Internship in Citigroup Software Technology and Services(CSTS)(2)---A Busy and Tired Weekend

来源:互联网 发布:不朽传奇光翼进阶数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 23:18

Oh yea! The first weekend in Shanghai is coming. ^_^

After the five days' busy and nervous training, I have two days' rest time. I really want to walk around to get familiar with the environment of my new live and work place.  I thought it would be a very nice weekend. Yea, I am right. But it turned to be a very differently nice weekend. The time started with a short message from my little cousin. She and her boyfriend work in Shanghai. At that moment, I was just short of money because of the high room rent. I told her I was in Shanghai, and then we made an appointment to see each other.

On Saturday, I took the NO.990 to the Oriental Pearl Tower. It was such a long distance, nearly one hour. There, I saw the legend tower. But it is not as high as the image in my mind.  We walked around along the streets, talking excitedly. The boy gave me a very good first impression. A very good boy friend. It took me two hours to be back. My little cousin is a very clever and kindhearted girl. She said she had lots of free time after work. She wanted to learn something valuable but did not know how to start.  I suggested her begining from with the mind above all. The next day, it was Sunday. I went to buy a encouraging and valuable book for her.  And took two hours' bus time  to her live place and had a lunch with her. Then spent another two hours to be back.

 OMG! Nearly almost of the weekend were spent on taking bus. It's waste of time, waste of money, and even waste of life. But to be appreciated, I've visited around some worthy places. And the most important achievement is encouraging my little cousin to think about the future and try her best to learn more. 

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 墨尔本大学均分不够怎么办 去澳洲旅游签证怎么办 换新护照澳大利亚签证怎么办 大学错过交学费日期怎么办 留学加拿大申请工签被拒怎么办 英国大学挂科怎么办 小孩子学不进去怎么办 大学生学不进去怎么办 高考没考上本科怎么办 想读书家里没钱怎么办 考上大学没钱上怎么办 儿子没考上大学怎么办 后悔没上大学怎么办 把学费花了怎么办 临床预科挂科怎么办 补录了预科怎么办 美国预科没过怎么办 出国留学报到证怎么办 本科绩点2.93怎么办 在美国被抢劫怎么办 去美国留学费用怎么办 被美国大学停学怎么办 雅思作文字数不够怎么办 英国选修课挂科怎么办 英国双申保证金怎么办 研究生挂科了怎么办 大一绩点没过2.0怎么办 美国留学生打工超时怎么办 ucl挂科了怎么办 硕士不会发论文怎么办 中兴今年招聘硕士生怎么办 rmit 语言班不过怎么办 非深圳户口怎么办护照 学位网学历认证怎么办 中国高中gpa低怎么办 函数毕业证丢了怎么办 加拿大大签过期怎么办 学位证封皮丢了怎么办 澳洲留学签证拒签怎么办 法国留学托业没过怎么办 高二成绩下降怎么办