From Google Research Blog: Googl…

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发表于 2011年05月19号 52nlp

  自然语言处理与计算语言学的盛会ACL 2011即将在美国俄勒冈州波特兰市举行,而Google ResearchBlog在昨天发表了一篇“Googleat ACL 2011”,给大家及时通报了今年Google在ACL2011上的参与情况。粗略的看了一下,Google今年在ACL上发表的Paper涉及Part-of-Speech Tagging,Named Entity Recognition, Context-Free Parsing,Translation等自然语言处理的基础领域,值得NLPer们一阅。我是在GoogleReader上看到的,直接看原文的话在国内可能需要“翻墙”,为了给大家节省一点“翻墙”的时间以及活跃这里的气氛,以下就全文转载了!

Google at ACL 2011

Posted by Ryan McDonald and Fernando Pereira, Research Team

The Annual Meeting of the Association forComputational Linguistics is one of the premierconferences for language and text technologies. Many employees atGoogle have strong roots in the community of researchers thatattend this meeting, including many of our researchers working onmachine translation and speech.

At thisyears conference, Google is particularly wellrepresented. The General Chair is Dekang Lin and a few Googlers are serving astechnical Area Chairs (in addition to the plethora ofGooglers that reviewed papers for the conference). Google is also aPlatinum Sponsor of ACL this year.

Research advances at Google can be seen throughout theconference’s technical content. Below is a complete list ofGoogler-authored or co-authored papers in the main conference. Wewant to give special emphasis to this year’s best paper award,given to “UnsupervisedPart-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-BasedProjections” by CMU graduate student and Google internDipanjan Das and his internship advisorSlav Petrov. ACL is an extremely selectiveconference and this award speaks volumes to the importance ofsyntactic analysis and usingbilingual corpora to project syntactic resources from resource richlanguages (like English) to other languages. CongratulationsDipanjan and Slav!

Googlers are also involved in two of this year’s tutorials.Marius Pasca will present “Web Search Queries as a Corpus” and KuzmanGanchev and his colleagues will teach about “Rich Prior Knowledge in Learning for Natural LanguageProcessing”. Finally, Katja Fillipova and her colleagues are runninga workshop on “Monolingual Text-to-Text Generation”.

ACL will take place this year in Portland from June 19th to June24th.

Papers by Googlers (a * indicates a paper that will be linked toafter the conference):

Ranking Class Labels Using Query Sessions*
Marius Pasca

Fine-Grained Class Label Markup of Search Queries*
Joseph Reisinger and Marius Pasca

Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with BilingualGraph-Based Projections
Dipanjan Das and Slav Petrov

Large-Scale Cross-Document Coreference UsingDistributed Inference and Hierarchical Models
Sameer Singh, Amarnag Subramanya, Fernando Pereira and AndrewMcCallum

Piggyback: Using Search Engines for RobustCross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
Stefan Rüd, Massimiliano Ciaramita, Jens Müller and HinrichSchütze

Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-FreeParsing
Nathan Bodenstab, Aaron Dunlop, Keith Hall and Brian Roark

Language-independent compound splitting withmorphological operations
Klaus Macherey, Andrew Dai, David Talbot, Ashok Popat and FranzOch

Model-Based Aligner Combination Using DualDecomposition
John DeNero and Klaus Macherey

Binarized Forest to StringTranslation
Hao Zhang, Licheng Fang, Peng Xu and Xiaoyun Wu

Semi-supervised Latent Variable Models for Fine-grained SentimentAnalysis
Oscar Tackstrom and Ryan McDonald


  1. ACL-HLT 2011: List of AcceptedPapers
  2. ACL-HLT 2011: List of AcceptedShort Papers
  3. ACLAnthology——计算语言学的数字档案
  4. COLING2010前瞻——规则与统计共舞,语言随计算齐飞
  5. ACL 2010文章已可下载
  6. ACL-IJCNLP2009会议进行时一
  7. 追忆大师贾里尼克
  8. 自然语言处理与计算语言学书籍汇总之一:国外书籍
  9. EMNLP 2011文章列表出来了
  10. Google’s PythonClass