
来源:互联网 发布:高端社交软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:50

转自:读取64位注册表   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5f8817250100voon.html           

C# 判断windows版本 位数 http://blog.csdn.net/zfd_007/article/details/5881269



1. 读取64位操作系统注册表

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "RegOpenKeyEx")]static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(IntPtr hKey, string subKey, uint options, int sam,    out IntPtr phkResult);[Flags]public enum eRegWow64Options : int{    None =              0x0000,    KEY_WOW64_64KEY =   0x0100,    KEY_WOW64_32KEY =   0x0200,    // Add here any others needed, from the table of the previous chapter} [Flags]public enum eRegistryRights : int{    ReadKey =  131097,    WriteKey = 131078,}public static RegistryKey OpenSubKey(RegistryKey pParentKey, string pSubKeyName,                                     bool pWriteable,                                      eRegWow64Options pOptions){    if (pParentKey == null || GetRegistryKeyHandle(pParentKey).Equals(System.IntPtr.Zero))        throw new System.Exception("OpenSubKey: Parent key is not open");     eRegistryRights Rights = eRegistryRights.ReadKey;    if (pWriteable)        Rights = eRegistryRights.WriteKey;     System.IntPtr SubKeyHandle;    System.Int32 Result = RegOpenKeyEx(GetRegistryKeyHandle(pParentKey), pSubKeyName, 0,                                       (int)Rights | (int)pOptions, out SubKeyHandle);    if (Result != 0)    {        System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception W32ex =            new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();        throw new System.Exception("OpenSubKey: Exception encountered opening key",            W32ex);    }     return PointerToRegistryKey(SubKeyHandle, pWriteable, false);} private static System.IntPtr GetRegistryKeyHandle(RegistryKey pRegisteryKey){    Type Type = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey");    FieldInfo Info = Type.GetField("hkey", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);     SafeHandle Handle = (SafeHandle)Info.GetValue(pRegisteryKey);    IntPtr RealHandle = Handle.DangerousGetHandle();     return Handle.DangerousGetHandle();} private static RegistryKey PointerToRegistryKey(IntPtr hKey, bool pWritable,    bool pOwnsHandle){    // Create a SafeHandles.SafeRegistryHandle from this pointer - this is a private class    BindingFlags privateConstructors = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;    Type safeRegistryHandleType = typeof(        SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid).Assembly.GetType(        "Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeRegistryHandle");     Type[] safeRegistryHandleConstructorTypes = new Type[] { typeof(System.IntPtr),        typeof(System.Boolean) };    ConstructorInfo safeRegistryHandleConstructor =        safeRegistryHandleType.GetConstructor(privateConstructors,         null, safeRegistryHandleConstructorTypes, null);    Object safeHandle = safeRegistryHandleConstructor.Invoke(new Object[] { hKey,        pOwnsHandle });     // Create a new Registry key using the private constructor using the    // safeHandle - this should then behave like     // a .NET natively opened handle and disposed of correctly    Type registryKeyType = typeof(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey);    Type[] registryKeyConstructorTypes = new Type[] { safeRegistryHandleType,        typeof(Boolean) };    ConstructorInfo registryKeyConstructor =        registryKeyType.GetConstructor(privateConstructors, null,         registryKeyConstructorTypes, null);    RegistryKey result = (RegistryKey)registryKeyConstructor.Invoke(new Object[] {        safeHandle, pWritable });    return result;}


How to use the Code

The OpenSubKey will return the searched key, allowing you to specify reading from the normal registry, or from the alternative 32-bit, WOW64 registry. The following example reads from the 32-bit WOW64 registry:

try {     RegistryKey key = OpenSubKey(Registry.LocalMachine,"Software\\[Key]",false,        eRegWow64Options.KEY_WOW64_32KEY); }catch {     // Parent key not open, exception found at opening (probably related to    // security permissions requested)}

2.判断操作系统 位数

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    public struct SYSTEM_INFO    {        internal short wProcessorArchitecture;        internal short wReserved;        internal int dwPageSize;        internal IntPtr lpMinimumApplicationAddress;        internal IntPtr lpMaximumApplicationAddress;        internal IntPtr dwActiveProcessorMask;        internal int dwNumberOfProcessors;        internal int dwProcessorType;        internal int dwAllocationGranularity;        internal short wProcessorLevel;        internal short wProcessorRevision;    }    /// <summary>    /// 操作系统操作类(获取系统版本、位数)    /// </summary>    public class WindowsHelper    {        /// <summary>        /// Windows系统版本        /// </summary>        public enum WindowsVersion { Unknown, Win95, Win98, WinME, NT351, NT40, Win2K, XP, Win2003, Vista, Win7 };        /// <summary>        /// Windows系统操作系统位数        /// </summary>        public enum WindowsBits { Unknown, OS16Bits, OS32Bits, OS64Bits };        private const short PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL = 0;        private const short PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 = 6;        private const short PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 = 9;        private const int PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN = 0x00FFFF;        [DllImport("kernel32.dll")]        static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo);        private static bool IsPlatformX64()        {            SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo = new SYSTEM_INFO();            bool s_OK = false;            GetNativeSystemInfo(out sysinfo);            switch (sysinfo.wProcessorArchitecture)            {                case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64:                    s_OK = true;                    break;                case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64:                    s_OK = true;                    break;                default:                    s_OK = false;                    break;            }            return s_OK;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取操作系统的版本        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        public static WindowsVersion GetWindowsVersion()        {            WindowsVersion version = WindowsVersion.XP;            OperatingSystem osInfo = Environment.OSVersion;            switch (osInfo.Platform)            {                case System.PlatformID.Win32Windows:                    switch (osInfo.Version.Minor)                    {                        case 0:                            version = WindowsVersion.Win95;                            break;                        case 10:                            version = WindowsVersion.Win98;                            break;                        case 90:                            version = WindowsVersion.WinME;                            break;                    }                    break;                case System.PlatformID.Win32NT:                    switch (osInfo.Version.Major)                    {                        case 3:                            version = WindowsVersion.NT351;                            break;                        case 4:                            version = WindowsVersion.NT40;                            break;                        case 5:                            switch (osInfo.Version.Minor)                            {                                case 0:                                    version = WindowsVersion.Win2K;                                    break;                                case 1:                                    version = WindowsVersion.XP;                                    break;                                default:                                    version = WindowsVersion.Win2003;                                    break;                            }                            break;                        case 6:                            switch (osInfo.Version.Minor)                            {                                case 0:                                    version = WindowsVersion.Vista;                                    break;                                default:                                    version = WindowsVersion.Win7;                                    break;                            }                            break;                        default:                            version = WindowsVersion.Win7;                            break;                    }                    break;            }            return version;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取操作系统的位数        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        public static WindowsBits GetWindowsBits()        {            WindowsBits OSBits;            if (IsPlatformX64())            {                OSBits = WindowsBits.OS64Bits;            }            else            {                OSBits = WindowsBits.OS32Bits;            }            return OSBits;        }    }
