Connecting to Sybase Server

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝换手机屏幕可靠么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 21:44

I was struggling for a while for trying to connect to sybase  server in DTS package. I was using Sybase ASE odbc driver to connect to the server.  After a long fight i found the setting for the server which i am trying to connect is missing in the sql.ini file.

I would like to share my learning with this post.

Things to note in sql.ini. You could find the file in the folder where symposium call center is installed. 

The above set of information should be created in sql.ini for each sybase server we are connecting to.[SERVER1] is the connection name which has to be given in place of "server name" while created the odbc connection. The one highlighed in bold is very important step. <<SERVER1 IP>> is the ip address of the sybase server. Save the sql.ini file. The location of the file should be mentioned in place of "Interfaces file" property under the Connection tab in odbc setting.

If you have not done the above steps you would basically get the error message

[SYBASE][ODBC Sybase driver][Sybase]ct_connect(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: HAFAILOVER:Trying to connect to  server.

That's it. Now try the test connect while creating the odbc driver and it should work fine.

Hope this post helps. I would like to receive your valuable comments about this post.
