uwsgi-nginx quickstart

来源:互联网 发布:windows文件在哪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/10 16:39


This is a series of deployment tutorial with various combos.

WARNING the following tutorials are based on the official releases, if you are using a debian-based package (that is fully modular) you will need to load the http and python plugins adding --plugins http,python to your command line.

uWSGI-http+WSGI app

A simple WSGI app, just for starting

(we will put it under /var/www/hello.py)

def application(env, start_response):    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')])    return "Hello World"

Install uWSGI

pip install uwsgi

Run on http port 9090

uwsgi --http :9090 --wsgi-file /var/www/hello.py

go to localhost:9090 with your webbrowser


Install uWSGI (if it is not already installed)

pip install uwsgi

Configure for django on HTTP port 8000 using a ini config file (call it django.ini if you like)

The app project is in /var/www/myapp

For a Django version >= 1.4 use that file (replace myapp with your project name):

[uwsgi]# set the http porthttp = :8000# change to django project directorychdir = /var/www/myapp# load djangomodule = myapp.wsgi

for previous Django versions you need a couple more options:

[uwsgi]# set the http porthttp = :8000# change to django project directorychdir = /var/www/myapp# add /var/www to the pythonpath, in this way we can use the project.app formatpythonpath = /var/www# set the project settings nameenv = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myapp.settings# load djangomodule = django.core.handlers.wsgi:WSGIHandler()

and finally run it

uwsgi --ini django.ini

You can reach your app on port 8000 with your browser


When you want to put uWSGI behind a full webserver (read: proxied configuration), the best solution is using the uwsgi protocol instead of the http one. You will remove the impact of the (relatively-slow) http parsing, and you will get a set of features derivated by the use of a specialized protocol.

nginx supports the uwsgi protocol out-of-the-box starting from version 0.8.40 (if you have an older version please read RunOnNginx).

The objective is passing requests from nginx to uWSGI port :3031

We need to define a location stanza in nginx config

location / {    include uwsgi_params;    uwsgi_pass;}

(do not forget to include the uwsgi_params file !!!)

after reloading nginx conf, it will start forwarding requests to uWSGI listening on address

Now we will start the Flask app (it is under /var/www/apps/flaskapp.py) with 2 workers and on socket

Workers are used to increase the concurrency of your app. Spawning 2 workers, will mean generating 2 processes ready to serve requests.

uwsgi --socket --file /var/www/apps/flaskapp.py --callable app --processes 2

(--file is a shortcut for --wsgi-file)

The --callable option will instruct uwsgi to use the 'app' callable defined in your flask app (if you have set another name for your app simply pass it in the --callable option)

If you put your app under the pythonpath (for example in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages) you can load it simply with

uwsgi --socket --module flaskapp:app --processes 2

or you can set /var/www/apps directly as your pythonpath

uwsgi --socket --pythonpath /var/www/apps --module flaskapp:app --processes 2

Apache2+uWSGI+multiple flask apps

You can host multiple apps in the same uWSGI instance/process. We will try to load 2 flask apps under different "mountpoints", /foo and /bar

We have 2 files app1.py and app2.py under dir /var/apps


from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')def index():    return "<span style='color:red'>I am app 1</span>"


from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')def index():    return "<span style='color:green'>I am app 2</span>"

Now run uWSGI on tcp port 3031 on address with 8 processes and a master

uwsgi --socket :3031 --pythonpath /var/apps --mount /foo=app1:app --mount /bar=app2:app --master --processes 8

or use the file-based form (does not require setting the pythonpath)

uwsgi --socket :3031 --callable app --mount /foo=/var/apps/app1.py --mount /bar=/var/apps/app2.py --master --processes 8

(the --callable option will instruct uWSGI to search for 'app' function instead of 'application')

Now the apache part.

First of all you need to install and enable the mod_uwsgi module.

If you are installing uWSGI from sources move to the apache2 directory and run

sudo apxs -i -a -c mod_uwsgi.c

this will compile mod_uwsgi and will enable it in your main configuration.

Now go to your virtualhost section (or put it in the main config if you are not using virtualhosting) and add

<Location /foo>        SetHandler uwsgi-handler        uWSGISocket</Location><Location /bar>        SetHandler uwsgi-handler        uWSGISocket</Location>

Now reload your apache and check if all is working.

Remember: the first mounted app will be the default app, so, if you request /pippo from your browser you will see app1. You can disable this behaviour adding --no-default-app

You can delegate the management of the mountpoints to uWSGI itself. Modify the apache config to have only one main location

<Location />        SetHandler uwsgi-handler        uWSGISocket</Location>

then add --manage-script-name to your uWSGI command line

Note: each one of your flask app will run under a different python interpreter (it is a python feature), so you can mess around with pythonpaths and modules without problems.
