PTSSpringboard - 仿苹果主页的菜单效果

来源:互联网 发布:办公软件定制 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:38

A springboard implementation, as know from the Apple iOS mainscreen. Supports moving and deletion of items. Work with all interface orientations and for different screen-sizes. Was tested with the iPhone (should work on the iPad too).

The PTSSpringBoard uses a UITableView like delegation pattern to communicate with its data source and delegate.

The code is documented - and the demo project should demonstrate the possibilities of the class.

You are allowed to use this class for any of your projects (be it commercial or open source). If you do so, you are invited to give credits to the author Ralph Gasser (pontius software GmbH, Switzerland). If you alter the class and/or improve upon it, you are kindly asked to share your work under the same terms.
