TOJ 1257 感受水题的力量

来源:互联网 发布:健身 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 07:18


McCarthy is a famous theorician of computer science. In his work, he defined a recursive function, called f91, that takes as input a positive integer N and returns a positive integer defined as follows:

  • If N ≤ 100, then f91(N) = f91(f91(N+11));
  • If N ≥ 101, then f91(N) = N-10.

The Problem

Write a program, that computes McCarthy's f91.

The Input

The input tests will consist of a series of positive integers, each integer is at most 1,000,000. There will be at most 250,000 test cases. Each number is on a line on its own. The end of the input is reached when the number 0 is met. The number 0 shall not be considered as part of the test set.


The program shall output each result on a line by its own, following the format given in the sample output.

Sample Input


Sample Output

f91(500) = 490f91(91) = 91


Huge input and output, scanf( ) and printf( ) are recommended.



开始的想法是101-10=91 然后再89 90 91中找临界。后来想到了mod11的问题就简单了。



#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdio.h>int main(){    int n = 0;    while(scanf("%d",&n)){        if(n==0)            break;        if(n>101){           printf("f91(%d) = %d\n",n,n-10);           continue;        }                else        {                     printf("f91(%d) = %d\n",n,91);           continue;        }           }    system("pause");    return 0;}

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 化肥施多了烧苗怎么办 绿植施肥施多了怎么办 盆栽肥料放多了怎么办 三环复合肥怎么办啊 母猪下崽后不吃食怎么办 猪自配料料槽不下怎么办 美甲边缘起翘怎么办 猪粪流到鱼塘里鱼死了怎么办啊 在基本农田建有机肥厂怎么办 有机肥厂的环评怎么办 织玻璃纤维网布环评怎么办 吃了受潮的奶粉怎么办 喝了受潮的奶粉怎么办 刚买的奶粉受潮怎么办 羊不小心吃了化肥怎么办 阿胶粉结成块了怎么办 半桶奶粉受潮了怎么办 眉粉受潮了结块怎么办 刚买的奶粉结块怎么办 袋装白糖成坨了怎么办 一袋子白糖硬了怎么办 粉饼上有一层油怎么办 葡萄后期氮肥施用过多怎么办 没洗的菜吃了怎么办 闻了汽油味头晕怎么办 碰到绿萝的汁液怎么办 吃了带农药水果怎么办 开槽模切一体机模切时开槽怎么办 柔版印刷走纸歪斜怎么办 美团外卖一天8单怎么办 单位显示器丢了怎么办员工赔 纸板板门起泡了怎么办 卖家要我开出质量问题证明怎么办 闲鱼买到的商品不符合描述怎么办 寄出去的东西碎了怎么办 闲鱼快递损坏了怎么办 寄快递东西坏了怎么办 快递邮寄东西坏了怎么办 快递被别人拆了怎么办 淘宝买的东西包装破损怎么办 寄血液被退回来怎么办