
来源:互联网 发布:星际皆知我爱你百度云 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 21:05





1.Which of the following calling convension(s) support(s) avariable_length parameter(e.g printf)

A cdecl               B.stdcall             C.pascal              D.fastcall

4.About Thread and Process in windows, which description  are correct

A. One application in Os must have one Process, but not a necessary to have one Thread

B. The Process could have its own Stack but the Thread only only could share the stack of its parent Process

C. Thread must belongs to a Process

D. Thread could change its belonging Process

9. 1 of bottles of water is poisoned which will kill a rat in a week if the rat drink any amout of the water.Given thebottles of water have no visual difference, how many rats are needed at least to find the poisoned one in only 1 week.

A.9 B.10 C.32 D.999 E.none of the above.

11. If you computed 32 bit signed integers F and G from 32 bit signed integer X using F = X/2 and G = (X>>1), and you found F!=G, this implies that

A. There is a compiler error

B. X is odd.

C. X is negative

D. F-G=1

E. G-F=1

14. which of the following algorithm is(are) stable sorting

A. bubble sort.     

B. quick sort

C.heap sort     

D.merge sort

E. selection sort

20. Give a set of N balls and one of the which is defective( weighs less than others ), you are allowed to weigh with a balance 3 times to find the defective one ,which of the  following are possible N.

A.12      B.6     C.20      D.24.     E.28.




         从数学逻辑可以这样验证:假设有n只白鼠,有m(m>n)瓶药水,前面的n瓶让n只白鼠一只一瓶,对于后面的Cn2(从n个白鼠中选两个)瓶毒药都给两只白鼠喝,再后面的Cn3(从n个白鼠中选三个)瓶毒药给其中的三只白鼠喝,以此类推,最后会得出Cn1+Cn2+...+Cnn = 2^n(排列组合公式),也就是说 ,只要m<=2^n,n只白鼠就能精确测出是m瓶药水中是哪瓶有毒。


