
来源:互联网 发布:java 类对象降序 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 16:17


class any    {    public: // structors        any()          : content(0)        {        }        template<typename ValueType>        any(const ValueType & value)          : content(new holder<ValueType>(value))        {        }        any(const any & other)          : content(other.content ? other.content->clone() : 0)        {        }        ~any()        {            delete content;        }    public: // modifiers        any & swap(any & rhs)        {            std::swap(content, rhs.content);            return *this;        }        template<typename ValueType>        any & operator=(const ValueType & rhs)        {            any(rhs).swap(*this);            return *this;        }        any & operator=(any rhs)        {            rhs.swap(*this);            return *this;        }    public: // queries        bool empty() const        {            return !content;        }        const std::type_info & type() const        {            return content ? content->type() : typeid(void);        }#ifndef BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS    private: // types#else    public: // types (public so any_cast can be non-friend)#endif        class placeholder        {        public: // structors            virtual ~placeholder()            {            }        public: // queries            virtual const std::type_info & type() const = 0;            virtual placeholder * clone() const = 0;        };        template<typename ValueType>        class holder : public placeholder        {        public: // structors            holder(const ValueType & value)              : held(value)            {            }        public: // queries            virtual const std::type_info & type() const            {                return typeid(ValueType);            }            virtual placeholder * clone() const            {                return new holder(held);            }        public: // representation            ValueType held;        private: // intentionally left unimplemented            holder & operator=(const holder &);        };#ifndef BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS    private: // representation        template<typename ValueType>        friend ValueType * any_cast(any *);        template<typename ValueType>        friend ValueType * unsafe_any_cast(any *);#else    public: // representation (public so any_cast can be non-friend)#endif        placeholder * content;    };


boost::any any_value(10);boost::any any_value1("123");


boost::any<int> any_value(10);boost::any<std::string> any_value1("123");


如果用了模版参数变成boost::any<int> any_value(10)这样,那any_value就确定是int类型,并且在使用时还需要传类型作为模版参数。所以,any必须不能是模板类。那么问题来了,如果any不是模板类,它怎么才能泛化的保存各种类型呢?答案就在虚基类placeholder和它的派生模板类holder。




boost::any any_value(10);boost::any any_value1 = "str";


template<typename ValueType>        any & operator=(const ValueType & rhs)        {            any(rhs).swap(*this);            return *this;        }


int a = 0;boost::any any_value(a);int b = any_value;//这是不允许的int b = any_cast<int>(any_value);//正确



 class bad_any_cast : public std::bad_cast    {    public:        virtual const char * what() const throw()        {            return "boost::bad_any_cast: "                   "failed conversion using boost::any_cast";        }    };    template<typename ValueType>    ValueType * any_cast(any * operand)    {        return operand && #ifdef BOOST_AUX_ANY_TYPE_ID_NAME            std::strcmp(operand->type().name(), typeid(ValueType).name()) == 0#else            operand->type() == typeid(ValueType)#endif            ? &static_cast<any::holder<ValueType> *>(operand->content)->held            : 0;    }    template<typename ValueType>    inline const ValueType * any_cast(const any * operand)    {        return any_cast<ValueType>(const_cast<any *>(operand));    }    template<typename ValueType>    ValueType any_cast(any & operand)    {        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME remove_reference<ValueType>::type nonref;#ifdef BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION        // If 'nonref' is still reference type, it means the user has not        // specialized 'remove_reference'.        // Please use BOOST_BROKEN_COMPILER_TYPE_TRAITS_SPECIALIZATION macro        // to generate specialization of remove_reference for your class        // See type traits library documentation for details        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!is_reference<nonref>::value);#endif        nonref * result = any_cast<nonref>(&operand);        if(!result)            boost::throw_exception(bad_any_cast());        return *result;    }    template<typename ValueType>    inline ValueType any_cast(const any & operand)    {        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME remove_reference<ValueType>::type nonref;#ifdef BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION        // The comment in the above version of 'any_cast' explains when this        // assert is fired and what to do.        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!is_reference<nonref>::value);#endif        return any_cast<const nonref &>(const_cast<any &>(operand));    }    // Note: The "unsafe" versions of any_cast are not part of the    // public interface and may be removed at any time. They are    // required where we know what type is stored in the any and can't    // use typeid() comparison, e.g., when our types may travel across    // different shared libraries.    template<typename ValueType>    inline ValueType * unsafe_any_cast(any * operand)    {        return &static_cast<any::holder<ValueType> *>(operand->content)->held;    }    template<typename ValueType>    inline const ValueType * unsafe_any_cast(const any * operand)    {        return unsafe_any_cast<ValueType>(const_cast<any *>(operand));    }
