Login Tacker 1.4

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝分销注意事项 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 18:46

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<title>=== SSBG / LOG INFO FINDER === </title>

<script language="javascript">

 function  GetAimInfo(a,b,c,d,selAnd,chkSub)    
  var temp = "";
  if(d == ""){
   alert("please put in the routine of the file");
   return false;
  if(a == "" && b== "" && c == ""){
   alert("please put the finding  character in");
   return false;
  if(a == ""){
   a = "###";
  if(b == ""){
   b = "###";
  if(c == ""){
   c = "###";
  var query;
  var strProcss=a;
  var strEmail=b;
  var strOther=c; 
  var theCount=0;
  var theOldNumb=0;
  var ProcessNumb = 0;
  var EmailNumb  = 0;
  var OtherNumb  = 0;
  var theShowResult = "";
  var sLine="";
  var fso,f,r  
  var ForReading = 1,ForWriting = 2; 
   fso   =   new   ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   f   =   fso.OpenTextFile(d,   ForReading); 
   alert("the file of the  routine is not exist,please put in once more!");
   return false;
      temp = "<html><title>Find the data</title><body>";
   temp += "<table width='100%' border='1'  cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bordercolorlight='#6699ff' bordercolordark='#6699ff' >";
   temp += "<tr class='th'><td onclick = 'gotoButtom()'>Num</td><td align = 'center'>  ----------- The content of the finding ----------- </td><td onclick = 'gotoButtom()'>Num/old</td></tr>"
  while (sLine != null)
    sLine = f.ReadLine();    
    if (sLine != null)
     theOldNumb = theOldNumb + 1;     
     //无论大小写,只要有,就为 true
     var boolProcess = (sLine.indexOf(strProcss)>0 || sLine.indexOf(strProcss.toLowerCase())>0  || sLine.indexOf(strProcss.toUpperCase())>0);
     var boolEmail   = (sLine.indexOf(strEmail) >0 || sLine.indexOf(strEmail.toLowerCase()) > 0 || sLine.indexOf(strEmail.toUpperCase())>0);
     var boolOther = (sLine.indexOf(strOther) >0 ||  sLine.indexOf(strOther.toLowerCase()) >0  ||sLine.indexOf(strOther.toUpperCase()) >0);
     if(selAnd == "And")
      if(strProcss == "###")
       query = boolEmail && boolOther;
      else if(strEmail == "###")
       query = boolProcess && boolOther;
      else if(strOther == "###")
       query = boolProcess && boolEmail;
       query = boolProcess && boolEmail && boolOther;
      query = boolProcess || boolEmail || boolOther; 

     if(sLine.indexOf(strProcss.toLowerCase()) > 0)
     {//在一定的条件下 把[子进程号]包含当作条件
      var theLeft = sLine.indexOf("(") + 1;
      var theRirgh = sLine.indexOf(")");
      var subString = sLine.substring(theLeft,theRirgh);
      if(subString.toLowerCase() == strProcss.toLowerCase() || subString == "00000000")
      { }
      { subString = sLine.substring(theLeft,theRirgh); }
     if(chkSub.checked) //如果子进程复选框选中的话,条件中加入。。。
      query = query || sLine.indexOf(subString)>0;    
      theCount = theCount + 1;
       ProcessNumb = ProcessNumb + 1;
       EmailNumb = EmailNumb + 1;
       OtherNumb = OtherNumb + 1;
      temp += "<tr onmouseover=/"this.bgColor='#C4DFF7'/" onmouseout=/"this.bgColor='#ffffff'/">" ;
      temp += "<td>" + theCount + "</td>";      
      temp += "<td>" +  sLine + "</td>";
      temp += "<td>" + theOldNumb + "</td>";
      temp += "</tr>";
  theShowResult += "<strong><font color = '#FF0000'>" +  ProcessNumb + "</font></strong> /&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  theShowResult += "<strong><font color = '#0000FF'>" +  EmailNumb + "</font></strong> /&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  theShowResult += "<strong><font color = '#007744'>" +  OtherNumb + "</font></strong> ";
  temp +="<tr><td colspan='3' onclick = 'gotoTop()'><a name='#Buttom'>Total</a> &nbsp;<strong>" + theCount + "</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;records &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + theShowResult  + "</td></tr>";
  temp += "</table>"; 
  temp += "</body></html>";
  if(theCount == 0)  // theCount == 1 || theCount == 0
   alert("no record");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"TO: <","TO: "); 
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"TO:<","TO: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"to: <","TO: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"to:<","TO: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"To:<","TO: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"FROM: <","FROM: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"FROM:<","FROM: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"from:<","from: ");
  temp = ReplaceStr2(temp,"from: <","from: ");

  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strProcss,"#ff0000");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strProcss.toLowerCase(),"#ff0000");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strProcss.toUpperCase(),"#ff0000");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strEmail,"#0000ff");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strEmail.toLowerCase(),"#0000ff");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strEmail.toUpperCase(),"#0000ff");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strOther,"#007744");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strOther.toLowerCase(),"#007744");
  temp = ReplaceStr(temp,strOther.toUpperCase(),"#007744");

  document.all.show.innerHTML = temp;
 function ReplaceStr(inputStr,oldStr,colorStr)
  var strReturn;
  if(oldStr == "")
  re = new RegExp(oldStr,"g");
  var newStr = "<strong><font color = '" + colorStr + "'><u>" + oldStr +"</u></font></strong>";
  strReturn = inputStr.replace(re,newStr);
  return strReturn;
 function ReplaceStr2(inputStr,oldStr,newStr)
  var strReturn;
  if(oldStr == "")
  re = new RegExp(oldStr,"g");
  strReturn = inputStr.replace(re,newStr);
  return strReturn;
 function chkAddFun(a,b)
   b.style.background = "#CCCCCC";
   b.disabled = 1;
   b.style.background = "#FFFFFF";
   b.disabled = 0;

 function showAndInfo()
  var temp = document.getElementById("AndId");
  if(temp.style.display == "none")
   temp.style.display = "block";
   temp.style.display = "none"
  return ;
 function setState()
  var theSelValue = document.getElementById("selAnd").value;
  var temp = document.getElementById("AndId");
  if(theSelValue == "And")
   temp.style.display = "block";
   temp.style.display = "none";
 function gotoButtom()
  location.href = "#buttom";
 function gotoTop()
  location.href = "#top";

<link href="CSS/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="CSS/color.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<body id="bodyNode" class="bodyTop" onload = "setState()">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="showInfo.asp">
<table width="100%" border="1" bordercolorlight="#6699ff" bordercolordark="#6699ff"  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="BlueBoldfont" >
   <div align="center"> ==== QUERY INFO ===== </div>
   <div align="center">File path:<input  type="file" name="txtPath" ></div>
   <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
     <td width="8%"><div align="right">Course:</div></td>
     <td width="21%">
      <input name="txtProcess" type="text" id="txtProcess" size="18" >
      <input name="chkSub" id="chkSub" type="checkbox" value="">sub
     <td width="8%"><div align="right">Email: </div></td>
     <td width="21%"><input name="txtEmail" type="text" id="txtEmail2" size="18"></td>
     <td width="6%"><div align="right">Other:</div></td>
     <td><input name="txtOther"  type="text" id="txtOther2" size="18"></td>
      <div align="left">
      <select name="selAnd" id="selAnd" onChange="showAndInfo(this.value)">
       <option value="Or" selected>Or</option>
       <option value="And">And</option>      
     <td width="8%"><input type="button" name="Submit"  class="btn_mouseout" value="Query" onClick = "GetAimInfo(this.form.txtProcess.value,this.form.txtEmail.value,this.form.txtOther.value,this.form.txtPath.value,this.form.selAnd.options[selAnd.selectedIndex].text,this.form.chkSub)"></td>
 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <tr class="BlueBoldfont">
  <td colspan="2"><div align="left"><strong>[EXPLAINS]:</strong> When data quantity big,Possibly must wait a bit about for 30 seconds. Best uses the IE browser. </div></td>
   <tr class="BlueBoldfont">
     <td width="77%">&nbsp;</td>
     <td width="23%"><div id="AndId" >
    <div align="right"><font color="#007744">"And" needs 2 conditions.</font></div>
 <div id="show" style="display:block;"></div>
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