
来源:互联网 发布:医院会计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 06:31

由于要在STB中实现待机,需要kill掉一些进程 ,这里采用的是先ps查出有哪些进程,并保存到文件,然后把该kill掉的进程kill掉,还没有做好。部分kill的代码:

#include <stdio.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <dirent.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <fcntl.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <errno.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <cutils/log.h>#define PATH_MAX 128  #define PROCESS_RESERVER_NUM  58char reserve_process[PROCESS_RESERVER_NUM][64] ={ "/init", "kthreadd", "ksoftirqd/0", "watchdog/0", "events/0", "khelper", "async/mgr", "sync_supers", "bdi-default", "kblockd/0", "ata_aux", "ata_sff/0", "khubd", "kseriod", "kgameportd", "kmmcd", "cfg80211", "rpciod/0", "khungtaskd", "kswapd0", "aio/0", "nfsiod", "crypto/0", "scsi_eh_0", "mtdblock0", "mtdblock1", "mtdblock2", "mtdblock3", "mtdblock4", "mtdblock5", "mtdblock6", "mtdblock7", "mtdblock8", "mtdblock9", "mtdblock10", "mtdblock11", "mtdblock12", "mtdblock13", "mtdblock14", "wusbd", "kpsmoused", "kstriped", "usbhid_resumer", "binder", "l2cap", "krfcommd", "yaffs-bg-1", "yaffs-bg-1", "yaffs-bg-1", "/system/bin/sh", "/system/bin/irkeyservice", "logcat", "zygote", "flush-31:6", "system_server", "galcore", "/system/bin/hdmi"};typedef struct {char user[32];char pid[10];char ppid[10];char vsize[10];char rss[10];char wchan[10];char pc[10];char s[10];char process_name[64];} PS_INFO_T;pthread_mutex_t mutex[1];int check_process_reserve(char *process_name){int i = 0;LOGI("process_name = %s", process_name);for(i = 0; i < PROCESS_RESERVER_NUM; i++)if(memcmp(reserve_process[i], process_name, strlen(process_name)) == 0)return 1;return -1;}/* reads a file, making sure it is terminated with \n \0 */void *read_file(const char *fn, unsigned *_sz){    char *data;    int sz;    int fd;    data = 0;    fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);    if(fd < 0)     {    printf("open %s fail\n", fn);    return 0;}printf("fd = %d\n", fd);    sz = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);    printf("sz = %d\n", sz);    if(sz < 0) goto oops;    if(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto oops;    data = (char*) malloc(sz + 2);    if(data == 0) goto oops;    if(read(fd, data, sz) != sz) goto oops;    close(fd);    data[sz] = '\n';    data[sz+1] = 0;    if(_sz) *_sz = sz;    printf("read_file success\n");    return data;oops:    close(fd);    printf("read_file fail\n");    if(data != 0) free(data);    return 0;}char *mydata = NULL;char * parse_next_process(char *data, PS_INFO_T *p_info){char *p = NULL;pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);LOGI("Enter parse_next_process--------------------------");while(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->user, p, data - p );  //userp_info->user[data - p ] = '\0';while(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->pid, p, data - p);//pidp_info->pid[data - p] = '\0';while(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->ppid, p, data - p);//ppidwhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->vsize, p, data - p);//vsizewhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->rss, p, data - p);//rsswhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->wchan, p, data - p);//wchanwhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->pc, p, data - p);//pcwhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ')data++;memcpy(p_info->s, p, data - p);//swhile(*data == ' ' || *data == '\n')data++;p = data;while(*data != ' ' && *data != '\n')data++;memcpy(p_info->process_name, p, data - p);//process_namep_info->process_name[data - p ] = '\0';if(*data != '\n'){LOGI("process name have space");//进程名有空格while( *data != '\n')data++;}LOGI("Exit parse_next_process------------------------------pid = %d",getpid());pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);return data;}int main(int argc, char *argv[])  {          int i, rv, pid_t[128];          int status = 0;          char *p = NULL;   int pid = -1; PS_INFO_T ps_info; pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL); pid = fork();        printf("pid = %d\n", pid);                  LOGI("rv = %d.\n", rv);   if(pid == 0) {rv = execl("/system/bin/sh", "/system/bin/sh", "/system/etc/", (char*)0);  LOGI("rv1 = %d \n", rv);exit(0);return 0;}else{sleep(1);while(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0)              {                  printf(  "waitpid error pid:%d \n", pid);                  break;              }              mydata = read_file("/ps.log", 0);            p = &mydata[61];//去掉第一行            while(p)            {            p = parse_next_process(p, &ps_info);                                    if(memcmp("ps", ps_info.process_name, strlen(ps_info.process_name)) == 0)          {          LOGI("Exit process");          break;          }          pid = fork();            if(pid == 0) {if(check_process_reserve(ps_info.process_name) != 1){LOGI("find process %s, pid = %s not reserve", ps_info.process_name,;rv = execl("/system/bin/kill", "/system/bin/kill",, (char*)0);  LOGI("rv = %d\n", rv);}exit(0);return 0;}else            {  while(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0)            {                printf(  "waitpid error pid:%d \n", pid);                  break;               }              }              }}LOGI("Exit Main \n");        return 0;     }  

/system/etc/ps.sh这个脚本 执行ps命令并把文件保存在根目录下。
