
来源:互联网 发布:日语 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 13:44

iBATIS一词来源于“internet”和“abatis”的组合,是一个由Clinton Begin在2001年发起的开放源代码项目。最初侧重于密码软件的开发,现在是一个基于Java持久层框架。

相对HibernateApache OJB等“一站式”ORM解决方案而言,ibatis 是一种“半自动化”的ORM实现。

ORM 实现而言,“全自动”ORM 实现了 POJO 和数据库表之间的映射,以及 SQL 的自动
生成和执行。而ibatis 的着力点,则在于POJO 与 SQL之间的映射关系。也就是说,ibatis
并不会为程序员在运行期自动生成 SQL 执行。具体的 SQL 需要程序员编写,然后通过映
射配置文件,将SQL所需的参数,以及返回的结果字段映射到指定 POJO。

1 一个POJO类

2 一个针对pojo类的xml配置文件,其中配置数据库增删改等sql

3 主配置文件SqlMapConfig,配置数据源,配置项目中的pojo.xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>     <!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig             PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"             "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-config-2.dtd">     <sqlMapConfig>     <!--   <properties resource="SqlMapConfig.properties"/>  <transactionManager type="JDBC" commitRequired="false">       <dataSource type="SIMPLE">         <property name="JDBC.Driver" value="${driver}"/>         <property name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" value="${url}"/>         <property name="JDBC.Username" value="${username}"/>         <property name="JDBC.Password" value="${password}"/>       </dataSource>     </transactionManager>    -->    <!-- Configure a built-in transaction manager.  If you're using an           app server, you probably want to use its transaction manager           and a managed datasource -->     <transactionManager type="JDBC" commitRequired="false">       <dataSource type="SIMPLE">         <property name="JDBC.Driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>         <property name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/simple"/>         <property name="JDBC.Username" value="flb"/>         <property name="JDBC.Password" value="flbflb"/>       </dataSource>     </transactionManager>       <!-- List the SQL Map XML files. They can be loaded from the           classpath, as they are here (com.domain.data...) -->     <sqlMap resource="com/XML/Account.xml"/>     <!-- List more here...     <sqlMap resource="com/mydomain/data/Order.xml"/>     <sqlMap resource="com/mydomain/data/Documents.xml"/>     -->     </sqlMapConfig>     


package bean;public class Account {       private int id;     private String firstName;     private String lastName;     private String emailAddress;       public int getId() {       return id;     }       public void setId(int id) {       this.id = id;     }       public String getFirstName() {       return firstName;     }       public void setFirstName(String firstName) {       this.firstName = firstName;     }       public String getLastName() {       return lastName;     }       public void setLastName(String lastName) {       this.lastName = lastName;     }       public String getEmailAddress() {       return emailAddress;     }       public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {       this.emailAddress = emailAddress;     }     } 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>     <!DOCTYPE sqlMap             PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN"             "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd">     <sqlMap namespace="Account">       <!-- Use type aliases to avoid typing the full classname every time. -->     <typeAlias alias="Account" type="bean.Account"/>       <!-- Result maps describe the mapping between the columns returned          from a query, and the class properties.  A result map isn't          necessary if the columns (or aliases) match to the properties           exactly. -->     <resultMap id="AccountResult" class="Account">       <result property="id" column="ACC_ID"/>       <result property="firstName" column="ACC_FIRST_NAME"/>       <result property="lastName" column="ACC_LAST_NAME"/>       <result property="emailAddress" column="ACC_EMAIL"/>     </resultMap>       <!-- Select with no parameters using the result map for Account class. -->     <select id="selectAllAccounts" resultMap="AccountResult">       select * from account     </select>       <!-- A simpler select example without the result map.  Note the           aliases to match the properties of the target result class. -->     <select id="selectAccountById" parameterClass="int" resultClass="Account">       select         ACC_ID as id,         ACC_FIRST_NAME as firstName,         ACC_LAST_NAME as lastName,         ACC_EMAIL as emailAddress       from ACCOUNT       where ACC_ID = #id#     </select>     <select id="selectAccountById2" parameterClass="java.lang.String" resultClass="Account">       select         ACC_ID as id,         ACC_FIRST_NAME as firstName,         ACC_LAST_NAME as lastName,         ACC_EMAIL as emailAddress       from ACCOUNT       where ACC_EMAIL like '$ACC_EMAIL$'    </select>           <!-- Insert example, using the Account parameter class -->     <insert id="insertAccount" parameterClass="Account">       insert into ACCOUNT (         ACC_ID,         ACC_FIRST_NAME,         ACC_LAST_NAME,         ACC_EMAIL       )values (         #id#, #firstName#, #lastName#, #emailAddress#       )     </insert>       <!-- Update example, using the Account parameter class -->     <update id="updateAccount" parameterClass="Account">       update ACCOUNT set         ACC_FIRST_NAME = #firstName#,         ACC_LAST_NAME = #lastName#,         ACC_EMAIL = #emailAddress#       where         ACC_ID = #id#     </update>       <!-- Delete example, using an integer as the parameter class -->     <delete id="deleteAccountById" parameterClass="int">       delete from ACCOUNT where ACC_ID = #id#     </delete>     </sqlMap>     

package com.Main;import java.io.Reader;   import java.sql.Connection;   import java.sql.DriverManager;   import java.sql.ResultSet;   import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;   import java.sql.Statement;    import com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources;   import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;   import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClientBuilder;      public class Util {     Statement st;          public Util() throws Exception{     }     public SqlMapClient getSqlMapClient() throws Exception{       Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("SqlMapConfig.xml");       SqlMapClient sqlMapper = SqlMapClientBuilder.buildSqlMapClient(reader);       reader.close();        return sqlMapper;     }     }   

package com.Main;import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;import java.util.List;import bean.Account;import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;   public class Main{          public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception{       Util util = new Util();   //    使用sql语句创建表//    util.executeSQLCommand("create table ACCOUNT(ACC_ID int primary key, ACC_FIRST_NAME varchar(20),ACC_LAST_NAME varchar(20),ACC_EMAIL varchar(20))");         SqlMapClient sqlMapper = util.getSqlMapClient();      //    Account account  = new Account(); //    for(int i=0;i<5;i++){//    account.setId(i);   //    account.setEmailAddress("w");   //    account.setFirstName("first");   //    account.setLastName("last");   //       //    sqlMapper.insert("insertAccount", account);   //    }//     util.checkData("select * from account");   \    //遍历所有的数据//    List<Account> result=sqlMapper.queryForList("selectAllAccounts", null);//    for(Account a1:result){//    int id = a1.getId();//    String em=a1.getEmailAddress();//    System.out.println(id+"   "+em);//    }////    //    Account at=new Account();//    at.setId(1);//    at.setFirstName("liuhong");//    at.setLastName("wei");////    at.setEmailAddress("weiliuhong1@163.com");////    sqlMapper.insert("insertAccount", at);  //向数据库中添加一条数据//    at.setEmailAddress("wei.pt@taobao.com");////    sqlMapper.update("updateAccount", at);//根据对象的来修改数据库中一条记录//    sqlMapper.delete("deleteAccountById", 1);//根据ID来对数据库,进行删除操作            //指定查询    List<Account> result=sqlMapper.queryForList("selectAccountById2", "w%");    for(Account a1:result){      String em=a1.getEmailAddress();      System.out.println(em);      }  }    }   
