bit Number Converter

来源:互联网 发布:数据库工程师发展前景 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:00

Number Converter

时间限制: 1秒  内存限制: 64M

Problem Description

As we know 3 = 11 if we think about the binary representation . Now let’s make a number converter. Given you two integers n (0 <= n <=10^9) and k (2 <= k <= 36), please output the representation of the n in the radix specified by k. And in the representation, you should use A, B, … to represent 10, 11, …


This problem contains multiple test cases.

For each test case, there are two integers n and k.


For each test case, please output the representation of the n in the radix specified by k.

Sample Input

3 2

4 3

15 16

Sample Output




题目大意:将输入的数n (0 <= n <=10^9) 转化为 k (2 <= k <= 36)进制

#include<stdio.h>void convert(int n,int k,char *result,char *radix,int *length){//将n转化为k进制,并将结果存到result中,转换完后的结果的长度存到length指到的位置;    int i = 0;result[i] = radix[n%k];n /= k;++i;for(;n;++i){result[i] = radix[n%k];n /= k;}*length = i - 1;return ;}void display(char *result,int length){//将结果显示出来for(;~length;--length){printf("%c",result[length]);}printf("\n");return ;}int main(){//将可能用到的基数存到一个数组中char radix[37];   //存放基数char result[100];  //转化为K进制后的结果 int n;//输入的nint k;//要转化的K进制int length;// 转换后的结果的长度char ch;int i;ch = 'A' - 10;for(i = 0; i < 10;++i){radix[i] = '0' +i;}for(i = 10; i < 36; ++i){radix[i] = ch + i;}radix[36] = 0;while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&k)){convert(n,k,result,radix,&length);display(result,length);} return 0;}
