
来源:互联网 发布:电脑屏幕监控软件教师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:49
select D.*,t1.TagName as unitName,t2.TagName as tasteName,t3.DishSortName ,S.ImgSrc
From(Select Row_Number() Over(Order By OrderID asc, CreateTime desc) As Rowid,* 
From Dish Where ShopID=6 and AppID=6 ) As D 
 left join DishTag as t1 on D.UnitID=t1.TagID and t1.ShopID=D.ShopID and t1.AppID=D.AppID  
 left join DishTag as t2 on D.TasteID=t2.TagID and t2.ShopID=D.ShopID and t2.AppID=D.AppID 
 left join DishSort as t3 on D.SortID=t3.DishSortID and t3.ShopID=D.ShopID and t3.AppID=D.AppID 
 left join StoreImg S on D.DishID= S.TargetID and D.ShopID=s.ShopID  and S.ImgType='菜品'
Where Rowid Between 1 And 15; 

Select Count(1) From Dish Where ShopID=6 and AppID=6 


o.id id,o.oid oid,o.number number,o.seOrder seOrder,o.endprice endprice,--第一个表的字段
d.uid uid,d.oDatetime oDatetime,--第二个表的字段
p.proname proname,p.spec spec,p.material material,p.price price,--第三个表的字段
c.price1 price1,c.price2 price2,c.price3 price3,c.price4 price4,c.price5 price5 --第四个表的字段
orderlist o --表一
left join products p on o.pid=p.id --表二
left join orderForm d on d.id=o.oid --表三
left join classify c on p.bid=c.id --表四
order by o.id desc


左外部连接 *= left  join

右外部连接=*  right join



select a.*,b.* from a,b where a.id=b.id