";  char req3[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";  char req4[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";  memset(&conn, 0, sizeof(conn));  conn.ctx = &ctx;  parse_http_request(req1, sizeof(req1), &conn.request_info);  ctx.config[ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE] = "no";  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);  ctx.config[ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE] = "yes";  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 1);  conn.must_close = 1;  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);  conn.must_close = 0;  parse_http_request(req2, sizeof(req2), &conn.request_info);  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);  parse_http_request(req3, sizeof(req3), &conn.request_info);  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);  parse_http_request(req4, sizeof(req4), &conn.request_info);  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 1);  conn.status_code = 401;  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);  conn.status_code = 200;  conn.must_close = 1;  ASSERT(should_keep_alive(&conn) == 0);}


static void test_mg_stat(void) {  static struct mg_context ctx;  struct file file;  memset(&file, 'A', sizeof(file));  ASSERT(!mg_stat(fc(&ctx), " does not exist ", &file));}

fc函数 用来返回假的连接上下文,如果连接不适合现在登录,则用于登录

// Return fake connection structure. Used for logging, if connection// is not applicable at the moment of logging.static struct mg_connection *fc(struct mg_context *ctx) {  static struct mg_connection fake_connection;  fake_connection.ctx = ctx;  return &fake_connection;}



static void test_mg_fetch(void) {  static const char *options[] = {    "document_root", ".",    "listening_ports", UNUSED_PORT,    NULL,  };  char buf[2000], buf2[2000];  int n, length;  struct mg_context *ctx;  struct mg_request_info ri;  const char *tmp_file = "temporary_file_name_for_unit_test.txt";  struct file file;  FILE *fp;  ASSERT((ctx = mg_start(event_handler, NULL, options)) != NULL);  // Failed fetch, pass invalid URL  ASSERT(mg_fetch(ctx, "localhost", tmp_file, buf, sizeof(buf), &ri) == NULL);  ASSERT(mg_fetch(ctx, "localhost:" UNUSED_PORT, tmp_file,                  buf, sizeof(buf), &ri) == NULL);  ASSERT(mg_fetch(ctx, "http://$$$.$$$", tmp_file,                  buf, sizeof(buf), &ri) == NULL);  // Failed fetch, pass invalid file name  ASSERT(mg_fetch(ctx, "http://localhost:" UNUSED_PORT "/data",                  "/this/file/must/not/exist/ever",                  buf, sizeof(buf), &ri) == NULL);  // Successful fetch  ASSERT((fp = mg_fetch(ctx, "http://localhost:" UNUSED_PORT "/data",                        tmp_file, buf, sizeof(buf), &ri)) != NULL);  ASSERT(ri.num_headers == 2);  ASSERT(!strcmp(ri.request_method, "HTTP/1.1"));  ASSERT(!strcmp(ri.uri, "200"));  ASSERT(!strcmp(ri.http_version, "OK"));  ASSERT((length = ftell(fp)) == (int) strlen(fetch_data));  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);  ASSERT(fread(buf2, 1, length, fp) == (size_t) length);  ASSERT(memcmp(buf2, fetch_data, length) == 0);  fclose(fp);  // Fetch big file, mongoose.c  ASSERT((fp = mg_fetch(ctx, "http://localhost:" UNUSED_PORT "/mongoose.c",                        tmp_file, buf, sizeof(buf), &ri)) != NULL);  ASSERT(mg_stat(fc(ctx), "mongoose.c", &file));  ASSERT(file.size == ftell(fp));  ASSERT(!strcmp(ri.request_method, "HTTP/1.1"));  // Fetch nonexistent file, /blah  ASSERT((fp = mg_fetch(ctx, "http://localhost:" UNUSED_PORT "/boo",                        tmp_file, buf, sizeof(buf), &ri)) != NULL);  ASSERT(!mg_strcasecmp(ri.uri, "404"));  fclose(fp);  // Fetch existing inmemory file  ASSERT((fp = mg_fetch(ctx, "http://localhost:" UNUSED_PORT "/blah",                        tmp_file, buf, sizeof(buf), &ri)) != NULL);  ASSERT(!mg_strcasecmp(ri.uri, "200"));  n = ftell(fp);  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);  printf("%s %d %d [%.*s]\n", __func__, n, (int) feof(fp), n, buf2);  n = fread(buf2, 1, n, fp);  printf("%s %d %d [%.*s]\n", __func__, n, (int) feof(fp), n, buf2);  ASSERT((size_t) ftell(fp) == (size_t) strlen(inmemory_file_data));  ASSERT(!memcmp(inmemory_file_data, buf2, ftell(fp)));  fclose(fp);  remove(tmp_file);  mg_stop(ctx);}


static void test_mg_get_var(void) {  static const char *post[] = {    "a=1&&b=2&d&=&c=3%20&e=",    "q=&st=2012%2F11%2F13+17%3A05&et=&team_id=",    NULL  };  char buf[20];  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "a", buf, sizeof(buf)) == 1);  ASSERT(buf[0] == '1' && buf[1] == '\0');  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "b", buf, sizeof(buf)) == 1);  ASSERT(buf[0] == '2' && buf[1] == '\0');  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "c", buf, sizeof(buf)) == 2);  ASSERT(buf[0] == '3' && buf[1] == ' ' && buf[2] == '\0');  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "e", buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0);  ASSERT(buf[0] == '\0');  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "d", buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1);  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "c", buf, 2) == -2);  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "x", NULL, 10) == -2);  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[0], strlen(post[0]), "x", buf, 0) == -2);  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[1], strlen(post[1]), "st", buf, 16) == -2);  ASSERT(mg_get_var(post[1], strlen(post[1]), "st", buf, 17) == 16);}