Dialog not displaying when calling from JNI

来源:互联网 发布:留学回国证明 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:49


Dialog not displaying when calling from JNI

up vote0 down vote favorite

I have a native C function (with JNI of course) that should callback a java method to display a dialog but this dialog is never displayed.

This is how this works:

  1. C code calls a java method
  2. The java method logs something
  3. Then it calls showDialog(SOME_ID)
  4. The onCreateDialog(SOME_ID) is called
  5. The dialog is constructed using AlertDialog.Builder
  6. When I call AlertDialog alert = builder.create() the application just stops right there (without crashing or freezing) butonly when this call starts from the C code.

The code is as follows:

@Overrideprotected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {    switch (id) {    case SOME_ID:        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);        builder.setMessage("Message");        builder.setPositiveButton(...);        builder.setNegativeButton(...);        AlertDialog alert = builder.create();        System.out.println("...Never called from JNI");        return alert;    }    return null;}

In 6 I mean that I log something before and after callingbuilder.create() but the log after the create method is never called so the method never returns and the dialog is never created. I have a button to trigger the dialog and, as expected, it works.

I did another test, I printed getApplicationContext() calling directly fromonCreate() and from onCreateDialog() (called from C code) and it is the same, because one of the first things I thought was that the onCreateDialog() was being called from another Context or something.

Do you have any idea why the dialog is not displaying?

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1 Answer

up vote1 down vote accepted

The problem was that when calling back from JNI the application wasn't on UI Thread so the dialog was never shown. To fix it I used a Handler (on Activity):

public final Handler dialogHandler = new Handler(){         public void handleMessage(Message msg){        showDialog(SOME_ID);    }   };

So instead of directly call showDialog() I do it by calling dialogHandler.sendMessage().

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