Failed to Checkout svn automatically

来源:互联网 发布:软件序列号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 07:49

Hi All,
I am building the chromium OS and the getting the following error message 

I am using the TortoiseSVN.. i am using my building the code in an organization environment where we use firewall etc. security systems... 

please help me to solve the issue... 

C:\chromium.r67069\home\chrome-svn\tarball\chromium\src\chrome>gclient runhooks --force
Installing subversion ...
[-] XMLHTTP 80072efd: Cannot make HTTP request (A connection with the server could not be established

... Failed to checkout svn automatically.
Please visit to download the latest subversion client
before continuing.
You can also get the "prebacked" version used at

Hi ,

I resolved the above error. Even after following build instruction, i got this error so,i started investigating on gclient tool. and i found “it is an issue with AJAX object”.

I am having WindowsXP with SP3 environment. In this configuration it is trying to create an ajax object with “MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP” (this is not there in my browser/system). So, I replaced this with “Microsoft.XMLHTTP” object.

I did a modification in the file “depot_tools\bootstrap\win\get_file.js”.

Instead of
“xml_http = new ActiveXObject(“MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP”);”
changed to
“xml_http = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);”

Now it is working fine for me.
