
来源:互联网 发布:python 小脚本实例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 18:23
namespace cv {namespace detail {// Simple blender which puts one image over anotherclass CV_EXPORTS Blender{public:    virtual ~Blender() {}    enum { NO, FEATHER, MULTI_BAND };    static Ptr<Blender> createDefault(int type, bool try_gpu = false);    void prepare(const std::vector<Point> &corners, const std::vector<Size> &sizes);    virtual void prepare(Rect dst_roi);    virtual void feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl);    virtual void blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask);protected:    Mat dst_, dst_mask_;    Rect dst_roi_;};class CV_EXPORTS FeatherBlender : public Blender{public:    FeatherBlender(float sharpness = 0.02f);    float sharpness() const { return sharpness_; }    void setSharpness(float val) { sharpness_ = val; }    void prepare(Rect dst_roi);    void feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl);    void blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask);    // Creates weight maps for fixed set of source images by their masks and top-left corners.    // Final image can be obtained by simple weighting of the source images.    Rect createWeightMaps(const std::vector<Mat> &masks, const std::vector<Point> &corners,                          std::vector<Mat> &weight_maps);private:    float sharpness_;    Mat weight_map_;    Mat dst_weight_map_;};inline FeatherBlender::FeatherBlender(float _sharpness) { setSharpness(_sharpness); }class CV_EXPORTS MultiBandBlender : public Blender{public:    MultiBandBlender(int try_gpu = false, int num_bands = 5, int weight_type = CV_32F);    int numBands() const { return actual_num_bands_; }    void setNumBands(int val) { actual_num_bands_ = val; }    void prepare(Rect dst_roi);    void feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl);    void blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask);private:    int actual_num_bands_, num_bands_;    std::vector<Mat> dst_pyr_laplace_;    std::vector<Mat> dst_band_weights_;    Rect dst_roi_final_;    bool can_use_gpu_;    int weight_type_; //CV_32F or CV_16S};//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Auxiliary functionsvoid CV_EXPORTS normalizeUsingWeightMap(const Mat& weight, Mat& src);void CV_EXPORTS createWeightMap(const Mat& mask, float sharpness, Mat& weight);void CV_EXPORTS createLaplacePyr(const Mat &img, int num_levels, std::vector<Mat>& pyr);void CV_EXPORTS createLaplacePyrGpu(const Mat &img, int num_levels, std::vector<Mat>& pyr);// Restores source imagevoid CV_EXPORTS restoreImageFromLaplacePyr(std::vector<Mat>& pyr);void CV_EXPORTS restoreImageFromLaplacePyrGpu(std::vector<Mat>& pyr);} // namespace detail} // namespace cv#endif // __OPENCV_STITCHING_BLENDERS_HPP__
