
来源:互联网 发布:大话设计模式php 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 20:28



  1. 现在是完全不考虑删除功能,考虑发布文件极少需要删除,那可能需要升级程序重新排列文件包。这是一个耗时的任务。但是为了或许会有的重新占位的可能(就是在删除的文件上覆盖一个不大于原文件的新文件。
    after discussing, we decide to not to implement the DEL functions, (consider that most resources released will not need to be delete ) but for the further concern, we decide to make a mark on the discarded files.
  2. 根据在GL群里几个大大的说法,加密是无用的,因此参考盆友意见,只加密解密部分可能是只加密索引部分,具体内容不进行加密,但应该是会进行压缩,每个文件描述符内都会有一个压缩方法的ID
    according to some fellow's thought, encrpytion will affects the indexing only but content should be zip for saving space and the description of each file will contain an ID of compression method.

任务目标 object

resource file package system.

最终效果 archivement


system can packs multi files into one, have ability to add new resource into a released package. the package support directories, it means the file id can include dir token. directory has its own dir description( of course it can have no, a example for a dir that has a description: an image dir that contains all image with same  ext, width, height, and color depth). the package need to be encrpted, and it have ability of decryption, since the resource will be unserialized on run-time for using. functions of DELETE & MODIFY is considered, but have no idea how to deal with it. but a thought of that the dir & files in the package can be signed that they were discarded.

关键对象 Keyword object:

  • package
  • directory
  • file
  • dir_desciption
  • serializor(zipper encrypter)
  • unserializor(unzipper decrypter)

工具链 tool chain: 

  • PackageZipper
  • PackageViewer
  • PackageExtractor
  • FileFormatter(for zip into one given, which within description, dir. it produce two files : one description file and a token that only contains nesscery binary) 

工作顺序列表 TODO-list with ordered.

  1. 字符串对象和操作
    string and related functions
  2. 文件字符串哈希和其对应的容器
    file_path hashing and related container(map/vector/tree or anything they are.)
  3. 文件系统(已经完成部分)
    file system(finished a little part)
  4. 对称加/解密算法研究
    symmetrical  encryption/decryption algorithm
  5. 串行化和反串行化研究(资源包设计)
    serialization and unserialization (package binary layout design)
  6. 通过文件系统设计资源包应用
    making resource package application(using file system) 
  7. 工具链的制作 tool chain creation.