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    Python使用try语句实现异常处理。try语句包围着可能引发异常的其他语句。try语句以关键字try开头,后续一个冒号(:)和一个可能在其中引发异常的代码suite。try语句可指定一个或多个except子句,它们紧接在try suite之后。每个except子句都指定了零个或多个异常类名,它们代表要由except子句处理的异常类型。可在except子句中指定一个标志符,程序用它引用被捕捉的异常对象。处理程序利用标识符从异常对象获取也异常有关的信息。如果except子句中没有指定异常类型,就称为"空白except子句"。这种子句会捕捉所有异常类型。在最后一个except子句之后,可选择性地添加一个else子句。如果try suite中的代码没有引发异常,就会执行else子句中的代码。如果try语句没有指定except子句,那就必须包含一个finally子句----该子句肯定会执行,无论是否发生异常。

1 try:

2 try:

3 try:

    一旦程序代码导致异常,或Python解释器检测到问题,代码或解释器就会“引发”一个异常。有的程序员将程序中发生异常的位置称为“引发点”。异常是一些类的对象,这些类都是从Exception类继承的。如果在一个try suite中发生异常,这个try suite会立即“超时”(即立即终止),程序控制权会移交给try suite之后的第一个except处理程序(如果有的话),接着解释器搜索可对这种异常类型进行处理的第一个except处理程序。解释器为了确定相匹配的except,需要将引发的异常的类型与每个except处理程序的异常类型比较,直到最终发现相匹配的为止。如类型完全一致,或引发的异常的类型是except处理程序的异常类型的一个派生类,就表明发生了匹配。如果try suite中没有发生异常,解释器将忽略用于try语句的异常处理程序,并执行try语句的else子句(如果有的话)。如果没有发生异常,或者某个except子句成功处理了异常,程序会从try语句之后的下一个语句恢复执行。如果在某个语句中发生了一个异常,但该语句不在一个try suite 中,而是一在一个函数中,那么包含那个语句的函数会立即终止,解释器会试图在(发出)调用(的)代码中查找一个封闭的try语句,这个过程称为“堆栈辗转开解”(Stacking Unwinding)。


1 # Fig. 12.1:
2 # Simple exception handling example.

4 number1 = raw_input("Enter numerator: " )
5 number2 = raw_input("Enter denominator: " )
7 # attempt to convert and divide values
8 try:
9    number1 = float( number1)
10   number2 = float( number2)
11   result = number1 / number2
13 # float raises a ValueError exception
14 except ValueError:
15    print "You must enter two numbers"
17 # division by zero raises a ZeroDivisionErrorexception
18 except ZeroDivisionError:
19    print "Attempted to divide by zero"
21 # else clause

22   print "%.3f / %.3f = %.3f" % ( number1, number2, result )

    每个try suite与其第一个except处理程序之间,两个except处理程序之间,最后一个except处理程序和else子句之间或者try suite和finally子句之间,不允许出现任何语句,否则是语法错误。
    尽管可在try suite语句中包含任意语句,但通常只包含可能引发异常的语句,在else suite中,则放置不会引发异常,而且只有在相应的try suite中没有发生异常的前提下才就执行的语句。


Python 2.4.4(#2, Apr 5 2007, 20:11:18)
[GCC 4.1.2 20061115(prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)] on linux2
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>>>import exceptions
>>>print exceptions.__doc__
Python's standard exception class hierarchy.

Before Python 1.5, the standard exceptions were all simple string objects.
In Python 1.5, the standard exceptions were converted to classes organized
into a relatively flat hierarchy. String-based standard exceptions were
optional, or used as a fallback if some problem occurred while importing
the exception module. With Python 1.6, optional string-based standard
exceptions were removed (along with the -X command line flag).

The class exceptions were implemented in such a way as to be almost
completely backward compatible. Some tricky uses of IOError could
potentially have broken, but by Python 1.6, all of these should have
been fixed. As of Python 1.6, the class-based standard exceptions are
now implemented in C, and are guaranteed to exist in the Python

Here is a rundown of the class hierarchy. The classes found here are
inserted into both the exceptions module and the `built-in'
module. Itis
recommended that user defined class based exceptions be derivedfrom the
`Exception' class, although this is currently not enforced.

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- StopIteration
 +-- StandardError
 |    |
 |    +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 |    +-- ImportError
 |    +-- EnvironmentError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- IOError
 |    |    +-- OSError
 |    |         |
 |    |         +-- WindowsError
 |    |         +-- VMSError
 |    |
 |    +-- EOFError
 |    +-- RuntimeError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- NotImplementedError
 |    |
 |    +-- NameError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- UnboundLocalError
 |    |
 |    +-- AttributeError
 |    +-- SyntaxError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- IndentationError
 |    |         |
 |    |         +-- TabError
 |    |
 |    +-- TypeError
 |    +-- AssertionError
 |    +-- LookupError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- IndexError
 |    |    +-- KeyError
 |    |
 |    +-- ArithmeticError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- OverflowError
 |    |    +-- ZeroDivisionError
 |    |    +-- FloatingPointError
 |    |
 |    +-- ValueError
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- UnicodeError
 |    |        |
 |    |        +-- UnicodeEncodeError
 |    |        +-- UnicodeDecodeError
 |    |        +-- UnicodeTranslateError
 |    |
 |    +-- ReferenceError
 |    +-- SystemError
 |    +-- MemoryError
      +-- UserWarning
      +-- DeprecationWarning
      +-- PendingDeprecationWarning
      +-- SyntaxWarning
      +-- OverflowWarning
      +-- RuntimeWarning
      +-- FutureWarning

    在特定try suite之后,最后一个except之前,设置一个空的except子句属于语法错误。
    在特定try suite之后,两个或更多的except子句指定完全相同的异常类型是逻辑错误。Python会执行与引发的异常匹配的第一个except处理程序,忽略其他所有except处理程序。


    Python异常处理机制提供了finally子句,只要在程序控制进入相应的try suite,就必然会执行这个子句(无论try suite是成功执行,还是发生异常)。所以,对于在相应try suite中获取和处理的资源,finally suite是放置资源加收代码的理想地点。如果try suite成功执行,finally suite会在try suite终止后立即执行。如果在try suite中发生异常,那么在导致异常的那一行之后,会立即执行finally suite。然后,由下一个封闭的try语句(如果有的话)来处理异常。
    finally suite包含的代码一般用于释放相应try块中获得资源,这使finally suite成为消除资源泄露的有效途径。

# Fig. 12.3:
# Using finally clauses.

def doNotRaiseException():

   # try block does notraise any exceptions
      print "In doNotRaiseException"

   # finally executes because corresponding try executed
      print "Finally executed in doNotRaiseException"

   print "End of doNotRaiseException"

def raiseExceptionDoNotCatch():

   # raise exception, but donot catch it
      print "In raiseExceptionDoNotCatch"
      raise Exception

   # finally executes because corresponding try executed
      print "Finally executed in raiseExceptionDoNotCatch"

   print "Will never reach this point"

# main program

# Case 1: No exceptions occur in called function.
print "Calling doNotRaiseException"

# Case 2: Exception occurs, butis not handled in called function,
# because no except clauses exist in raiseExceptionDoNotCatch
print "\nCalling raiseExceptionDoNotCatch"

# call raiseExceptionDoNotCatch

# catch exception from raiseExceptionDoNotCatch
except Exception:
   print "Caught exception from raiseExceptionDoNotCatch "+ \
      "in main program."

    在finally suite中引发异常是非常危险的。执行finally suite时,假如一个未被捕捉的异常正在等候处理,而finally suite又引发了一个新的,未被该suite捕捉的异常,那么第一个异常就会丢失,新异常则传递给下一个封闭的try语句。


对象,其中含有异常发生时与函数调用堆栈有关的信息。记住,异常可能在一系列嵌套较深的函数调用中引发。程序调用每个函数时,Python会在“函数调用堆栈”的起始处插入函数名。一旦异常被引发,Python会搜索一个相应的异常处理程序。如果当前函数中没有异常处理程序,当前函数会终止执行,Python会搜索当前函数的调用函数,并以此类推,直到发现匹配的异常处理程序,或者Python抵达主程序为止。这一查找合适的异常处理程序的过程就称为“堆栈辗转开解”(Stack Unwinding)。解释器一方面维护着与放置堆栈中的函数有关的信息,另一方面也维护着与已从堆栈中“辗转开解”的函数有关的信息。

# Fig. 12.4:
# Demonstrating exception arguments and stack unwinding.

import traceback

def function1():

def function2():

def function3():

   # raise exception, catchexception, reraiseexception
      raise Exception,"An exception has occurred"
   except Exception:
      print "Caught exception in function3. Reraising....\n"
      raise # reraises most recent exception

# call function1, any Exception it generates will be
# caught by the except clause that follows

# output exception arguments, string representation ofexception,
# and the traceback
except Exception,exception:
   print "Exception caught in main program."
   print "\nException arguments:",exception.args
   print "\nException message:",exception
   print "\nTraceback:"



# Fig. 12.5:
# Demonstrating a programmer-defined exception class.

import math

class NegativeNumberError(ArithmeticError ):
   """Attempted improper operation on negative number."""

def squareRoot( number):
   """Computes square root of number. Raises NegativeNumberError
   if number is less than 0."

   if number < 0:
      raise NegativeNumberError, \
         "Square root of negative number not permitted"

   return math.sqrt( number)

while 1:

   # get user-entered number and compute square root
      userValue = float( raw_input("\nPlease enter a number: " ) )
      print squareRoot( userValue)

   # float raises ValueError if input is not numerical
   except ValueError:
      print "The entered value is not a number"

   # squareRoot raises NegativeNumberError if numberis negative
   except NegativeNumberError,exception:
      print exception

   # successful execution: terminate while loop
