
来源:互联网 发布:大学和老师谈恋爱知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 20:37


1. 将要分配的大小映射到对应的对齐对象。
2. 在当前线程的局部缓存中查找该对齐对象链表。
3. 如果该链表不为空,删除链表第一个节点并返回给调用者。


1. 小对象是如何划分的?

2. 对于任意一个小于kMaxSize的size是如何映射到某一种缓存对象上?



size_t cl = Static::sizemap()->SizeClass(size);
size = Static::sizemap()->class_to_size(cl);

class SizeMap{private:    ... //其他暂时不关心的    //-------------------------------------------------------------------    // Mapping from size to size_class and vice versa    //-------------------------------------------------------------------    // Sizes <= 1024 have an alignment >= 8.  So for such sizes we have an    // array indexed by ceil(size/8).  Sizes > 1024 have an alignment >= 128.    // So for these larger sizes we have an array indexed by ceil(size/128).    //    // We flatten both logical arrays into one physical array and use    // arithmetic to compute an appropriate index.  The constants used by    // ClassIndex() were selected to make the flattening work.    //    // Examples:    //   Size       Expression                      Index    //   -------------------------------------------------------    //   0          (0 + 7) / 8                     0    //   1          (1 + 7) / 8                     1    //   ...    //   1024       (1024 + 7) / 8                  128    //   1025       (1025 + 127 + (120<<7)) / 128   129    //   ...    //   32768      (32768 + 127 + (120<<7)) / 128  376    static const int kMaxSmallSize = 1024;    static const size_t kClassArraySize =      ((kMaxSize + 127 + (120 << 7)) >> 7) + 1;    unsigned char class_array_[kClassArraySize];    // Compute index of the class_array[] entry for a given size    static inline int ClassIndex(int s) {        ASSERT(0 <= s);        ASSERT(s <= kMaxSize);        const bool big = (s > kMaxSmallSize);        const int add_amount = big ? (127 + (120<<7)) : 7;        const int shift_amount = big ? 7 : 3;        return (s + add_amount) >> shift_amount;    }    // Mapping from size class to max size storable in that class    size_t class_to_size_[kNumClasses];public:    inline int SizeClass(int size) {    return class_array_[ClassIndex(size)];  }  ...//暂时不关心的  // Mapping from size class to max size storable in that class  inline size_t class_to_size(size_t cl) {    return class_to_size_[cl];  }}

原来SizeClass只是返回class_array_数组中的某个元素,这元素的索引由ClassIndex函数计算。ClassIndex的计算逻辑也很简单,size<=1024的按8字节对齐,size>1024的按128字节对齐。这样对于[0,1,2,...,1024]就映射成了[0,1,...,128],对于[1025,1026,...,kMaxSize]就会映射成[9,10,...,2048]. 我们需要将这两数组按照原来size的顺序合并成一个数组。1024映射成了128,按理,1025应该映射成129. 为达到该目的,我们将后面的一个数组全部加上120,这样两个数组就可以合并成[0,1,...,128,129,...,2168]。
如此就不难理解当size<=1024时size=(size+7)/8,位运算表达式为:(size+7)>>3. 当size>1024时,size=(size+127+120*128)/128, 位运算表达式为:(size+127+(120<<7))>>7

#if defined(TCMALLOC_LARGE_PAGES)static const size_t kPageShift  = 15;static const size_t kNumClasses = 78;#elsestatic const size_t kPageShift  = 13;static const size_t kNumClasses = 86;#endif


// Initialize the mapping arraysvoid SizeMap::Init() {  // Do some sanity checking on add_amount[]/shift_amount[]/class_array[]  ...  // Compute the size classes we want to use  int sc = 1;   // Next size class to assign  int alignment = kAlignment;  CHECK_CONDITION(kAlignment <= 16);  for (size_t size = kAlignment; size <= kMaxSize; size += alignment) {    alignment = AlignmentForSize(size);    ...    if (sc > 1 && my_pages == class_to_pages_[sc-1]) {      // See if we can merge this into the previous class without      // increasing the fragmentation of the previous class.      const size_t my_objects = (my_pages << kPageShift) / size;      const size_t prev_objects = (class_to_pages_[sc-1] << kPageShift)                                  / class_to_size_[sc-1];      if (my_objects == prev_objects) {        // Adjust last class to include this size        class_to_size_[sc-1] = size;        continue;      }    }    // Add new class    class_to_pages_[sc] = my_pages;    class_to_size_[sc] = size;    sc++;  }  ...  // Initialize the mapping arrays  int next_size = 0;  for (int c = 1; c < kNumClasses; c++) {    const int max_size_in_class = class_to_size_[c];    for (int s = next_size; s <= max_size_in_class; s += kAlignment) {      class_array_[ClassIndex(s)] = c;    }    next_size = max_size_in_class + kAlignment;  }  // Double-check sizes just to be safe  ...  // Initialize the num_objects_to_move array.  ...}



static inline int LgFloor(size_t n) {  int log = 0;  for (int i = 4; i >= 0; --i) {    int shift = (1 << i);    size_t x = n >> shift;    if (x != 0) {      n = x;      log += shift;    }  }  ASSERT(n == 1);  return log;}int AlignmentForSize(size_t size) {  int alignment = kAlignment;  if (size > kMaxSize) {    // Cap alignment at kPageSize for large sizes.    alignment = kPageSize;  } else if (size >= 128) {    // Space wasted due to alignment is at most 1/8, i.e., 12.5%.    alignment = (1 << LgFloor(size)) / 8;  } else if (size >= 16) {    // We need an alignment of at least 16 bytes to satisfy    // requirements for some SSE types.    alignment = 16;  }  // Maximum alignment allowed is page size alignment.  if (alignment > kPageSize) {    alignment = kPageSize;  }  CHECK_CONDITION(size < 16 || alignment >= 16);  CHECK_CONDITION((alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0);  return alignment;}


例如,LgFloor(8)=3, LgFloor(9)=3, LgFloor(10)=3,...,LgFloor(16)=4,...



1. 线程局部缓存将[0~256*1024]范围的内存按如下规则对齐:
2. 用class_to_size_保存所有对齐结果。
3. class_array_保存ClassIndex(size)到class_to_size_的映射关系。
4. ClassIndex(size)通过简单的字节对齐算法计算class_array_的索引。