
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺显示的销量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:05




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  1. #define FIAMWARE_NAME   "MELFAS_W105.h"                     //数组格式IMAGE的名字 
  2. static unsigned char MS6000CTPM_FW[] =                     //以数组划分空间存储烧录映象 
  3.     #include FIAMWARE_NAME 
  4. }; 
  5. #define MS6000_ADDR_MODULE_REVISION                 0x98 
  6. #define MS6000_ADDR_FIRMWARE_VERSION                    0x9C        //烧录IMAGE中对应的特定字节地址 
  7. #define MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH                      64  //一次烧录的packet字节数 
  9. /*ISP command*/ 
  10. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_ERASE                    0x02 
  11. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_ERASE_TIMING                 0x0F 
  12. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH                    0x03 
  13. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_READ_FLASH                   0x04 
  14. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_PROGRAM_TIMING               0x0F 
  15. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_READ_INFORMATION             0x06 
  16. #define MS6000_ISP_CMD_RESET                            0x07 
  18. #define MS6000_7BIT_DOWNLOAD_ADDR                   0x7D        
  19. #define MS6000_8BIT_DOWNLOAD_ADDR                   (MS6000_7BIT_DOWNLOAD_ADDR<<1) //linux的i2Cclient需8位地址 
  20. #define MS6000_I2C_SLAVE_READY_STATUS               0x55 
  22. // MCS6000's responses 
  23. #define MS6000_ISP_ACK_ERASE_DONE                   0x82 
  24. #define MS6000_ISP_ACK_PREPARE_ERASE_DONE           0x8F 
  25. #define MS6000_I2C_ACK_PREPARE_PROGRAM              0x8F 
  26. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_PROGRAM_FLASH                    0x83 
  27. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_READ_FLASH                   0x84 
  28. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_PROGRAM_INFORMATION          0x88 
  29. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_PROGRAM_LOCKED               0xFE 
  30. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_READ_LOCKED                  0xFE 
  31. #define MS6000_MDS_ACK_FAIL                         0xFE 
  33. #define MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_0             0x01 
  34. #define MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_1             0xD4 
  35. #define MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_2             0xC0 
  37. #define MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_0           0x00 
  38. #define MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_1           0x00 
  39. #define MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_2           0x78 

(2)I2C烧写和读TP FLASH的函数

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  1. static bool mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(unsignedchar bufVal) 
  2.     int ret; 
  3.     unsigned char buf; 
  4.     buf = bufVal; 
  6.     ret = i2c_master_send(i2c_client, &buf, 1); 
  7.     if(ret <= 0){ 
  8.                 printk("mfs_i2c_write_single_byte error line = %d, ret = %d\n", __LINE__, ret); 
  9.                 return false
  10.         } 
  11.     return true
  12. static bool mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(unsignedchar *buf) 
  13.     int ret; 
  14.     ret = i2c_master_recv(i2c_client, buf, 1); 
  15.     if(ret <= 0){ 
  16.                 printk("mfs_i2c_read_single_byte error line = %d, ret = %d\n", __LINE__, ret); 
  17.                 return false
  18.         } 
  19.     return true
  20. static int mfs_i2c_read_flash(unsignedchar *pBuffer,UINT16 nAddr_start,unsignedchar cLength) 
  21. {                               //将nAddr_start开始的cLength个字节读到pBuffer所指的空间中 
  22.     int nRet = MS6000_RET_READ_FLASH_FAILED,i; 
  23.     BOOL bRet; 
  24.     unsigned char cmd[4],ucTemp; 
  26. // Send Read Flash command   [ Read code - address high - address low - size ]  
  27.     cmd[0] = MS6000_ISP_CMD_READ_FLASH; 
  28.     cmd[1] = (UINT8)((nAddr_start >> 8 ) & 0xFF); 
  29.     cmd[2] = (UINT8)((nAddr_start      ) & 0xFF); 
  30.     cmd[3] = cLength; 
  32.     for(i=0;i<4;i++){ 
  33.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(cmd[i]); 
  34.         udelay(15); 
  35.         if(bRet == FALSE) 
  36.             goto MS6000_I2C_READ_FLASH_FINISH; 
  37.     } 
  38. // Read 'Result of command' 
  39.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&ucTemp); 
  40.     if( !bRet || ucTemp != MS6000_MDS_ACK_READ_FLASH){ 
  41.         goto MS6000_I2C_READ_FLASH_FINISH; 
  42.     } 
  43. // Read Data  [ pCmd[3] == Size ] 
  44.     for(i=0; i<(int)cmd[3]; i++){ 
  45.         udelay(100); 
  46.         bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(pBuffer++); 
  47.         if( bRet == FALSE && i!=(int)(cmd[3]-1) ) 
  48.             goto MS6000_I2C_READ_FLASH_FINISH; 
  49.     } 
  50.     nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  53.     return nRet; 


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  1. static void ms6000_write_download_mode_signal(void)                //通过RESET脚和EINT脚发出一组组合电平 
  2.     int i; 
  3.     unsigned char enter_code[14] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 }; 
  5.     for(i=0; i<14; i++){ 
  6.         if(enter_code[i]){ 
  7.             mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE);     
  8.             mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); 
  9.         } 
  10.         else
  11.             mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);    
  12.             mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO); 
  13.         } 
  14.         mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); 
  15.         udelay(15); 
  16.         mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO); 
  18.         mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);    
  19.         mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO); 
  20.         udelay(100); 
  21.     } 
  22.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); 
  23.     udelay(100); 
  24.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); 
  25.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE);     
  26. static int ms6000_enter_download_mode(void
  27.     bool bRet; 
  28.     int nRet = MS6000_RET_ENTER_DOWNLOAD_MODE_FAILED; 
  30.     unsigned char cData=0; 
  32.     hwPowerDown(MT65XX_POWER_LDO_VGP2, "TP");   //TKEY_VDD_SET_LOW();     
  34.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN_M_GPIO); 
  35.     mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_DIR_OUT); 
  36.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);   
  37.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN_M_GPIO); 
  38.     mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_DIR_OUT); 
  39.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);      //I2C变GPIO功能 
  41.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN_M_GPIO); 
  42.     mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_DIR_OUT);          //TKEY_INTR_SET_OUTPUT(); 
  43.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);      //TKEY_INTR_SET_LOW(); 
  45.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN_M_GPIO); 
  46.         mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_DIR_OUT);       //TKEY_RESETB_SET_OUTPUT(); 
  47.         mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO);       //若干功能脚均需完成电平拉低的作用   
  49.     mdelay(90);     //Delay for Stable VDD 
  51.     hwPowerOn(MT65XX_POWER_LDO_VGP2, VOL_2800, "TP");  //TKEY_VDD_SET_HIGH(); 
  52.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_CTP_RST_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE);       //TKEY_CE_SET_HIGH(); 
  53.     mt_set_gpio_out(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE);       //TKEY_I2C_SDA_SET_HIGH(); 
  54.     mdelay(25); 
  56.     ms6000_write_download_mode_signal();                   //写命令码 
  57.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN_M_SCL); 
  58.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN_M_SDA);     //使能I2C的PIN脚恢复I2C功能 
  59.     mdelay(2); 
  60.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&cData); 
  61.     if( bRet != TRUE || cData != MS6000_I2C_SLAVE_READY_STATUS ){ 
  62.         goto MS6000_ENTER_DOWNLOAD_MODE_FINISH; 
  63.     } 
  64.     else 
  65.         printk("respond from download mode commande is 0x55 \r\n");  //只有芯片状态返回0x55,才说明进入DOWNLOAD模式 
  66.     nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS;  //Entering MDS ISP mode finished. 
  69.     return nRet; 

(4)芯片复位和TP FLASH擦除

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  1. static void ms6000_reset_command(void)                 //不管是升级过程失败还是成功,最后都需要复位并使能芯片 
  2.     unsigned char buf; 
  3.     mdelay(1); 
  4.     buf = MS6000_ISP_CMD_RESET; 
  5.     if(mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(buf) ==true
  6.         printk("mfs6000_reset_command reset success \r\n"); 
  7.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN_M_EINT); 
  8.     mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_DIR_IN); 
  9.     mt_set_gpio_pull_enable(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_PULL_ENABLE); 
  10.     mt_set_gpio_pull_select(GPIO_CTP_EINT_PIN, GPIO_PULL_UP);          //恢复EINT的pin功能 
  11.     mdelay(180); 
  12. static unsigned char ms6000_GetLibVer(void)                    //取得新固件中的版本号,以便比较 
  13.      unsigned int sz; 
  14.         sz = sizeof(MS6000CTPM_FW); 
  16.         if(sz > 2){ 
  17.                 return (MS6000CTPM_FW[157]-0x30);                  //版本号字节数据 
  18.         } 
  19.         else
  20.                 return 0xff; 
  21.         } 
  22. static int ms6000_i2c_prepare_erase_flash(void
  23.     int   nRet = MS6000_RET_PREPARE_ERASE_FLASH_FAILED,i; 
  24.     BOOL bRet; 
  26.     UINT8 i2c_buffer[4] = { MS6000_ISP_CMD_ERASE_TIMING, 
  27.                             MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_0, 
  28.                             MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_1, 
  29.                             MS6000_ISP_ERASE_TIMING_VALUE_2   }; 
  30.     UINT8   ucTemp; 
  31. // Send Erase Setting code 
  32.     for(i=0; i<4; i++){ 
  33.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(i2c_buffer[i]); 
  34.         if( !bRet ){ 
  35.             goto MS6000_I2C_PREPARE_ERASE_FLASH_FINISH; 
  36.         } 
  37.         udelay(15); 
  38.     } 
  39. // Read Result 
  40.     udelay(500); 
  41.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&ucTemp); 
  42.     if( bRet && ucTemp == MS6000_ISP_ACK_PREPARE_ERASE_DONE ){ 
  43.         nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  44.     } 
  47.     return nRet; 
  48. static int ms6000_i2c_erase_flash(void
  49.     int   nRet = MS6000_RET_ERASE_FLASH_FAILED,i; 
  50.     BOOL bRet; 
  51.     UINT8   i2c_buffer[1] = {   MS6000_ISP_CMD_ERASE}; 
  52.     UINT8   ucTemp; 
  53. // Send Erase code 
  54.     for(i=0; i<1; i++){ 
  55.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(i2c_buffer[i]); 
  56.         if( !bRet ) 
  57.             goto MS6000_I2C_ERASE_FLASH_FINISH; 
  58.         udelay(15); 
  59.     } 
  60. // Read Result 
  61.     mdelay(45); 
  62.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&ucTemp); 
  63.     if( bRet && ucTemp == MS6000_ISP_ACK_ERASE_DONE ){ 
  64.         nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  65.     } 
  68.     return nRet; 


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  1. static int ms6000_i2c_prepare_program(void
  2.     int nRet = MS6000_RET_PREPARE_PROGRAM_FAILED,i; 
  3.     BOOL bRet; 
  4.     UINT8 i2c_buffer[4] = { MS6000_ISP_CMD_PROGRAM_TIMING, 
  5.                             MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_0, 
  6.                             MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_1, 
  7.                             MS6000_ISP_PROGRAM_TIMING_VALUE_2}; 
  8. //   Write Program timing information 
  9.     for(i=0; i<4; i++){ 
  10.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(i2c_buffer[i]); 
  11.         if( bRet == FALSE ) 
  12.             goto MS6000_I2C_PREPARE_PROGRAM_FINISH; 
  13.         udelay(15); 
  14.     } 
  15.     udelay(500); 
  16. //   Read command's result 
  17.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&i2c_buffer[4]); 
  18.     if( bRet == FALSE || i2c_buffer[4] != MS6000_I2C_ACK_PREPARE_PROGRAM) 
  19.         goto MS6000_I2C_PREPARE_PROGRAM_FINISH; 
  20.     mdelay(100); 
  21.     nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  24.     return nRet; 
  25. static int ms6000_i2c_program_flash( UINT8 *pData, UINT16 nAddr_start, UINT8 cLength ) //FLASH one packet编程主函数 
  26. {                                   //参数是待编程数据,写入地址,待编程数据长度 
  27.     int nRet = MS6000_RET_PROGRAM_FLASH_FAILED; 
  28.     int     i,j; 
  29.     BOOL   bRet; 
  30.     UINT8    cData; 
  31.     UINT8    tmp; 
  32.     UINT8    cmd[4]; 
  33. // Send program code     
  34.     cmd[0] = MS6000_ISP_CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH; 
  35.     cmd[1] = (UINT8)((nAddr_start >> 8 ) & 0xFF); 
  36.     cmd[2] = (UINT8)((nAddr_start      ) & 0xFF); 
  37.     cmd[3] = cLength; 
  38.     for(i=0; i<4; i++){ 
  39.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(cmd[i]); 
  40.         udelay(15); 
  41.         if( bRet == FALSE ) 
  42.             goto MS6000_I2C_PROGRAM_FLASH_FINISH; 
  43.     } 
  44. // Check command result 
  45.     bRet = mfs_i2c_read_single_byte(&cData); 
  46.     if( bRet == FALSE || cData != MS6000_MDS_ACK_PROGRAM_FLASH ){ 
  47.         goto MS6000_I2C_PROGRAM_FLASH_FINISH; 
  48.     } 
  49. // Program Data 
  50.     udelay(150); 
  51.     for(i=0; i<(int)cmd[3]; i+=2){              //一次写入两个字节,先写高位,再写低位 
  52.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(pData[i+1]); 
  53.         if( bRet == FALSE ) 
  54.             goto MS6000_I2C_PROGRAM_FLASH_FINISH; 
  55.         udelay(100);              // Delay about 150us 
  56.         bRet = mfs_i2c_write_single_byte(pData[i]); 
  57.         udelay(150);                   // Delay about 150us 
  58.         if( bRet == FALSE ) 
  59.             goto MS6000_I2C_PROGRAM_FLASH_FINISH; 
  60.     } 
  61.     nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  64.     return nRet; 
  65. static int ms6000_download(const UINT8 *pData,const UINT16 nLength )   //download主函数,参数是映象内存首地址及映象长度 
  66.     int i,nRet; 
  67.     unsigned char cLength,buffer[MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH]; 
  68.     uint16_t nStart_address=0; 
  69.     unsigned char *pOriginal_data; 
  70. //enter in download mode 
  71.     nRet = ms6000_enter_download_mode(); 
  72.     if(nRet != MS6000_RET_SUCCESS) 
  73.         goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  75.     mdelay(1); 
  76. // Erase Flash 
  77.     nRet = ms6000_i2c_prepare_erase_flash(); 
  78.     if(nRet !=MS6000_RET_SUCCESS){ 
  79.         goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH;     
  80.     } 
  81.     mdelay(1); 
  82.     nRet = ms6000_i2c_erase_flash(); 
  83.     if(nRet !=MS6000_RET_SUCCESS) 
  84.         goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  85.     mdelay(1); 
  86. // Verify erase 
  87.     nRet = mfs_i2c_read_flash( buffer, 0x00, 16 );      // Must be '0xFF' after erase 
  88.     if( nRet != MS6000_RET_SUCCESS ) 
  89.         goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  90.     for(i=0; i<16; i++){ 
  91.         if( buffer[i] != 0xFF ){ 
  92.             nRet = MS6000_RET_ERASE_VERIFY_FAILED; 
  93.             goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  94.         } 
  95.     } 
  96.     mdelay(1); 
  97. // Prepare for Program flash.    
  98.     nRet = ms6000_i2c_prepare_program(); 
  99.     if( nRet != MS6000_RET_SUCCESS ) 
  100.         goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  101.     mdelay(1); 
  102. // Program flash 
  103. #if 1 
  104.     pOriginal_data  = (UINT8 *)pData;                   //保留原始首地址 
  105.     nStart_address = 0;                     //烧录起始地址 
  106.     cLength  = MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH;                  //一次烧录长度,64B 
  107.     for( nStart_address = 0; nStart_address < nLength; nStart_address+=cLength ){ 
  108.         if( ( nLength - nStart_address ) < MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH ){ 
  109.             cLength  = (UINT8)(nLength - nStart_address); 
  110.             cLength += (cLength%2);     // For odd length.最后不足64B的,补上1字节当偶数处理,因为以WORD烧录 
  111.         } 
  112.         nRet = ms6000_i2c_program_flash( pOriginal_data, nStart_address, cLength ); 
  113.         if( nRet != MS6000_RET_SUCCESS ){ 
  114.             goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  115.         } 
  116.         pOriginal_data  += cLength; 
  117.         udelay(500); 
  118.         printk("#"); 
  119.     } 
  120.     printk("mfs6000 program finished \r\n"); 
  121. #endif   
  122. // Verify flash 
  123. #if 1 
  124.     pOriginal_data  = (UINT8 *) pData;                  //保留原始首地址 
  125.     nStart_address = 0; 
  126.     cLength  = MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH; 
  127.     for( nStart_address = 0; nStart_address < nLength; nStart_address+=cLength ){ 
  128.         if( ( nLength - nStart_address ) < MS6000_TRANSFER_LENGTH ){ 
  129.             cLength = (UINT8)(nLength - nStart_address); 
  130.             cLength += (cLength%2);             // For odd length. 
  131.         } 
  132.         // Read flash 
  133.         nRet = mfs_i2c_read_flash( buffer, nStart_address, cLength ); 
  134.         // Comparing 
  135.         for(i=0; i<(int)cLength; i++){ 
  136.             if( buffer[i] != pOriginal_data[i] ){      //如果读出的对应地址字节与原始对应地址数据不同 
  137.                 nRet = MS6000_RET_PROGRAM_VERIFY_FAILED; 
  138.                 goto MS6000_DOWNLOAD_FINISH; 
  139.             } 
  140.         } 
  141.         pOriginal_data += cLength; 
  142.         udelay(500); 
  143.         printk("*"); 
  144.     } 
  145.     printk("mfs6000 Verify finished \r\n"); 
  146. #endif   
  147.     nRet = MS6000_RET_SUCCESS; 
  150.     ms6000_reset_command(); 
  151.     return nRet; 

(6)升级主函数,以及TP probe函数中的处理

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  1. static int ms6000_firmware_upgrade() 
  2.     unsigned char NewFwVersion,OldFwVersion; 
  3.     uint16_t nBinary_length = 0; 
  4.     int nRead = 0; 
  5.     unsigned char *ptrBuff = NULL; 
  6.     int ret = MS6000_RET_FILE_ACCESS_FAILED; 
  8.     if(mfs_i2c_read_single_reg(0x21,&OldFwVersion) ==true){        //在此之前,TP的供电及初始化一定要有,否则读不出来 
  9.         NewFwVersion = ms6000_GetLibVer(); 
  10.         printk("mfs6000 OldFwVersion is %d,and  NewFwVersion is %d \r\n",OldFwVersion,NewFwVersion); 
  11.     } 
  12. i2c_client->addr = MS6000_8BIT_DOWNLOAD_ADDR;                   //变换成TP的升级I2C地址 
  13.     if(NewFwVersion != OldFwVersion){                  //如果版本号不同就升级 
  14.         ptrBuff = MS6000CTPM_FW; 
  15.         nBinary_length = sizeof(MS6000CTPM_FW); 
  17. //download process 
  18.         printk("start download \r\n"); 
  19.         mtk_wdt_disable(); 
  20.         ret = ms6000_download(ptrBuff,nBinary_length); 
  21.         mtk_wdt_get_en_setting();                   //升级前后必须有禁止WDT和使能WDT的动作,否则易重启 
  22. //check process 
  23.     } 
  24.     else{                              //如果版本号相同则不动作 
  25.         printk("because of the same lib, update abort!\r\n"); 
  26.     } 
  28.     return ret; 
  29. //如下是TPD_RROBE中的改动 
  30.     mt65xx_eint_mask(CUST_EINT_TOUCH_PANEL_NUM);                   //mask TP中断 
  31.     int UpResult; 
  32.     UpResult = ms6000_firmware_upgrade(); 
  33.     if(UpResult== MS6000_RET_SUCCESS) 
  34.         printk("MFS6000 DOWNLOAD SUCCESS \r\n"); 
  35.     else 
  36.         mfs6000_print_fail_result(UpResult); 
  37.     i2c_client->addr = MS6000_8BIT_I2CADDR;                  //恢复TP的正常操作时I2C地址 
  38.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SCA_PIN_M_SCL); 
  39.     mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN, GPIO_I2C0_SDA_PIN_M_SDA);          //恢复I2C功能脚 
  40.     mt65xx_eint_unmask(CUST_EINT_TOUCH_PANEL_NUM);             //unmask TP中断 