
来源:互联网 发布:一维动态数组定义 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 20:29
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 模块: 表达式解析器// 创建时间:2003-10-19    作者:mrlong   版本:2.0//// 支持 Delphi XE 的版本////说明://  类:TMathParser//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// TokenType :  0 :运算符//              1 :函数//              2 :普通变量    {} 已变为说明符//              3 :费用表变量  []//              4 :工程表变量  {}//              5 :普通数字    212//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//  如果拥有者是TmlBudgetFile对象,则在解析时可通过域控制器搜索变量//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//关键方法//    解析表达式//    参数:  expression 表达式 ;Awrong 非法字符串//    function Parse(expression: string;Awrong:String=''): extended;//    返回值:解析是否成功//    property ParserError : Boolean read fParserError ;//    可用的方法名//    property FunctionName : TStrings read GetfunctionNames;//// 修改://   1.增加一个方法: jw()小数据进位,取整  By Mrlong 2004-9-26//   2.增加一个方法: Round2(value), 取两位 Round3(value), 取三位 Round4(value), 取四位//   3.修改了 MaxFuncNameLen 函数名称的位数5 改为 10//   4.fCount : integer; 是目的是怎么处理??//   5.语法增强://      ()表示代码的集合 [(t1;t2;t3).sc_rgf] = [t1.sc_rgf] + [t2.sc_rgf] + [t3.sc_rgf]////   6.增加 Round0(), Round1(), Round5(),Round6() 的 函数 2005-12-5////   7.在对表达式来说,有可能不是直接要计算出值,而是只显示表达式的内容//       如 费用表内的计算表达式说明时要用到//     修改内容://          line:1110 增加 '['的条件//          line: 997 去掉部分不要的代码为了加快速度////   8.处理不采用 [] 作为变量的作法,这样加快录入的速度 2006-11-15//////   9.我增加了if()的方法 格式 if(条件,真,假)   2007-3-1 V3.0.5//     处理方式: 放在Parse 方法前处理掉单独处理,在生成键表后,Parse前处理,//     所以生成键表过程中if()是方法,到了parse就不是方法了.////  10.更改了,在去掉<>,与{}时,没有去掉<> 2007-9-18 ver=3.1.6//  11.修改 GetExpressVar() 方法内Value取出值后必须初期化,否则第二次有问题 ver=3.1.9 2007-10-23//  12.修改了第10条<>处理引起的if([!rcj_dy]>[rcj_ysj],0,12);时,>给去掉了.产生计算出错 ver=3.1.9 2007-10-29//  13.修改支持Delphi XE 版本 作者 :龙仕云 2011-7-2//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////unit MathParserUnit;interfaceuses  Windows, SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Controls, math  ;type  TParseErrorEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; ParseError : Integer) of object;  //取出变量的地方,回调方法  // 引用表时 myMathPaser.Parse(@DoGetValueByCode);  TOnGetValueByCodeEvent = procedure(ACode:string; var AValue:string; var AFound:Boolean) of object;//定义ExpressParse中的常量const  ParserStackSize = 30;  MaxFuncNameLen  = 10;   // 5 by mrlong 有方法名大于5个字符的  ExpLimit        = 11356;  SqrLimit        = 1E2466;  MaxExpLen       = 4;  TotalErrors     = 10;  ErrParserStack  = 1;  ErrBadRange     = 2;  ErrExpression   = 3;  ErrOperator     = 4;  ErrOpenParen    = 5;  ErrOpCloseParen = 6;  ErrInvalidNum   = 7;  //引用自身或循环传递出错  Erruseselfloop  = 8;  //单位描述错误  Errindanweimask = 9;  //变量描述错误  Errinvardefine  = 10;  //表达式不能为空  ErrEmpty        = 11;    //Add : Mrlongtype  ErrorRange  = 0..TotalErrors;  TokenTypes  = (Plus, Minus, Times, Divide, Expo, OParen, CParen, Num,                 Func, EOL, Bad, ERR, Modu);  TokenRec = record    State : Byte;    case Byte of      0 : (Value : Extended);      2 : (FuncName : String[MaxFuncNameLen]);  end; { TokenRec }  PExpressLink = ^TExpressLink;  TExpressLink = record    Tokenname : String;    TokenType : Word;    ExpressNext : pExpressLink;  end;  //定义检查链表  PCheckLink = ^TCheckLink;  TCheckLink = record    VarName : String;    VNext : PCheckLink;  end;type  TMathParser = class(TObject)  private    fInput        : string;    fLeftInput    : String;    fOnParseError : TParseErrorEvent;    fOnGetValueByCode  : TOnGetValueByCodeEvent;    // add by mrlong    fhasvar : Boolean ; //= True 表示有变量 如 [f2.g3] ,主要用到对变量的解析中    fhasVariableChar : Boolean; //=True 表示变量要采用[] 来注明的    // end add  protected    CurrToken : TokenRec;    VaruseError : Word;    MathError : Boolean;    ExpressError : Boolean;    DescribeError : Boolean;    Stack : array[1..ParserStackSize] of TokenRec;    StackTop : 0..ParserStackSize;    TokenError : ErrorRange;    TokenLen : Word;    TokenType : TokenTypes;    CheckHead : PCheckLink;    fCount: integer;    fFunctionCaption : TStringList;    fFunctionName    : TStringList;    function GotoState(Production : Word) : Word;    function IsFunc(S : String) : Boolean;    function IsVar(var Value : Extended) : Boolean;    function NextToken : TokenTypes;    function DeleteSpace(InputExpress: String): String;    function CreateExpressLink(OrignalExpress : String) : PExpressLink;    function IsFunction(s: String; d: String) : Boolean;    function IsConstVar(s: String) : Boolean;    function IsNum(s: String) :Boolean;    function CreateExpress( ExpressHead : PExpressLink ) : String;    procedure DeleteExpressLink(ExpressHead : PExpressLink);    //取出数字    function GetExpressVar(ExpressHead : PExpressLink) : PExpressLink;    procedure GetVarByCode(ACode:string;var Value:Extended;var Found:Boolean);    //下面的方法只用于取出字符串    function GetExpressStrVar(ExpressHead : PExpressLink) : PExpressLink;    procedure GetStrVarByCode(ACode:string;var Value:string;var Found:Boolean);    //check    procedure CheckLinkAdd(VarName : String);    function  CompareLink(ExpressHead : PExpressLink) : Boolean;    procedure DeleteCheckLink(CheckHead : PCheckLink);    procedure Deletethevarname;    //    procedure Push(Token : TokenRec);    procedure Pop(var Token : TokenRec);    procedure Reduce(Reduction : Word);    procedure Shift(State : Word);    function Parse : Boolean;overload;    function ParseIfExp(AStr:String):Boolean; // 1.2&23 的情况    function ParseNum(AStr:String;var AValue:Extended):Boolean; //处理一个没有变量的表达式 如 2*3+1    function  ExpressParse(Express : String; varname : String;                          CheckHead : PCheckLink ) :Boolean; overload;  public    Position   : Word;    ParseError : Boolean;    ParseValue : Extended;    Constructor Create();    destructor Destroy; override;    procedure Parse(ABackFun:TOnGetValueByCodeEvent); overload;    //    // 解析出表达式的内容,但不计算出最后的结果    // AExp   : 为原始值的内容,如成功则返回为最后的内容    // 返回值 : = True 表示成功    //    procedure ParseExpression(var AExp:String);  published    property OnParseError : TParseErrorEvent read FOnParseError write FOnParseError;    property OnGetValueByCode : TOnGetValueByCodeEvent read fOnGetValueByCode write fOnGetValueByCode;    property ParseString : string read FInput write FInput;    property ParseLeftString : String read FLeftInput write FLeftInput;  //目的是为了处理死    property FunctionCaption : TStringList read fFunctionCaption;    property FunctionName    : TStringList read fFunctionName;    property Count: integer read fCount write fCount;    property hasVariableChar : Boolean read fhasVariableChar write fhasVariableChar;  end;implementationfunction Round2(aValue: extended; aDigit: integer): extended;begin  aValue := aValue + 0.0000000001;  if aDigit > 14 then    result := RoundTo(aValue,-14)  else    result := RoundTo(aValue,-aDigit);end;function isEqual(Avalue,Bvalue:Extended):boolean;begin  if abs(Avalue-Bvalue)<0.00000001 then    result := true  else    result := false;end;{ TMathParser }constructor TMathParser.Create();begin  { defaults }  FInput := '';  fCount := 0;  CheckHead := nil;  fFunctionCaption := TStringList.Create;  fFunctionName    := TStringList.Create;  fhasVariableChar := True;  //写入方法说明  fFunctionCaption.Add('abs(B)=B的绝对值 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('atan(B) ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('cos(D)  = D的余弦值,D以度为单位');  fFunctionCaption.Add('tan(D)  = D的正切值,D以度为单位');  fFunctionCaption.Add('cot(D)  = D的余切值,D以度为单位');  fFunctionCaption.Add('exp(B)  = B的指数 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('ln(B)   = B的自然对数 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('round(B)= 四舍五入取整  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('sin(D)  = D的正弦值,D以度为单位');  fFunctionCaption.Add('sqrt(B) = B的开方  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('sqr(B)  = B的平方 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('sqr3(B) = B的三次方 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('trunc(B) ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('xsqz(B) = B向上取整 ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('jw(B)   = 小数点进位取整');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r0(B)= 四舍五入取0位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r1(B)= 四舍五入取1位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r2(B)= 四舍五入取2位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r3(B)= 四舍五入取3位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r4(B)= 四舍五入取4位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r5(B)= 四舍五入取5位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('r6(B)= 四舍五入取6位  ');  fFunctionCaption.Add('if(B)= 条件取值,B 条件,真,假 , 例如 if(1>2,1,2)'+#13#10 + '其中 >,=,!=,>= 分别表示大于,等于,不等于,大于等于。  '+#13#10+                       ' & 为并且;| 为或者 '+#13#10 + '例如: if(1.2>[v.y1_a]&1.5>[v.y1_a],2.3,0)'+#13#10 + ' 意思就是 [v.y1_a]的值在1.2与1.5之间,则返回值=2.3,否则=0。 ' );  fFunctionName.Add('abs()');  fFunctionName.Add('atan()');  fFunctionName.Add('cos()');  fFunctionName.Add('tan()');  fFunctionName.Add('cot()');  fFunctionName.Add('exp()');  fFunctionName.Add('ln()');  fFunctionName.Add('round()');  fFunctionName.Add('sin()');  fFunctionName.Add('sqrt()');  fFunctionName.Add('sqr()');  fFunctionName.Add('sqr3()');  fFunctionName.Add('trunc()');  fFunctionName.Add('rxqz()');  fFunctionName.Add('jw()');  fFunctionName.Add('r0()');  fFunctionName.Add('r1()');  fFunctionName.Add('r2()');  fFunctionName.Add('r3()');  fFunctionName.Add('r4()');  fFunctionName.Add('r5()');  fFunctionName.Add('r6()');  fFunctionName.Add('if()');end;function TMathParser.GotoState(Production : Word) : Word;var  State : Word;begin  GotoState := 0; // add by mrlong  State := Stack[StackTop].State;  if (Production <= 3) then  begin    case State of      0 : GotoState := 1;      9 : GotoState := 19;      20 : GotoState := 28;    end; { case }  end  else if Production <= 6 then  begin    case State of      0, 9, 20 : GotoState := 2;      12 : GotoState := 21;      13 : GotoState := 22;    end; { case }  end  else if (Production <= 8) or (Production = 100) then  begin    case State of      0, 9, 12, 13, 20 : GotoState := 3;      14 : GotoState := 23;      15 : GotoState := 24;      16 : GotoState := 25;      40 : GotoState := 80;    end; { case }  end  else if Production <= 10 then  begin    case State of      0, 9, 12..16, 20, 40 : GotoState := 4;    end; { case }  end  else if Production <= 12 then  begin    case State of      0, 9, 12..16, 20, 40 : GotoState := 6;      5 : GotoState := 17;    end; { case }  end  else begin    case State of      0, 5, 9, 12..16, 20, 40 : GotoState := 8;    end; { case }  end;end; { GotoState }function TMathParser.IsFunc(S : String) : Boolean;var  P, SLen : Word;  FuncName : string;begin  P := Position;  FuncName := '';  while (P <= Length(FInput)) and CharInSet(FInput[P], ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9',    '_']) do  begin    FuncName := FuncName + FInput[P];    Inc(P);  end; { while }  if Uppercase(FuncName) = S then  begin    SLen := Length(S);    // FuncName 是有长度的,但录入的内容没有长度    CurrToken.FuncName := ShortString(UpperCase(Copy(FInput, Position, SLen)));    Inc(Position, SLen);    IsFunc := True;  end { if }  else    IsFunc := False;end;{ IsFunc }function TMathParser.IsVar(var Value : Extended) : Boolean;var  VarName : string;  VarFound : Boolean;begin  VarFound := False;  VarName := '';  while (Position <= Length(FInput)) and (AnsiChar(FInput[Position]) in ['A'..'Z',    'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', #127..#255, '[', ']','@','#']) do  begin    VarName := VarName + FInput[Position];    Inc(Position);  end; { while }   IsVar := VarFound;end; { IsVar }function TMathParser.NextToken : TokenTypes;var  NumString : String[80];  TLen, NumLen : Word;  Check : Integer;  Ch: Char;  Decimal : Boolean;begin   while (Position <= Length(FInput)) and (FInput[Position] = ' ') do     Inc(Position);   TokenLen := Position;   if Position > Length(FInput) then   begin     NextToken := EOL;     TokenLen := 0;     Exit;   end; { if }   Ch := UpCase(FInput[Position]);   if AnsiChar(Ch) in ['!'] then   begin      NextToken := ERR;      TokenLen := 0;      Exit;   end; { if }   NextToken := EOL; // add by mrlong 2008-5-26   if AnsiChar(Ch) in ['0'..'9', '.'] then   begin     NumString := '';     TLen := Position;     Decimal := False;     while (TLen <= Length(FInput)) and           ((AnsiChar(FInput[TLen]) in ['0'..'9']) or            ((FInput[TLen] = '.') and (not Decimal))) do     begin       NumString := NumString + ShortString(FInput[TLen]);       if Ch = '.' then         Decimal := True;       Inc(TLen);     end; { while }     if (TLen = 2) and (Ch = '.') then     begin       NextToken := BAD;       TokenLen := 0;       Exit;     end; { if }     if (TLen <= Length(FInput)) and (UpCase(FInput[TLen]) = 'E') then     begin       NumString := NumString + 'E';       Inc(TLen);       if AnsiChar(FInput[TLen]) in ['+', '-'] then       begin         NumString := NumString + ShortString(FInput[TLen]);         Inc(TLen);       end; { if }       NumLen := 1;       while (TLen <= Length(FInput)) and (AnsiChar(FInput[TLen]) in ['0'..'9']) and             (NumLen <= MaxExpLen) do       begin         NumString := NumString + ShortString(FInput[TLen]);         Inc(NumLen);         Inc(TLen);       end; { while }     end; { if }     if NumString[1] = '.' then       NumString := '0' + NumString;     Val(string(NumString), CurrToken.Value, Check);     if Check <> 0 then      begin         MathError := True;         TokenError := ErrInvalidNum;         Inc(Position, Pred(Check));       end { if }     else       begin         NextToken := NUM;         Inc(Position, System.Length(NumString));         TokenLen := Position - TokenLen;       end; { else }     Exit;   end { if }   else if  CharInSet(Ch,['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', #127..#255, '[',']'])  then   begin     if IsFunc('ABS') or        IsFunc('ATAN') or        IsFunc('COS') or        IsFunc('TAN') or        isFunc('COT') or        IsFunc('EXP') or        IsFunc('LN') or        IsFunc('ROUND') or        IsFunc('SIN') or        IsFunc('SQRT') or        IsFunc('SQR') or        IsFunc('SQR3') or        IsFunc('TRUNC') or        IsFunc('XSQZ') or        IsFunc('JW') or        isFunc('R0') or        IsFunc('R1') or        IsFunc('R2') or        IsFunc('R3') or        IsFunc('R4') or        IsFunc('R5') or        IsFunc('R6') then     begin       NextToken := FUNC;       TokenLen := Position - TokenLen;       Exit;     end; { if }     if IsFunc('MOD') then     begin       NextToken := MODU;       TokenLen := Position - TokenLen;       Exit;     end; { if }     if IsVar(CurrToken.Value)                    //是变量,取出值       then begin              NextToken := NUM;              TokenLen := Position - TokenLen;              Exit;            end { if }       else begin              NextToken := BAD;              TokenLen := 0;              Exit;            end; { else }   end { if }   else begin     case Ch of       '+' : NextToken := PLUS;       '-' : NextToken := MINUS;       '*' : NextToken := TIMES;       '/' : NextToken := DIVIDE;       '^' : NextToken := EXPO;       '(' : NextToken := OPAREN;       ')' : NextToken := CPAREN;       else begin         NextToken := BAD;         TokenLen := 0;         Exit;       end; { case else }     end; { case }     Inc(Position);     TokenLen := Position - TokenLen;     Exit;   end; { else if }end; { NextToken }procedure TMathParser.Pop(var Token : TokenRec);begin  Token := Stack[StackTop];  Dec(StackTop);end; { Pop }procedure TMathParser.Push(Token : TokenRec);begin  if StackTop = ParserStackSize then    TokenError := ErrParserStack  else begin    Inc(StackTop);    Stack[StackTop] := Token;  end; { else }end; { Push }function TMathParser.Parse : Boolean;var  FirstToken : TokenRec;  Accepted : Boolean;begin  Position := 1;  StackTop := 0;  TokenError := 0;  MathError := False;  ParseError := False;  Accepted := False;  FirstToken.State := 0;  FirstToken.Value := 0;  Push(FirstToken);  TokenType := NextToken;  repeat    case Stack[StackTop].State of      0, 9, 12..16, 20, 40 : begin        if TokenType = NUM then          Shift(10)        else if TokenType = FUNC then          Shift(11)        else if TokenType = MINUS then          Shift(5)        else if TokenType = OPAREN then          Shift(9)        else if TokenType = ERR then          begin             MathError := True;             Accepted := True;          end { else if }        else begin          TokenError := ErrExpression;          Dec(Position, TokenLen);        end; { else }      end; { case of }      1 : begin        if TokenType = EOL then          Accepted := True        else if TokenType = PLUS then          Shift(12)        else if TokenType = MINUS then          Shift(13)        else begin          TokenError := ErrOperator;          Dec(Position, TokenLen);        end; { else }      end; { case of }      2 : begin        if TokenType = TIMES then          Shift(14)        else if TokenType = DIVIDE then          Shift(15)        else          Reduce(3);      end; { case of }      3 : begin       if TokenType = MODU then         Shift(40)       else         Reduce(6);      end; { case of }      4 : begin       if TokenType = EXPO then         Shift(16)       else         Reduce(8);      end; { case of }      5 : begin        if TokenType = NUM then          Shift(10)        else if TokenType = FUNC then          Shift(11)        else if TokenType = OPAREN then          Shift(9)        else          begin            TokenError := ErrExpression;            Dec(Position, TokenLen);          end; { else }      end; { case of }      6 : Reduce(10);      7 : Reduce(13);      8 : Reduce(12);      10 : Reduce(15);      11 : begin        if TokenType = OPAREN then          Shift(20)        else          begin            TokenError := ErrOpenParen;            Dec(Position, TokenLen);          end; { else }      end; { case of }      17 : Reduce(9);      18 : raise Exception.Create('Bad token state');      19 : begin        if TokenType = PLUS then          Shift(12)        else if TokenType = MINUS then          Shift(13)        else if TokenType = CPAREN then          Shift(27)        else          begin            TokenError := ErrOpCloseParen;            Dec(Position, TokenLen);          end;      end; { case of }      21 : begin        if TokenType = TIMES then          Shift(14)        else if TokenType = DIVIDE then          Shift(15)        else          Reduce(1);      end; { case of }      22 : begin        if TokenType = TIMES then          Shift(14)        else if TokenType = DIVIDE then          Shift(15)        else          Reduce(2);      end; { case of }      23 : Reduce(4);      24 : Reduce(5);      25 : Reduce(7);      26 : Reduce(11);      27 : Reduce(14);      28 : begin        if TokenType = PLUS then          Shift(12)        else if TokenType = MINUS then          Shift(13)        else if TokenType = CPAREN then          Shift(29)        else          begin            TokenError := ErrOpCloseParen;            Dec(Position, TokenLen);          end; { else }      end; { case of }      29 : Reduce(16);      80 : Reduce(100);    end; { case }  until Accepted or (TokenError <> 0);  if TokenError <> 0 then  begin      if TokenError = ErrBadRange then        Dec(Position, TokenLen);      if Assigned(FOnParseError)        then FOnParseError(Self, TokenError);  end; { if }  if MathError or (TokenError <> 0) or ExpressError or DescribeError then  begin    ParseError := True;    if Assigned(FOnParseError) then      FOnParseError(Self, TokenError);    ParseValue := 0;    Result := False;    //Exit;  end  else    begin      ParseError := False;      ParseValue := Stack[StackTop].Value;      Result := True;  end;end; { Parse }procedure TMathParser.Reduce(Reduction : Word);{ Completes a reduction }var  Token1, Token2 : TokenRec;begin  case Reduction of    1 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      CurrToken.Value := Token1.Value + Token2.Value;    end;    2 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      CurrToken.Value := Token2.Value - Token1.Value;    end;    4 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      CurrToken.Value := Token1.Value * Token2.Value;    end;    5 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      if Token1.Value = 0 then        MathError := True      else        CurrToken.Value := Token2.Value / Token1.Value;    end;    { MOD operator }    100 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      if Token1.Value = 0 then        MathError := True      else        CurrToken.Value := Round(Token2.Value) mod Round(Token1.Value);    end;    7 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      Pop(Token2);      if Token2.Value <= 0 then        MathError := True      else if (Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value) < -ExpLimit) or              (Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value) > ExpLimit) then        MathError := True      else        CurrToken.Value := Exp(Token1.Value * Ln(Token2.Value));    end;    9 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token2);      CurrToken.Value := -Token1.Value;    end;    11 : raise Exception.Create('Invalid reduction');    13 : raise Exception.Create('Invalid reduction');    14 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(CurrToken);      Pop(Token1);    end;    16 : begin      Pop(Token1);      Pop(CurrToken);      Pop(Token1);      Pop(Token1);      // begin add by mrlong      if UpperCase(string(Token1.FuncName))='R0' then      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,0);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R1')=0 then      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,1);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R2')=0 then  //进位      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,2);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R3')=0 then      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,3);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R4')=0 then      begin        CurrToken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,4);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R5')=0 then      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,5);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'R6')=0 then      begin        Currtoken.Value := Round2(CurrToken.Value,6);      end      //      // if 的处理方法放到了 CreateExpress 方法处理      //      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'ABS')=0 then        CurrToken.Value := Abs(CurrToken.Value)      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'ATAN')=0 then        CurrToken.Value := ArcTan(CurrToken.Value)      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'COS')=0 then      begin         if (CurrToken.Value < -9E18) or (CurrToken.Value > 9E18) then            MathError := True         else            CurrToken.Value := Cos((CurrToken.Value/180)*PI);  //角度改为弧度      end {...if Token1.FuncName = 'SIN' }      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'TAN')=0 then      begin         if (CurrToken.Value < -9E18) or (CurrToken.Value > 9E18) then            MathError := True         else            CurrToken.Value := tan((CurrToken.Value/180)*PI)      end {...if Token1.FuncName = 'TAN' }      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'COT')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -9E18) or (CurrToken.Value > 9E18) then            MathError := True         else            CurrToken.Value := cot((CurrToken.Value/180)*PI)      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'EXP')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -ExpLimit) or (CurrToken.Value > ExpLimit) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Exp(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'XSQZ')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -1E9) or (CurrToken.Value > 1E9) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := ceil(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'LN')=0 then      begin        if CurrToken.Value <= 0 then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Ln(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'ROUND')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -1E9) or (CurrToken.Value > 1E9) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Round(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'SIN')=0 then      begin         if (CurrToken.Value < -9E18) or (CurrToken.Value > 9E18) then            MathError := True         else            CurrToken.Value := Sin((CurrToken.Value/180)*PI);      end {...if Token1.FuncName = 'SIN' }      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'SQRT')=0 then      begin        if CurrToken.Value < 0 then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Sqrt(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'SQR')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -SQRLIMIT) or (CurrToken.Value > SQRLIMIT) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Sqr(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'SQR3')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -SQRLIMIT) or (CurrToken.Value > SQRLIMIT) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Sqr(CurrToken.Value)*CurrToken.Value; //三次方      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'TRUNC')=0 then      begin        if (CurrToken.Value < -1E9) or (CurrToken.Value > 1E9) then          MathError := True        else          CurrToken.Value := Trunc(CurrToken.Value);      end      else if CompareText(string(Token1.FuncName),'JW')=0 then      begin        if Abs(CurrToken.Value) > Int(Abs(CurrToken.Value ) + 0.000000001)   then        begin          if  CurrToken.Value > 0 then            CurrToken.Value := Int(CurrToken.Value) + 1          else if CurrToken.Value < 0 then            CurrToken.Value := (Int(Abs(CurrToken.Value)) + 1)*-1          else            CurrToken.Value := 0;        end;      end;    end;    3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 : Pop(CurrToken);  end; { case }  CurrToken.State := GotoState(Reduction);  Push(CurrToken);end; { Reduce }procedure TMathParser.Shift(State : Word);begin  CurrToken.State := State;  Push(CurrToken);  TokenType := NextToken;end; { Shift }{扩展功能}function TMathParser.DeleteSpace(InputExpress: String) : String;var  Flags : TReplaceFlags;begin  DescribeError := False;  //1.替换%和‰  Flags := [rfReplaceAll];  //先查找,要快很多,毕竟公式里%不多  if Pos('%',InputExpress) > 0 then    InputExpress := StringReplace(InputExpress,'%','*(0.01)',Flags);  if Pos('‰',InputExpress) > 0 then    InputExpress := StringReplace(InputExpress,'‰','*(0.001)',Flags);  Result:= InputExpress;end;//处理原始表达式function TMathParser.CreateExpressLink(OrignalExpress : String) : PExpressLink;var  head : PExpressLink;    //键头  p,pnext : PExpressLink;  ESLen : Word;  Eposition: Word;  STemp : String;  ch : Char;  tp : Word;  hadif : Boolean; //= True 表示正在处理 if 的方法begin  fhasvar := False; //add by mrlong  hadif   := False;  ESLen := Length(OrignalExpress);  Eposition := 1;  p := nil;  head := nil;  while (Eposition <= EsLen) do  begin    ch := OrignalExpress[Eposition];    case ch of      '(',')','+','-','*','/' : //基本语法      begin        if head = nil then        begin          New(head);          head^.Tokenname := '';          head^.Tokenname := head^.Tokenname + OrignalExpress[Eposition];          head^.TokenType := 0;          head^.ExpressNext := nil;          p := head;          inc(Eposition);        end        else  begin          New(pnext);          pnext^.Tokenname := '';          pnext^.Tokenname := pnext^.Tokenname + OrignalExpress[Eposition];          pnext^.TokenType := 0;          pnext^.ExpressNext := nil;          p^.ExpressNext := pnext;          p := pnext;          inc(Eposition);          if (ch=')') and hadif then hadif := False; //不是 if 了        end;      end;      '[' :   //变量      begin        STemp := '';        inc(Eposition);        repeat          STemp := STemp + OrignalExpress[Eposition];          inc(Eposition);        until AnsiChar(OrignalExpress[Eposition]) in [']'];        //STemp 可能要进行二次的分析出来,可能有 [(t1;t2;t3).sc_rgf] 的变量,这变量要从这取出来        //还是到我们的底层类内进行,我认为在底层类内更全面点,有助于对        // 最后处理成 [t1.sc_rgf] + [t2.sc_rgf] + [t3.sc_rgf];        inc(Eposition);        fhasvar := True; //add by mrlong //说明有变量,要进行变量的替换        if head = nil then        begin          New(head);          head^.Tokenname := STemp;          head^.TokenType := 4;          head^.ExpressNext := nil;          p := head;        end        else begin          New(pnext);          pnext^.Tokenname := STemp;          pnext^.TokenType := 4;          pnext^.ExpressNext := nil;          p^.ExpressNext := pnext;          p := pnext;        end;      end;      '{' :  //变量注释,当常量,只要是在表达式不计算只是解释时用的      begin        STemp := '';        inc(Eposition);        repeat          STemp := STemp + OrignalExpress[Eposition];          inc(Eposition);        until AnsiChar(OrignalExpress[Eposition]) in ['}'];        inc(Eposition);        if head = nil then        begin          //New(head);          //head^.Tokenname := format('{%s}',[STemp]);          //head^.TokenType := 5;          //head^.ExpressNext := nil;          //p := head;        end        else begin          //New(pnext);          //pnext^.Tokenname := format('{%s}',[STemp]);          //pnext^.TokenType := 5;          //pnext^.ExpressNext := nil;          //p^.ExpressNext := pnext;          //p := pnext;        end;      end;      else  //begin        if hadif and (AnsiChar(ch) in ['>','!','=',',','&','|']) then        begin          New(pnext);          pnext^.Tokenname := ch;          pnext^.TokenType := 5;  //做为常量          pnext^.ExpressNext := nil;          p^.ExpressNext := pnext;          p := pnext;          inc(Eposition);        end        else begin          // may be function,var,const var,num          STemp := '';          repeat            STemp := STemp + OrignalExpress[Eposition];            inc(Eposition);          // upate 增加 [  的字符串条件 2006-1-16          until ( AnsiChar(OrignalExpress[Eposition]) in ['(',')','+','-','*','/','[','{']) or (Eposition > ESLen)or                ( hadif and ( AnsiChar(OrignalExpress[Eposition]) in ['>','!','=',',','&','|']));          if IsFunction(Stemp,'IF') then          begin            hadif := True; //下面的内容是if方法            tp := 1;          end          else if IsFunction(STemp,'ABS') or             IsFunction(STemp,'ATAN') or             IsFunction(STemp,'COS') or             IsFunction(STemp,'TAN') or             IsFunction(STemp,'COT') or             IsFunction(STemp,'EXP') or             IsFunction(STemp,'LN') or             IsFunction(STemp,'ROUND') or             IsFunction(STemp,'SIN') or             IsFunction(STemp,'SQRT') or             IsFunction(STemp,'SQR') or             IsFunction(STemp,'SQR3') or             IsFunction(STemp,'TRUNC') or             IsFunction(STemp,'XSQZ') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'JW') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R0') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R1') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R2') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R3') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R4') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R5') or             IsFunction(Stemp,'R6') then  tp := 1          else          begin            if IsNum(STemp) then              tp := 5            else begin              tp := 2;              if not fhasVariableChar then  //如不采用[]注明时(工程量内用),说明这个就是变量                fhasvar := True;            end;          end;          if head = nil then          begin            New(head);            //工程量计算式不支持 Q*.1*.1            if (tp = 5) and (STemp[1] = '.') then              STemp := '0' + STemp;            head^.Tokenname := STemp;            head^.TokenType := tp;            head^.ExpressNext := nil;            p := head;          end          else  begin            New(pnext);            //工程量计算式不支持 Q*.1*.1            if (tp = 5) and (STemp[1] = '.') then              STemp := '0' + STemp;            pnext^.Tokenname := STemp;            pnext^.TokenType := tp;            pnext^.ExpressNext := nil;            p^.ExpressNext := pnext;            p := pnext;          end;        end;    end;  end;  Result:= head;end;function TMathParser.IsNum(s: String) :Boolean;var  ESLen : Word;  pos : Word;  ch : Char;  i : Integer;begin  ESLen := Length(s);  pos := 1;i := 0;  while pos <= ESLen do  begin    ch := s[pos];    if not (AnsiChar(ch) in ['0'..'9','.'] )then      i := i + 1;    inc(pos);  end;  if i = 0 then IsNum := True  else IsNum := False;end;function TMathParser.IsConstVar(s: String) : Boolean;begin  IsConstVar := False;end;function TMathParser.IsFunction(s: String; d: String) : Boolean;begin  if UpperCase(s) = d then    IsFunction := True  else    IsFunction := False;end;//将键表变成一个字符串function TMathParser.CreateExpress( ExpressHead : PExpressLink ) : String;var  p : PExpressLink;  STemp : String;  myStr : String;  myValue : Array[0..2] of String;  //表达式,真值,假值  myv : Extended;begin  STemp := '';  p := ExpressHead;  while  p <> nil do  begin    //    //1.if 方法    //    if (CompareText(p.Tokenname,'if') = 0) and        Assigned(p^.ExpressNext) then    begin      myStr := '';      p := p^.ExpressNext; // (      p := p^.ExpressNext; //      while (p<>nil) and (p^.Tokenname <> ')') do      begin        myStr := myStr +  p^.Tokenname;   // 是if() 的内容        p := p^.ExpressNext;      end;      //先将值分到数据内 myValue[0]   myVlaue[1] myVlaue[2]      //                    条件         真值      假值      if Pos(',',myStr)>0 then      begin        myValue[0] := Copy(myStr,1,Pos(',',myStr)-1);        myStr := Copy(myStr,Pos(',',myStr)+1,maxint);        if Pos(',',myStr)>0 then        begin          myValue[1] := Copy(myStr,1,Pos(',',myStr)-1);          myValue[2] := Copy(myStr,Pos(',',myStr)+1,maxint);        end        else begin          STemp := STemp + myStr;          if not Assigned(p) then break;          p := p^.ExpressNext;          Continue;        end;      end      else begin         STemp := STemp + myStr;         if not Assigned(p) then break;         p := p^.ExpressNext;         Continue;      end;      //      // 解释正则表达式 12>5&4<5 的情况      //      if ParseIfExp(myValue[0]) then      begin        if ParseNum(myValue[1],myv) then          Stemp := STemp + floattostr(myv)        else          Exit;      end      else  begin        if ParseNum(myValue[2],myv) then          Stemp := STemp + floattostr(myv)        else          Exit;      end;      if not Assigned(p) then break;      p := p^.ExpressNext;    end    else begin      STemp := STemp + p^.Tokenname;      p := p^.ExpressNext;    end;  end;  Result := STemp;end;//删除键表procedure TMathParser.DeleteExpressLink(ExpressHead : PExpressLink);var  p,p1 : PExpressLink;begin  p:= ExpressHead;  if p <> nil then  begin    while p^.ExpressNext <> nil do    begin      p1:= p^.ExpressNext;      Dispose(p);      p := p1;    end;    Dispose(p);  end;end;//----------------------------//  Express:表达式//  VarName : 非法字符集//-----------------------------function TMathParser.ExpressParse(Express : String; varname : String;                          CheckHead : PCheckLink ) :Boolean;var  Head : PExpressLink;begin  ParseError := False;  Head := CreateExpressLink(DeleteSpace(Express));  //  // 现在不处理这个  2007-3-1  //CheckLinkAdd(varname);             //非法字符  //  if CompareLink(Head) then    VaruseError := VaruseError + 1;  Head := GetExpressVar(Head);       //换算变量  ParseString := CreateExpress(Head);//替换成纯数字表达式的字符串,或处理特殊的方法  DeleteExpressLink(Head);           //删除键表  if (ParseString <> '') and not ParseError then  begin    Result := Parse  end  else begin   if Assigned(FOnParseError)      then FOnParseError(Self, ErrEmpty);    ParseError := True;    ParseValue := 0;    Result := False;  end;end;//变量换算function  TMathParser.GetExpressVar(ExpressHead : PExpressLink) : PExpressLink;var  phead,nodepre,nodethis : PExpressLink;  Value : Extended;  ValFound: Boolean;begin  ExpressError := False;  phead := ExpressHead;  if (VaruseError = 0) and (ExpressError = False)  and (phead <> nil) then  begin    nodethis := phead;    Value    := 0.0;    repeat      case  nodethis^.TokenType of        4:  //费用表变量[] 2=普通变量          begin            GetVarByCode(nodethis^.Tokenname,Value,ValFound);            if ValFound then            begin              nodethis^.TokenType := 5;              nodethis^.Tokenname := floattostr(Value);            end            else begin              ExpressError := True;              break;            end;          end;        2:          begin            //            // 只有 fhasVariableChar = False 才处理 2            //            // 可能if(1=2,3,4), 是 1=2,3,4就是变量,这时会增加查找的过程过多            //            if not fhasVariableChar then            begin              GetVarByCode(nodethis^.Tokenname,Value,ValFound);              if ValFound then              begin                nodethis^.TokenType := 5;                nodethis^.Tokenname := floattostr(Value);              end              else                nodethis^.TokenType := 5;  //如没有找到,则当前是常量处理了. 2007-4-2            end;          end;      end; // end case      nodepre := nodethis;      nodethis := nodepre^.ExpressNext;      Value := 0.0;    until (nodethis  = nil) or (VaruseError <> 0) or ExpressError;  end; // end if  if (VaruseError = 0) and (ExpressError = False) then    Result := ExpressHead  else begin    if Assigned(FOnParseError)        then FOnParseError(Self, Erruseselfloop);    DeleteExpressLink(phead);    Result := nil;  end;end;procedure TMathParser.Deletethevarname;var  p,p1 : PCheckLink;begin  p1 := nil;  p:= CheckHead;  if p <> nil then  begin    if p^.VNext = nil then    begin      Dispose(p);      CheckHead := nil;    end    else begin      while p^.VNext <> nil do      begin        p1:= p ;        // Dispose(p);        p := p1^.VNext;        //Dispose(p1); //add by mrlong  为什么这??      end;      if Assigned(p1) then        p1^.VNext := nil;      Dispose(p);    end;  end;end;procedure TMathParser.CheckLinkAdd(VarName : String);var  node,pnode : PCheckLink;begin  if CheckHead = nil then    begin      New(node);      node^.VarName := VarName;      node^.VNext := nil;      CheckHead := node;    end  else    begin      pnode := CheckHead;      while pnode^.VNext <> nil do pnode := pnode^.VNext;      New(node);      node^.VarName := VarName;      node^.VNext := nil;      pnode^.VNext := node;    end;end;function TMathParser.CompareLink(ExpressHead : PExpressLink) : Boolean;var  EHead  : PExpressLink;  CHead : PCheckLink;  num : Word;begin  num := 0;  EHead := ExpressHead;  if EHead <> nil then  begin    repeat      if (EHead^.TokenType = 3) or (EHead^.TokenType = 4) then      begin        CHead := CheckHead;        if CHead <> nil then        begin          repeat            if CHead^.VarName = EHead^.Tokenname then num := num +1;            CHead := CHead^.VNext;          until CHead = nil;        end;      end;      EHead := EHead^.ExpressNext;    until EHead = nil;  end;  if num = 0 then Result := False  else Result := True;end;procedure TMathParser.DeleteCheckLink(CheckHead : PCheckLink);var  p,p1 : PCheckLink;begin  p:= CheckHead;  if p <> nil then  begin    repeat      p1 := p^.VNext;      Dispose(p);      p := p1;    until p = nil;  end;end;destructor TMathParser.Destroy;begin  fFunctionCaption.Free;  fFunctionName.Free;  inherited;end;procedure TMathParser.Parse(ABackFun: TOnGetValueByCodeEvent);begin  fOnGetValueByCode := ABackFun;  VaruseError := 0;  ExpressParse(ParseString,ParseLeftString,CheckHead) ;  DeleteCheckLink(CheckHead);  //清空键表  CheckHead := nil;end;procedure TMathParser.ParseExpression(var AExp:String);var  Head,p  : PExpressLink;  MyStr : String;begin  VaruseError := 0;  Head := CreateExpressLink(AExp);  CheckLinkAdd('');             //非法字符,无非法字符  if CompareLink(Head) then    VaruseError := VaruseError + 1;  if fhasvar then    Head := GetExpressStrVar(Head);//GetExpressVar(Head);       //换算变量  if (VaruseError = 0 ) and (ExpressError = False)  then  begin    //将键表转化为字符串    p := Head;    MyStr := '';    while p <> nil do    begin      MyStr := MyStr + p^.Tokenname;      p := p^.ExpressNext;    end;    AExp := MyStr  end;  DeleteExpressLink(Head);           //删除键表  Deletethevarname;end;function TMathParser.ParseIfExp(AStr: String): Boolean;type  pMyStrRec = ^TmyStrRec;  TmyStrRec = record    fStr : String;  end;var  i,c : integer;  myList : TList;  myand : Boolean; //如=True 表示 and关系,否则是 or 关系  myPstr : pMyStrRec;  myStr : String;  myExp : array[0..2] of String;  myChar : Char;  myb : Boolean;  myiback : Boolean;  // = True 则不处理  myv1,myv2 : Extended;begin////   & 表示并且 | 表示或者//// 说明,只能全部是 & 或全部是 |////  >= 时怎么处理,//////  Result := False;  myList := TList.Create;  try    myand := Pos('&',AStr) > 0;    if myand then myChar := '&' else myChar := '|';    myiback := False;    for i:=1 to Length(AStr) do    begin      if myiback then      begin        myiback := False;        Continue;      end;      if (AStr[i] = myChar) or (AnsiChar(AStr[i]) in ['>','=','!']) then // @ 为<      begin        new(myPstr); myPstr^.fStr := myStr;        myList.Add(myPstr);        mystr := '';        //增加操作符        if (AnsiChar(AStr[i]) in ['>','=']) then        begin          new(myPstr);myPstr^.fStr := AStr[i];          myList.Add(myPstr);          if (AStr[i] = '>') and ((i+1)<Length(AStr)) and             (AStr[i+1]='=') then          begin            myPstr^.fStr := '>=';  //这时的i 要跳一格            myiback := True; //下一个i不处理          end;        end        else if (AnsiChar(AStr[i]) in ['!']) and ((i+1)<Length(AStr)) and                (AStr[i+1]='=') then        begin          new(myPstr);myPstr^.fStr := '!=';          myList.Add(myPstr);          myiback := True;  //与上面一样        end;      end      else        mystr := mystr + AStr[i];    end;    if mystr <> '' then begin      new(myPstr); myPstr^.fStr := mystr;      myList.Add(myPstr);    end;    //    // 三个一比较    //    c := myList.Count div 3;    if c = 0 then Exit;    for i:=0 to c -1 do    begin      myPstr := myList.Items[i*3+0];  myExp[0] := myPstr^.fStr;      myPstr := myList.Items[i*3+1];  myExp[1] := myPstr^.fStr;      myPstr := myList.Items[i*3+2];  myExp[2] := myPstr^.fStr;      // myExp[0],myExp[2] 有可能是表达式      if not ParseNum(myExp[0],myv1) then Exit;      if not ParseNum(myExp[2],myv2) then Exit;      myb := False;      //大于值      if myExp[1] = '>' then        myb := myv1 > myv2      else if myExp[1] = '=' then        myb := isEqual(myv1,myv2)      else if myExp[1] = '!=' then        myb := myv1 <> myv2      else if myExp[1] = '>=' then        myb := myv1 >= myv2;      if myb and not myand then      begin        Result := True;        Exit;      end      else if not myb and myand then begin        Exit;      end;    end;    //myand =True 的情况 运行完成,发现没有 false ,则返回 True    if myand then Result := True;  finally    for i:=0 to myList.Count -1 do    begin      myPstr := myList.Items[i];      Dispose(myPstr);    end;    myList.Free;  end;end;function TMathParser.ParseNum(AStr: String;var AValue:Extended): Boolean;var  myStr : String;begin  AValue := 0;  Result := True;  myStr := ParseString;  ParseString := AStr;  try   if ParseString <> '' then    begin      if Parse then      begin        AValue := ParseValue;        Result := True;      end      else begin        ParseError := True;        Result := False;      end    end  finally    ParseString := myStr;  end;end;procedure TMathParser.GetStrVarByCode(ACode: string; var Value: string;  var Found: Boolean);var  myStr : string;  myFound : Boolean;begin  Found := False;  //这地方是取出变量来  if Assigned(fOnGetValueByCode) then  begin    myFound := False;    fOnGetValueByCode(ACode,myStr,myFound);    if myFound then    begin      Found := True;      Value := myStr;    end;  end;end;procedure TMathParser.GetVarByCode(ACode: string; var Value: Extended;  var Found: Boolean);var  myStr : string;  myFound : Boolean;begin  Found := False;  myFound:= False;  GetStrVarByCode(ACode,myStr,myFound);  if myFound then  begin    Found := myFound;    Value := StrToFloatDef(myStr,0);  end;end;function TMathParser.GetExpressStrVar(  ExpressHead: PExpressLink): PExpressLink;var  phead,nodepre,nodethis : PExpressLink;  Value : string;  ValFound: Boolean;begin  ExpressError := False;  phead := ExpressHead;  if (VaruseError = 0) and (ExpressError = False)  and (phead <> nil) then  begin    nodethis := phead;    Value    := '';    repeat      case  nodethis^.TokenType of        4:  //费用表变量[] 2=普通变量          begin            GetStrVarByCode(nodethis^.Tokenname,Value,ValFound);            if ValFound then            begin              nodethis^.TokenType := 5;              nodethis^.Tokenname := Value;            end            else begin              ExpressError := True;              break;            end;          end;        2:          begin            //            // 只有 fhasVariableChar = False 才处理 2            //            // 可能if(1=2,3,4), 是 1=2,3,4就是变量,这时会增加查找的过程过多            //            if not fhasVariableChar then            begin              GetStrVarByCode(nodethis^.Tokenname,Value,ValFound);              if ValFound then              begin                nodethis^.TokenType := 5;                nodethis^.Tokenname := Value;              end              else                nodethis^.TokenType := 5;  //如没有找到,则当前是常量处理了. 2007-4-2            end;          end;      end; // end case      nodepre := nodethis;      nodethis := nodepre^.ExpressNext;      Value := '';    until (nodethis  = nil) or (VaruseError <> 0) or ExpressError;  end; // end if  if (VaruseError = 0) and (ExpressError = False) then    Result := ExpressHead  else begin    if Assigned(FOnParseError)        then FOnParseError(Self, Erruseselfloop);    DeleteExpressLink(phead);    Result := nil;  end;end;end.

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 u盘延缓写入失败怎么办 手机提示sd卡不可用怎么办 显示sd卡不可用怎么办 小米手机检测不到sd卡怎么办 小米手机sd卡写入失败怎么办 没有检测到sd卡怎么办 e站图片配额用尽怎么办 内存卡密码忘了怎么办 电脑上酷狗音乐播放失败怎么办 播放失败不支持该文件怎么办 手机山寨云资源失效怎么办 支付密码输错了怎么办 微信密码锁定了怎么办 电脑网易云音乐闪退怎么办 逆战耳机电流声怎么办 肠道感染一直吃药治不好怎么办 如果24小时以后还没到账该怎么办 在游戏平台充值没到账该怎么办 充值豪华黄钻没到账该怎么办 起点签到签满了怎么办 ipad锁屏声音小怎么办 扣扣邮箱文件超大了怎么办 网易邮箱图片已过期怎么办 邮箱里面的文件过期了怎么办 邮箱发的文件过期了怎么办 邮箱发送的文件过期怎么办 小米4s开不开机怎么办 小米平板关机后开不开机怎么办 公司老板跑路了社保怎么办 公司老板跑路社保怎么办 公司被公安局查封社保怎么办 小米四开不了机怎么办 小米的手机后壳裂了怎么办 公司没钱拖欠员工社保怎么办 小米note充不进去电怎么办 公司欠社保没交怎么办 公司不给转社保怎么办 小米note充电特别慢怎么办 小米小米note2充电慢怎么办 小米note充电红灯不闪烁怎么办 小米note充电红灯闪烁怎么办