
来源:互联网 发布:php配置教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:30
'''Created on 2013-2-1@author: 蒲文辉@mailto: pwh0996@gmail.com运行环境:Python 3'''#coding:utf-8import reimport urllib.requestfrom html.parser import HTMLParserfrom html.parser import HTMLParseErrorimport osimport threadingimport timeclass MyHtmlParser(HTMLParser):    url = []    img = []    title = 0    charset = ''    def __init__(self):        HTMLParser.__init__(self)        self.url = []        self.img = []        self.title = []        self.charset = ''    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):        if tag == "a":            for i in attrs:                if i[0] == "href":                    self.url.append(i[1])        elif tag == "meta":            for i in attrs:                if (i[0] == 'content' and i[1].find('charset'))\                   or i[0] == 'charset':                    if re.match('.*(GB2312|gb2312).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'gb2312'                    elif re.match('.*(utf-8|UTF-8).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'utf-8'                    elif re.match('.*(gbk|GBK).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'gbk'        elif tag == "title":            self.title = 1        for i in attrs:            if re.match('http://.+\.(jpg|jepg|png)',str(i[1])):                self.img.append(i[1])    def handle_data(self, data):        if self.title == 1:            self.title = data        findimg = re.findall('http://.+?\.jpg',data)        for i in range(0,len(findimg)):                    findimg[i] = findimg[i]        self.img += findimg    def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):        if tag == "a":            for i in attrs:                if i[1] == "href":                    self.url.append(i[1])        elif tag == "meta":            for i in attrs:                if (i[0] == 'content' and i[1].find('charset'))\                   or i[0] == 'charset':                    if re.match('.*(GB2312|gb2312).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'gb2312'                    elif re.match('.*(utf-8|UTF-8).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'utf-8'                    elif re.match('.*(gbk|GBK).*',str(i[1])):                        self.charset = 'gbk'        for i in attrs:            if re.match('http://.+\.(jpg|jepg|png)',str(i[1])):                self.img.append(i[1])class ScratchFactory(threading.Thread):    url = ''    tempUrls = []    tempImgs = []    title = ''    pwd = ''    def __init__(self,url):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.url = url        self.tempImgs = []        self.tempUrls = []        self.title = []        global seed        match = + '.*/',url)        if match:            self.pwd =    def addHeader(self,data):        global seed        for i in range(0,len(data)):            if re.match("http.+", data[i]) == None:                if re.match("/.*",data[i]):                    data[i] = seed + data[i]                elif re.match('./.*',data[i]):                    data[i] = self.pwd + data[i][2:]                else:                    data[i] = self.pwd + data[i]        return data    def run(self):        try:            conect = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url)    #下载网页数据            data =            conect.close()            htmlx = MyHtmlParser()            htmlx.feed(data[:500].decode('utf-8','ignore'))            t = htmlx.charset                            #获得html编码            if t == '':                t = 'gb2312'            htmlx.reset()            htmlx.feed(data.decode(t,'ignore'))            self.title = htmlx.title            self.tempUrls = self.addHeader(htmlx.url)    #给相对路径链接加上头            self.tempImgs = self.addHeader(htmlx.img)            htmlx.close()            self.clearData()                             #过滤无用链接            threading.Thread(target = self.saveImages,args = () ).start()  #下载图片        except HTMLParseError as e:            print("####Error : 1 ######:",e , '--->',  self.url)        except Exception as e:            print("####Error : 2 ######:",e , '--->' , self.url)        global UrlSrc,UrlDiged,mLock        mLock.acquire()        t = []        for temp in self.tempUrls:            if not UrlDiged.__contains__(temp):                t.append(temp)        l = []        for temp in t:            if not UrlSrc.__contains__(temp):                l.append(temp)        UrlSrc += l        mLock.release()    def clearData(self):        #去除重复链接        self.tempUrls = set(self.tempUrls)        self.tempImgs = set(self.tempImgs)        global seed        t = []        for temp in self.tempUrls:                    #<-链接过滤,正则表达式            if re.match(seed + "/.*", temp):                t.append(temp)        self.tempUrls = t        t = []        #global ImgDiged        #global iLock        #iLock.acquire()        for temp in self.tempImgs:                    #<-图片过滤,正则表达式            if re.match(".+.(gif|jpg|png)",temp):                t.append(temp)        #iLock.release()        self.tempImgs = t        self.title = self.title.split('-')[0]         #<-页面标题分隔,截取title中关键字        #去除title中非法字符        self.title = self.title.replace(' ','')        self.title = self.title.replace('/','')        self.title = self.title.replace('\\','')        self.title = self.title.replace(':','')        self.title = self.title.replace('|','')        self.title = self.title.replace('?','')        self.title = self.title.replace('*','')        self.title = self.title.replace('<','')        self.title = self.title.replace('>','')        self.title = self.title.replace('\r','')        self.title = self.title.replace('\n','')        self.title = self.title.replace('\t','')    def save(self,path,url):        global MinSize        try:            req = urllib.request.Request(url)            req.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) \            AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11")            req.add_header("Referer",self.url)         #有些网站防盗链,所以自己加上头            conect = urllib.request.urlopen(req)            t =            conect.close()            if t.__len__() < MinSize:                return            if not os.path.exists(path):                os.mkdir(path)            f = open(path + "\\" + self.title + time.strftime("%H%M%S",\                     time.localtime()) + ".jpg","wb")            f.write(t)            f.close()        except HTMLParseError as e:            print("####Error : 3 ######:",e , '--->',  url)        except Exception as e:            print("####Error : 4 ######:",e , '--->',  url)    def saveImages(self):        global IMG_TIME        global SAVE_PATH        if len(self.tempImgs) == 0:            return        path = SAVE_PATH + '\\' + self.title        print("Downdow------->",self.title)        while len(self.tempImgs) != 0:            t = threading.Thread(,args=\                                 (path,self.tempImgs.pop(0)))            if len(self.tempImgs) != 0:                t.start()                time.sleep(IMG_TIME)            else:                t.start()                t.join()                if os.path.exists(path) and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0:                    os.rmdir(path)def save():    global mLock    global UrlSrc    #global ImgDiged    #global iLock    global SAVE_PATH    mLock.acquire()    #iLock.acquire()    try:        f = open(SAVE_PATH + r"\UrlDiged.txt",'w')        for i in UrlDiged:            f.write(i + '\n')        f.close()        f = open(SAVE_PATH +r"\UrlSrc.txt",'w')        for i in UrlSrc:            f.write(i + '\n')        f.close()        print("********************* Saved **********************")    except Exception as e:        print (e)    finally:        mLock.release()        #iLock.release()def readBackup():    global UrlDiged    #global ImgDiged    global UrlSrc    try:        f = open(SAVE_PATH + r"\UrlDiged.txt",'r')        while True:            t = f.readline()            if t == '':                break            t = t.replace('\n','')            UrlDiged.append(t)        f.close()        f = open(SAVE_PATH + r"\UrlSrc.txt",'r')        while True:            t = f.readline()            if t == '':                break            t = t.replace('\n','')            UrlSrc.append(t)        f.close()    except Exception as e:        print(e)#*****************************start********************************if __name__ == '__main__':    #timeout = 20    #socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)    seed = ""    #<-站点的根页面    SAVE_PATH = r"d:\scratch"       #<-存储目录    THREAD_NUM = 35                 #<-限制线程数,以控制下载速度,防止出现类DDos攻击    SLEEP_TIME = 2.5                #<-每次请求链接的时间间隔(秒),太快不一定好哟!    MinSize = 32000                 #<-过滤小图片,初始32k    IMG_TIME = 1.5                  #<-下载图片速度,初始1.5秒一张    UrlSrc = [seed]                 #存储获得的未遍历过的链接    UrlDiged = []                   #存储遍历过的链接    mLock = threading.Lock()        #UrlSrc和UrlDiged的同步锁    savetime = time.time()    if not os.path.exists(SAVE_PATH):        os.mkdir(SAVE_PATH)    if seed[-1:] == '/':        seed = seed[:-1]    #读取上一次运行的现场    if not os.path.exists(SAVE_PATH + r'\UrlDiged.txt'):        try:            f = open(SAVE_PATH + r'\UrlDiged.txt','w')            f.close()            f = open(SAVE_PATH + r'\UrlSrc.txt','w')            f.close()        except Exception as e:            print(e)    else:        readBackup()    while True:        if len(threading.enumerate()) > THREAD_NUM:            continue        mLock.acquire()        if UrlSrc.__len__():            temp = UrlSrc.pop(0)            t = ScratchFactory(temp)            UrlDiged.append(temp)            t.start()        mLock.release()        #打印当前连接数、线程数、urlsrc+urldiged表长        print("Conections:",UrlSrc.__len__(),"*****threads:",\              len(threading.enumerate()),"****TableLength:",\              (len(UrlSrc)+len(UrlDiged))/1000)        if time.localtime().tm_min%2 == 0 \        and time.time() - savetime > 60 :            save()                 #保存现场            savetime = time.time()        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)