
来源:互联网 发布:linux改语言环境 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 21:18
public class Sample2{        public native int[] intMethod();       public static void main(String[] args)      {         System.loadLibrary("Sample2");         Sample2 sample=new Sample2();           int[] nums=sample.intMethod();        for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++)           System.out.println(nums[i]);     }}/*// Sample2.cpp : 定义 DLL 应用程序的导出函数。//#include "stdafx.h"#include "..\Sample2.h"JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_Sample2_intMethod  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){  jint i = 1;            jintArray  array;//定义数组对象           array = env-> NewIntArray(10);           for(; i<= 10; i++)               env->SetIntArrayRegion( array, i-1, 1, &i);          // 获取数组对象的元素个数      int len = env->GetArrayLength( array);       // 获取数组中的所有元素  jboolean iscopy;      jint* elems = env-> GetIntArrayElements(array, &iscopy);  if(iscopy)  printf("iscopy is true\n");  else  printf("iscopy is false\n");     for(i=0; i<len; i++)        printf("ELEMENT %d IS %d\n", i, elems[i]); return array;}*//*iscopy is trueELEMENT 0 IS 1ELEMENT 1 IS 2ELEMENT 2 IS 3ELEMENT 3 IS 4ELEMENT 4 IS 5ELEMENT 5 IS 6ELEMENT 6 IS 7ELEMENT 7 IS 8ELEMENT 8 IS 9ELEMENT 9 IS 1012345678910请按任意键继续. . .*/
public class Sample2{        public native int[] intMethod();       public static void main(String[] args)      {         System.loadLibrary("Sample2");         Sample2 sample=new Sample2();           int[] nums=sample.intMethod();        for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++)           System.out.println(nums[i]);     }}/*// Sample2.cpp : 定义 DLL 应用程序的导出函数。//#include "stdafx.h"#include "..\Sample2.h"JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_Sample2_intMethod  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){  jint i = 1;            jintArray  array;//定义数组对象           array = env-> NewIntArray(10);           for(; i<= 10; i++)               env->SetIntArrayRegion( array, i-1, 1, &i);          // 获取数组对象的元素个数      int len = env->GetArrayLength( array);       // 获取数组中的所有元素   jboolean iscopy;      jint* elems = env-> GetIntArrayElements(array, &iscopy);  if(iscopy)  printf("iscopy is true\n");  else  printf("iscopy is false\n");     for(i=0; i<len; i++)        printf("ELEMENT %d IS %d\n", i, elems[i]);   for (int i=0; i<len; i++)           elems[i]+=1;       env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(array,elems,0);//释放~~~      //  对于最后一个参数(如果指针指向的数组为副本时,否则该参数不起作用)      //      0       copy back the content and free the elems buffer      //      JNI_COMMIT      copy back the content but do not free the elems buffer      //      JNI_ABORT       free the buffer without copying back the possible changes     if(iscopy)  printf("iscopy is true,copy back the content and free the elems buffer\n");return array;}*//*iscopy is trueELEMENT 0 IS 1ELEMENT 1 IS 2ELEMENT 2 IS 3ELEMENT 3 IS 4ELEMENT 4 IS 5ELEMENT 5 IS 6ELEMENT 6 IS 7ELEMENT 7 IS 8ELEMENT 8 IS 9ELEMENT 9 IS 10iscopy is true,copy back the content and free the elems buffer234567891011请按任意键继续. . .*/

// Sample2.cpp : 定义 DLL 应用程序的导出函数。//#include "stdafx.h"#include "..\Sample2.h"JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_Sample2_intMethod  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){  jint i = 1;            jintArray  array;//定义数组对象           array = env-> NewIntArray(10);           for(; i<= 10; i++)               env->SetIntArrayRegion( array, i-1, 1, &i);          /* 获取数组对象的元素个数 */      int len = env->GetArrayLength( array);       /* 获取数组中的所有元素 */  jboolean iscopy;      //jint* elems = env-> GetIntArrayElements(array, &iscopy);  jint* elems = (jint*)env-> GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(array, &iscopy);  if(iscopy)  printf("iscopy is true\n");  else  printf("iscopy is false\n");     for(i=0; i<len; i++)        printf("ELEMENT %d IS %d\n", i, elems[i]);   for (int i=0; i<len; i++)           elems[i]+=1;    env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(array,elems,0);     //env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(array,elems,0);//释放~~~      //  对于最后一个参数(如果指针指向的数组为副本时,否则该参数不起作用)      //      0       copy back the content and free the elems buffer      //      JNI_COMMIT      copy back the content but do not free the elems buffer      //      JNI_ABORT       free the buffer without copying back the possible changes     if(iscopy)  printf("iscopy is true,copy back the content and free the elems buffer\n");  else  printf("iscopy is false,理论上副本elems的改变直接导致array的改变!\n");return array;}
