
来源:互联网 发布:禁止安装某些软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 22:33








typedefgraphlab::distributed_graph<vertex_data, edge_data>graph_type  定义图的逻辑结构.



classsssp : public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type,

graphlab::empty, min_distance_type>,




gather_edges()不收集边,则表明该顶点程序不运行gather phase.




scatter()调用get_other_vertex()获得该顶点的邻居顶点otherdistance_typenewd = vertex.data().dist +edge.data().dist表示该顶点vertex的距离加1,若newd小于other的数据,则激活other,context.signal(other,newd).



1 首先引擎激活源点sourceengine.signal(sources[i]),min_distance_type(0))通过消息机制将其距离初始化为零;

2 init阶段,将消息收集来的最小距离记下min_distance,表示源点当前能达该顶点的可能最小距离(后面可能有更短的路径可达)

3 gather_edges阶段,收集被激活的顶点的邻居;若没有邻居则跳过vertex_program

4 apply阶段,若源点有到该顶点可达的更小距离,则更新当前顶点的数据,置changed为真

5 scatter_edges阶段,收集顶点的邻居

6 scatter阶段,若changed为假,跳过此步;否则,调用get_other_vertex()获得该顶点的邻居顶点otherdistance_typenewd = vertex.data().dist +edge.data().dist表示该顶点vertex的距离加1,若newd小于other的数据,则激活












publicgraphlab:: IS_POD_TYPE


1 首先引擎激活源点sourceengine.signal(sources[i])

2 gather_edges阶段,收集被激活的顶点的邻居;


3 gather阶段,收集邻居到该顶点的数据+1的最小值,调用std::min()函数即可,注意gather阶段是做了很多次,次数与顶点的邻居数相关.

4 apply阶段(每次vertex_program只做一次),若再gather阶段收集到的距离都超过了顶点默认的最大值,则说明运行本次vertex_program的为源点,将源点的距离初始化为0



5 scatter_edges阶段,收集顶点的邻居

6 scatter阶段,若changed为假,跳过此步;

否则,调用get_other_vertex()获得该顶点的邻居顶点otherdistance_typenewd = vertex.data().dist +edge.data().dist表示该顶点vertex的距离加1,若newd小于other的数据,则激活邻居other,context.signal(other).




/**   * Copyright (c) 2009 Carnegie Mellon University.  *     All rights reserved. * *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS *  IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either *  express or implied.  See the License for the specific language *  governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * For more about this software visit: * *      http://www.graphlab.ml.cmu.edu * */#include <vector>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_stl.hpp>#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>#include <graphlab.hpp>#include <graphlab/util/stl_util.hpp>#include <graphlab/macros_def.hpp>/** * \brief The type used to measure distances in the graph. *///typedef float distance_type;typedef int distance_type;/** * \brief The current distance of the vertex. */struct vertex_data : graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {  distance_type dist;  //vertex_data(distance_type dist = std::numeric_limits<distance_type>::max()) :  vertex_data(distance_type dist=1024)://赋予顶点一个不可能的最大值,不要使用std::numeric_limits<distance_type>::max(),会溢出    dist(dist) { }}; // end of vertex data/** * \brief The distance associated with the edge. */struct edge_data : graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {  distance_type dist;  edge_data(distance_type dist = 1) : dist(dist) { }}; // end of edge data/** * \brief The graph type encodes the distances between vertices and * edges */typedef graphlab::distributed_graph<vertex_data, edge_data> graph_type;/** * \brief The graph loader is used by graph.load to parse lines of the * text data file. * * We use the relativley fast boost::spirit parser to parse each line. */bool graph_loader(graph_type& graph, const std::string& fname,                  const std::string& line) {  ASSERT_FALSE(line.empty());  namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;  namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;  namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;  graphlab::vertex_id_type source_id(-1), target_id(-1);  float weight = 1;  const bool success = qi::phrase_parse    (line.begin(), line.end(),            //  Begin grammar     (      qi::ulong_[phoenix::ref(source_id) = qi::_1] >> -qi::char_(',') >>      qi::ulong_[phoenix::ref(target_id) = qi::_1] >>       -(-qi::char_(',') >> qi::float_[phoenix::ref(weight) = qi::_1])      )     ,     //  End grammar     ascii::space);   if(!success) return false;  if(source_id == target_id) {    logstream(LOG_ERROR)       << "Self edge to vertex " << source_id << " is not permitted." << std::endl;  }  // Create an edge and add it to the graph  graph.add_edge(source_id, target_id, weight);  return true; // successful load}; // end of graph loader/** * \brief Get the other vertex in the edge. */inline graph_type::vertex_typeget_other_vertex(const graph_type::edge_type& edge,                 const graph_type::vertex_type& vertex) {  return vertex.id() == edge.source().id()? edge.target() : edge.source();}/** * \brief Use directed or undireced edges. */bool DIRECTED_SSSP = false;/** * \brief This class is used as the gather type. */struct min_distance_type : graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {  distance_type dist;  min_distance_type(distance_type dist =                     std::numeric_limits<distance_type>::max()) : dist(dist) { }  min_distance_type& operator+=(const min_distance_type& other) {    dist = std::min(dist, other.dist);    return *this;  }};/* * \brief The single source shortest path vertex program. *//*class sssp :  public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type,                                    graphlab::empty,                                   min_distance_type>,//notes  public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {*/class sssp:public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type,min_distance_type>,public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE{  distance_type min_dist;  bool changed;public:/*  void init(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,            const min_distance_type& msg) {    min_dist = msg.dist;  } */  /**   * \brief We use the messaging model to compute the SSSP update   *//*  edge_dir_type gather_edges(icontext_type& context,                              const vertex_type& vertex) const {     return graphlab::NO_EDGES;        //return graphlab::ALL_EDGES;  }; // end of gather_edges */  //  * \brief Collect the distance to the neighbor  //  */  // min_distance_type gather(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,   //                          edge_type& edge) const {  //   return min_distance_type(edge.data() +   //                            get_other_vertex(edge, vertex).data());  // } // end of gather function   edge_dir_type gather_edges(icontext_type& context,const vertex_type& vertex) const   {if(!DIRECTED_SSSP)return graphlab::ALL_EDGES;elsereturn graphlab::IN_EDGES;   }   min_distance_type  gather(icontext_type& context,const vertex_type& vertex,edge_type& edge) const   {//return std::min(vertex.data().dist,get_other_vertex(edge,vertex).data().dist+edge.data().dist);    return std::min(vertex.data().dist,get_other_vertex(edge,vertex).data().dist+1);   }  /**   * \brief If the distance is smaller then update   *//*  void apply(icontext_type& context, vertex_type& vertex,             const graphlab::empty& empty) {    changed = false;    if(vertex.data().dist > min_dist)       changed = true;      vertex.data().dist = min_dist;    }  }*/  ////  /*  void apply(icontext_type& context,vertex_type& vertex,const min_distance_type& total)  {  changed=false;if(total.dist>1000)//只要能预测超过最大值{changed=true;vertex.data().dist=0;}else if(vertex.data().dist>total.dist){changed=true;  vertex.data().dist=total.dist; }  }  /**   * \brief Determine if SSSP should run on all edges or just in edges   *//*  edge_dir_type scatter_edges(icontext_type& context,                              const vertex_type& vertex) const {    if(changed)      return DIRECTED_SSSP? graphlab::OUT_EDGES : graphlab::ALL_EDGES;     else return graphlab::NO_EDGES;  }; // end of scatter_edges*/  /**   * \brief The scatter function just signal adjacent pages    *//*    void scatter(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,               edge_type& edge) const {    const vertex_type other = get_other_vertex(edge, vertex);    distance_type newd = vertex.data().dist + edge.data().dist;    if (other.data().dist > newd) {      const min_distance_type msg(newd);      context.signal(other, newd);    }  } // end of scatter}; // end of shortest path vertex program*/edge_dir_type scatter_edges(icontext_type& context,const vertex_type& vertex) const{if(changed){if(DIRECTED_SSSP)return graphlab::OUT_EDGES;elsereturn graphlab::ALL_EDGES;}elsereturn graphlab::NO_EDGES;}void scatter(icontext_type& context,const vertex_type& vertex,edge_type& edge) const{vertex_type other=get_other_vertex(edge,vertex);if(vertex.data().dist+1<other.data().dist)context.signal(other);}};/** * \brief We want to save the final graph so we define a write which will be * used in graph.save("path/prefix", pagerank_writer()) to save the graph. */struct shortest_path_writer {  std::string save_vertex(const graph_type::vertex_type& vtx) {std::stringstream strm;    strm << vtx.id() << "\t" << vtx.data().dist << "\n";    return strm.str();  }  std::string save_edge(graph_type::edge_type e) { return ""; }}; // end of shortest_path_writerstruct max_deg_vertex_reducer: public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {  size_t degree;  graphlab::vertex_id_type vid;  max_deg_vertex_reducer& operator+=(const max_deg_vertex_reducer& other) {    if (degree < other.degree) {      (*this) = other;    }    return (*this);  }};max_deg_vertex_reducer find_max_deg_vertex(const graph_type::vertex_type vtx) {  max_deg_vertex_reducer red;  red.degree = vtx.num_in_edges() + vtx.num_out_edges();  red.vid = vtx.id();  return red;}int main(int argc, char** argv) {  // Initialize control plain using mpi  graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);  graphlab::distributed_control dc;  global_logger().set_log_level(LOG_INFO);  // Parse command line options -----------------------------------------------  graphlab::command_line_options     clopts("Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm.");  std::string graph_dir;  std::string format = "tsv";  std::string exec_type = "synchronous";  size_t powerlaw = 0;  std::vector<graphlab::vertex_id_type> sources;  bool max_degree_source = false;  clopts.attach_option("graph", graph_dir,                       "The graph file.  If none is provided "                       "then a toy graph will be created");  clopts.add_positional("graph");  clopts.attach_option("source", sources,                       "The source vertices");  clopts.attach_option("max_degree_source", max_degree_source,                       "Add the vertex with maximum degree as a source");  clopts.add_positional("source");  clopts.attach_option("directed", DIRECTED_SSSP,                       "Treat edges as directed.");  clopts.attach_option("engine", exec_type,                        "The engine type synchronous or asynchronous");     clopts.attach_option("powerlaw", powerlaw,                       "Generate a synthetic powerlaw out-degree graph. ");  std::string saveprefix;  clopts.attach_option("saveprefix", saveprefix,                       "If set, will save the resultant pagerank to a "                       "sequence of files with prefix saveprefix");  if(!clopts.parse(argc, argv)) {    dc.cout() << "Error in parsing command line arguments." << std::endl;    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // Build the graph ----------------------------------------------------------  graph_type graph(dc, clopts);  if(powerlaw > 0) { // make a synthetic graph    dc.cout() << "Loading synthetic Powerlaw graph." << std::endl;    graph.load_synthetic_powerlaw(powerlaw, false, 2, 100000000);  } else if (graph_dir.length() > 0) { // Load the graph from a file    dc.cout() << "Loading graph in format: "<< format << std::endl;    graph.load(graph_dir, graph_loader);  } else {    dc.cout() << "graph or powerlaw option must be specified" << std::endl;    clopts.print_description();    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  // must call finalize before querying the graph  graph.finalize();  dc.cout() << "#vertices:  " << graph.num_vertices() << std::endl            << "#edges:     " << graph.num_edges() << std::endl;  if(sources.empty()) {    if (max_degree_source == false) {      dc.cout()        << "No source vertex provided. Adding vertex 0 as source"         << std::endl;      sources.push_back(0);    }  }  if (max_degree_source) {    max_deg_vertex_reducer v = graph.map_reduce_vertices<max_deg_vertex_reducer>(find_max_deg_vertex);    dc.cout()      << "No source vertex provided.  Using highest degree vertex " << v.vid << " as source."      << std::endl;    sources.push_back(v.vid);  }  // Running The Engine -------------------------------------------------------  graphlab::omni_engine<sssp> engine(dc, graph, exec_type, clopts);  // Signal all the vertices in the source set  for(size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); ++i) {    engine.signal(sources[i]);//, min_distance_type(0));  }  engine.start();  const float runtime = engine.elapsed_seconds();  dc.cout() << "Finished Running engine in " << runtime            << " seconds." << std::endl;  // Save the final graph -----------------------------------------------------  if (saveprefix != "") {    graph.save(saveprefix, shortest_path_writer(),               false,    // do not gzip               true,     // save vertices               false,1);   // do not save edges  }  // Tear-down communication layer and quit -----------------------------------  graphlab::mpi_tools::finalize();  return EXIT_SUCCESS;} // End of main// We render this entire program in the documentation
