
来源:互联网 发布:java compareto方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:21
/** * <p> * 将源对象的所有属性值复制到目标对象,但是目标对象的属性名需去除后缀或前缀,以转换为源对象的属性名 * </p> * @param to 目标拷贝对象 * @param from 拷贝源 * @param removestr 目标对象属性名需去除的后缀或前缀 * @param isend 是否去除后缀,1为去除后缀,其它去除前缀 * @param ignore 需要忽略的属性 * @author zhanghj07409 */public static void copyRemoveString(Object to, Object from, String removestr, Integer isend, String[] ignore) {List<String> list = null;if (ignore == null) {list = new ArrayList<String>();} else {list = Arrays.asList(ignore);}PropertyDescriptor[] descr = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(to);for (int i = 0; i < descr.length; i++) {PropertyDescriptor d = descr[i];if (d.getWriteMethod() == null)continue;if (list.contains(d.getName()))continue;try {String name ="";if(isend==1){name =StringUtils.removeEnd(d.getName(), removestr);}else{name =StringUtils.removeStart(d.getName(), removestr);}Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(from, name);PropertyUtils.setProperty(to, d.getName(), value);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException("属性名:" + d.getName() + " 在实体间拷贝时出错", e);}}}/** * <p> * 将源对象的所有属性值复制到目标对象,但是源对象的属性名需添加后缀或前缀,以转换为源对象的属性名 * </p> * @param to 目标拷贝对象 * @param from 拷贝源 * @param addstr 源对象属性名需添加的后缀或前缀 * @param isend 是否添加后缀,1为添加后缀,其它添加前缀 * @param ignore 需要忽略的属性 * @author zhanghj07409 */public static void copyAddString(Object to, Object from, String addstr, Integer isend, String[] ignore) {List<String> list = null;if (ignore == null) {list = new ArrayList<String>();} else {list = Arrays.asList(ignore);}PropertyDescriptor[] descr = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(to);for (int i = 0; i < descr.length; i++) {PropertyDescriptor d = descr[i];if (d.getWriteMethod() == null)continue;if (list.contains(d.getName()))continue;try {String name ="";if(isend==1){name =d.getName()+addstr;}else{name =addstr+d.getName();}Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(from, name);PropertyUtils.setProperty(to, d.getName(), value);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException("属性名:" + d.getName() + " 在实体间拷贝时出错", e);}}}
