
来源:互联网 发布:矢量控制知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 01:07



public class BasicMathDemo{public static void main(String[] args) {double a = -191.635;double b = 43.74;int c = 16, d = 45;System.out.printf("The absolute value " + "of %.3f is %.3f%n", a,Math.abs(a));System.out.printf("The ceiling of " + "%.2f is %.0f%n", b, Math.ceil(b));System.out.printf("The floor of " + "%.2f is %.0f%n", b, Math.floor(b));System.out.printf("The rint of %.2f " + "is %.0f%n", b, Math.rint(b));System.out.printf("The max of %d and " + "%d is %d%n", c, d,Math.max(c, d));System.out.printf("The min of of %d " + "and %d is %d%n", c, d,Math.min(c, d));}}


public class ExponentialDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {double x = 11.635;double y = 2.76;System.out.printf("The value of " + "e is %.4f%n", Math.E);System.out.printf("exp(%.3f) " + "is %.3f%n", x, Math.exp(x));System.out.printf("log(%.3f) is " + "%.3f%n", x, Math.log(x));System.out.printf("pow(%.3f, %.3f) " + "is %.3f%n", x, y,Math.pow(x, y));System.out.printf("sqrt(%.3f) is " + "%.3f%n", x, Math.sqrt(x));}}


public class TrigonometricDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {double degrees = 45.0;double radians = Math.toRadians(degrees);System.out.format("The value of pi " + "is %.4f%n", Math.PI);System.out.format("The sine of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n", degrees,Math.sin(radians));System.out.format("The cosine of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n", degrees,Math.cos(radians));System.out.format("The tangent of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n",degrees, Math.tan(radians));System.out.format("The arcsine of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n",Math.sin(radians),Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(Math.sin(radians))));System.out.format("The arccosine of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n",Math.cos(radians),Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(Math.cos(radians))));System.out.format("The arctangent of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n",Math.tan(radians),Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.tan(radians))));}}



