背景建模或前景检测(Background Generation And Foreground Detection) 一

来源:互联网 发布:软件开发阶段任务 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 12:37






            [DllImport("cvaux200.dll")]            public static extern void cvChangeDetection(IntPtr prev_frame, IntPtr curr_frame, IntPtr change_mask);            //backgroundMask为背景,imageBackgroundModel为背景模型,currentFrame为当前帧            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(imageBackgroundModel.Size);            if (threshold == 0d)                //如果阀值为0,使用OpenCv中的自适应动态背景检测                OpenCvInvoke.cvChangeDetection(imageBackgroundModel.Ptr, currentFrame.Ptr, backgroundMask.Ptr);            else            {                //如果设置了阀值,使用帧差                Image<TColor, Byte> imageTemp = imageBackgroundModel.AbsDiff(currentFrame);                Image<Gray, Byte>[] images = imageTemp.Split();                backgroundMask.SetValue(0d);                foreach (Image<Gray, Byte> image in images)                    backgroundMask._Or(image.ThresholdBinary(new Gray(threshold), new Gray(255d)));            }            backgroundMask._Not();


    背景统计模型是:对一段时间的背景进行统计,然后计算其统计数据(例如平均值、平均差分、标准差、均值漂移值等等),将统计数据作为背景的方法。OpenCv中并未实现简单的背景统计模型,不过在《学习OpenCv》中对其中的平均背景统计模型有很详细的介绍。在模仿该算法的基础上,我实现了一系列的背景统计模型,包括:平均背景、均值漂移、标准差和标准协方差。对这些统计概念我其实不明白,在维基百科上看了好半天 -_-

//(1)初始化对象BackgroundStatModelBase<Bgr> bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelBase<Bgr>(BackgroundStatModelType.AccAvg);//(2)更新一段时间的背景图像,视情况反复调用(2)bgModel.Update(image);//(3)设置当前帧bgModel.CurrentFrame = currentFrame;//(4)得到背景或者前景Image<Gray,Byte> imageForeground = bgModel.ForegroundMask;


/*背景统计模型作者:王先荣时间:2010年2月19日*/using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Drawing;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using Emgu.CV;using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;using Emgu.CV.Structure;using Emgu.CV.UI;using Emgu.CV.VideoSurveillance;namespace ImageProcessLearn{    //背景模型接口,在IBGFGDetector接口的基础上增加了一个CurrentFrame属性    public interface IBackgroundStatModel<TColor> : IDisposable        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        Image<Gray, byte> BackgroundMask { get; }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        Image<Gray, byte> ForegroundMask { get; }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        void Update(Image<TColor, byte> image);        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        void CalcStatData();        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get;            set;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 使用帧差的方式来建立背景模型    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TColor"></typeparam>    public class BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员        private Image<TColor, Byte> imageBackgroundModel;   //背景模型图像        private Image<TColor, Byte> currentFrame;           //当前帧        private double threshold;                           //计算前景时所用的阀值,如果当前帧和背景的差别大于阀值,则被认为是前景        private Image<Gray, Byte> backgroundMask;           //计算得到的背景图像        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image">用于背景统计模型的背景</param>        public BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            imageBackgroundModel = image;            currentFrame = null;            threshold = 15d;            backgroundMask = null;        }        public BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff()            : this(null)        {        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算前景时所用的阀值;如果阀值为0,则使用自适应的阀值        /// </summary>        public double Threshold        {            get            {                return threshold;            }            set            {                threshold = value >= 0 ? value : 15d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            imageBackgroundModel = image;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return currentFrame;            }            set            {                currentFrame = value;                CalcBackgroundMask();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算背景        /// </summary>        private void CalcBackgroundMask()        {            if (imageBackgroundModel == null || currentFrame == null || imageBackgroundModel.Size != currentFrame.Size)                throw new ArgumentException("在计算背景时发现参数错误。可能是:背景模型图像为空,当前帧为空,或者背景模型图像和当前帧的尺寸不一致。");            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(imageBackgroundModel.Size);            if (threshold == 0d)                //如果阀值为0,使用OpenCv中的自适应动态背景检测                OpenCvInvoke.cvChangeDetection(imageBackgroundModel.Ptr, currentFrame.Ptr, backgroundMask.Ptr);            else            {                //如果设置了阀值,使用帧差                Image<TColor, Byte> imageTemp = imageBackgroundModel.AbsDiff(currentFrame);                Image<Gray, Byte>[] images = imageTemp.Split();                backgroundMask.SetValue(0d);                foreach (Image<Gray, Byte> image in images)                    backgroundMask._Or(image.ThresholdBinary(new Gray(threshold), new Gray(255d)));            }            backgroundMask._Not();        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask.Not();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (backgroundMask != null)                backgroundMask.Dispose();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 使用平均背景来建立背景模型    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TColor"></typeparam>    public class BackgroundStatModelAccAvg<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccSum;          //累计图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccDiff;         //累计差值图像        private int frameCount;                             //已经累计的背景帧数        private Image<TColor, Single> previousFrame;        //在背景建模时使用的前一帧图像        private Image<TColor, Byte> currentFrame;           //当前帧图像        private double scale;                               //计算背景时所使用的缩放系数,大于平均值*scale倍数的像素认为是前景        private Image<Gray, Byte> backgroundMask;           //计算得到的背景图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageTemp;            //临时图像        private bool isStatDataReady;                       //是否已经准备好统计数据        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesHi;             //背景模型中各通道的最大值图像        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesLow;            //背景模型中各通道的最小值图像        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        public BackgroundStatModelAccAvg()        {            imageAccSum = null;            imageAccDiff = null;            frameCount = 0;            previousFrame = null;            currentFrame = null;            scale = 6d;            backgroundMask = null;            isStatDataReady = false;            imagesHi = null;            imagesLow = null;        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算前景时所用的阀值        /// </summary>        public double Scale        {            get            {                return scale;            }            set            {                scale = value > 0 ? value : 6d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            if (frameCount==0)            {                imageAccSum = new Image<TColor, Single>(image.Size);                imageAccSum.SetValue(0d);                imageAccDiff = new Image<TColor, float>(image.Size);                imageAccDiff.SetValue(0d);            }            imageTemp = image.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d); //将图像转换成浮点型            imageAccSum.Acc(imageTemp);            if (previousFrame != null)                imageAccDiff.Acc(imageTemp.AbsDiff(previousFrame));            previousFrame = imageTemp.Copy();            frameCount++;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return currentFrame;            }            set            {                currentFrame = value;                CalcBackgroundMask();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {            //计算出最高及最低阀值图像            Image<TColor, Single> imageAvg = imageAccSum.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 0d);            Image<TColor, Single> imageAvgDiff = imageAccDiff.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 1d);    //将平均值加1,为了确保总是存在差异            Image<TColor, Single> imageHi = imageAvg.Add(imageAvgDiff.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            Image<TColor, Single> imageLow = imageAvg.Sub(imageAvgDiff.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            imagesHi = imageHi.Split();            imagesLow = imageLow.Split();            isStatDataReady = true;            //释放资源            imageAvg.Dispose();            imageAvgDiff.Dispose();            imageHi.Dispose();            imageLow.Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算背景        /// </summary>        private void CalcBackgroundMask()        {            if (imageAccSum == null || imageAccDiff == null || imageAccSum.Size != currentFrame.Size)                throw new ArgumentException("在计算背景时发生参数错误。可能是:还没有建立背景模型;或者当前帧的尺寸与背景尺寸不一致。");            if (!isStatDataReady)                CalcStatData();            imageTemp = currentFrame.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d);            Image<Gray, Single>[] images = imageTemp.Split();            //计算背景图像            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(currentFrame.Size);            backgroundMask.SetZero();            for (int i = 0; i < currentFrame.NumberOfChannels; i++)                backgroundMask._Or(images[i].InRange(imagesLow[i], imagesHi[i]));            //释放资源            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)                images[i].Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask.Not();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (imageAccSum != null)                imageAccSum.Dispose();            if (imageAccDiff != null)                imageAccDiff.Dispose();            if (previousFrame != null)                previousFrame.Dispose();            if (currentFrame != null)                currentFrame.Dispose();            if (backgroundMask != null)                backgroundMask.Dispose();            if (isStatDataReady)            {                for (int i = 0; i < imagesHi.Length; i++)                {                    imagesHi[i].Dispose();                    imagesLow[i].Dispose();                }            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 使用均值漂移来建立背景模型    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TColor"></typeparam>    public class BackgroundStatModelRunningAvg<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAcc;             //累计图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccDiff;         //累计差值图像        private int frameCount;                             //已经累计的背景帧数        private Image<TColor, Single> previousFrame;        //在背景建模时使用的前一帧图像        private Image<TColor, Byte> currentFrame;           //当前帧图像        private double scale;                               //计算背景时所使用的缩放系数,大于平均值*scale倍数的像素认为是前景        private double alpha;                               //计算均值漂移时使用的权值        private Image<Gray, Byte> backgroundMask;           //计算得到的背景图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageTemp;            //临时图像        private bool isStatDataReady;                       //是否已经准备好统计数据        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesHi;             //背景模型中各通道的最大值图像        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesLow;            //背景模型中各通道的最小值图像        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        public BackgroundStatModelRunningAvg()        {            imageAcc = null;            imageAccDiff = null;            frameCount = 0;            previousFrame = null;            currentFrame = null;            scale = 6d;            alpha = 0.5d;            backgroundMask = null;            isStatDataReady = false;            imagesHi = null;            imagesLow = null;        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算前景时所用的阀值        /// </summary>        public double Scale        {            get            {                return scale;            }            set            {                scale = value > 0 ? value : 6d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算均值漂移是使用的权值        /// </summary>        public double Alpha        {            get            {                return alpha;            }            set            {                alpha = value > 0 && value < 1 ? value : 0.5d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            imageTemp = image.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d); //将图像转换成浮点型            if (imageAcc == null)            {                imageAcc = imageTemp.Copy();            }            else                imageAcc.RunningAvg(imageTemp, alpha);            if (previousFrame != null)            {                if (imageAccDiff == null)                    imageAccDiff = imageTemp.AbsDiff(previousFrame);                else                    imageAccDiff.RunningAvg(imageTemp.AbsDiff(previousFrame), alpha);            }            previousFrame = imageTemp.Copy();            frameCount++;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return currentFrame;            }            set            {                currentFrame = value;                CalcBackgroundMask();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {            //计算出最高及最低阀值图像            Image<TColor, Single> imageHi = imageAcc.Add(imageAccDiff.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            Image<TColor, Single> imageLow = imageAcc.Sub(imageAccDiff.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            imagesHi = imageHi.Split();            imagesLow = imageLow.Split();            isStatDataReady = true;            //释放资源            imageHi.Dispose();            imageLow.Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算背景        /// </summary>        private void CalcBackgroundMask()        {            if (imageAcc == null || imageAccDiff == null || imageAcc.Size != currentFrame.Size)                throw new ArgumentException("在计算背景时发生参数错误。可能是:还没有建立背景模型;或者当前帧的尺寸与背景尺寸不一致。");            if (!isStatDataReady)                CalcStatData();            imageTemp = currentFrame.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d);            Image<Gray, Single>[] images = imageTemp.Split();            //计算背景图像            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(currentFrame.Size);            backgroundMask.SetZero();            for (int i = 0; i < currentFrame.NumberOfChannels; i++)                backgroundMask._Or(images[i].InRange(imagesLow[i], imagesHi[i]));            //释放资源            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)                images[i].Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask.Not();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (imageAcc != null)                imageAcc.Dispose();            if (imageAccDiff != null)                imageAccDiff.Dispose();            if (previousFrame != null)                previousFrame.Dispose();            if (currentFrame != null)                currentFrame.Dispose();            if (backgroundMask != null)                backgroundMask.Dispose();            if (isStatDataReady)            {                for (int i = 0; i < imagesHi.Length; i++)                {                    imagesHi[i].Dispose();                    imagesLow[i].Dispose();                }            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 使用标准方差来建立背景模型    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TColor"></typeparam>    public class BackgroundStatModelSquareAcc<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccSum;          //累计图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccSquare;       //累计平方图像        private int frameCount;                             //已经累计的背景帧数        private Image<TColor, Single> previousFrame;        //在背景建模时使用的前一帧图像        private Image<TColor, Byte> currentFrame;           //当前帧图像        private double scale;                               //计算背景时所使用的缩放系数,大于平均值*scale倍数的像素认为是前景        private Image<Gray, Byte> backgroundMask;           //计算得到的背景图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageTemp;            //临时图像        private bool isStatDataReady;                       //是否已经准备好统计数据        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesHi;             //背景模型中各通道的最大值图像        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesLow;            //背景模型中各通道的最小值图像        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        public BackgroundStatModelSquareAcc()        {            imageAccSum = null;            imageAccSquare = null;            frameCount = 0;            previousFrame = null;            currentFrame = null;            scale = 6d;            backgroundMask = null;            isStatDataReady = false;            imagesHi = null;            imagesLow = null;        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算前景时所用的阀值        /// </summary>        public double Scale        {            get            {                return scale;            }            set            {                scale = value > 0 ? value : 6d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            if (frameCount == 0)            {                imageAccSum = new Image<TColor, Single>(image.Size);                imageAccSum.SetZero();                imageAccSquare = new Image<TColor, float>(image.Size);                imageAccSquare.SetZero();            }            imageTemp = image.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d); //将图像转换成浮点型            imageAccSum.Acc(imageTemp);            CvInvoke.cvSquareAcc(imageTemp.Ptr, imageAccSquare.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);            previousFrame = imageTemp.Copy();            frameCount++;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return currentFrame;            }            set            {                currentFrame = value;                CalcBackgroundMask();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {            //计算出标准差、最高及最低阀值图像            Image<TColor, Single> imageAvg = imageAccSum.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 0d);            Image<TColor, Single> imageSd = imageAccSquare.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 0d);            imageSd.Sub(imageAvg.Pow(2d));            imageSd = imageSd.Pow(0.5d);            Image<TColor, Single> imageHi = imageAvg.Add(imageSd.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            Image<TColor, Single> imageLow = imageAvg.Sub(imageSd.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            imagesHi = imageHi.Split();            imagesLow = imageLow.Split();            isStatDataReady = true;            //释放资源            imageAvg.Dispose();            imageSd.Dispose();            imageHi.Dispose();            imageLow.Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算背景        /// </summary>        private void CalcBackgroundMask()        {            if (imageAccSum == null || imageAccSquare == null || imageAccSum.Size != currentFrame.Size)                throw new ArgumentException("在计算背景时发生参数错误。可能是:还没有建立背景模型;或者当前帧的尺寸与背景尺寸不一致。");            if (!isStatDataReady)                CalcStatData();            imageTemp = currentFrame.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d);            Image<Gray, Single>[] images = imageTemp.Split();            //计算背景图像            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(currentFrame.Size);            backgroundMask.SetZero();            for (int i = 0; i < currentFrame.NumberOfChannels; i++)                backgroundMask._Or(images[i].InRange(imagesLow[i], imagesHi[i]));            //释放资源            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)                images[i].Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask.Not();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (imageAccSum != null)                imageAccSum.Dispose();            if (imageAccSquare != null)                imageAccSquare.Dispose();            if (previousFrame != null)                previousFrame.Dispose();            if (currentFrame != null)                currentFrame.Dispose();            if (backgroundMask != null)                backgroundMask.Dispose();            if (isStatDataReady)            {                for (int i = 0; i < imagesHi.Length; i++)                {                    imagesHi[i].Dispose();                    imagesLow[i].Dispose();                }            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 使用标准协方差来建立背景模型    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="TColor"></typeparam>    public class BackgroundStatModelMultiplyAcc<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccSum;          //累计图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageAccMultiply;     //累计平方图像        private int frameCount;                             //已经累计的背景帧数        private Image<TColor, Single> previousFrame;        //在背景建模时使用的前一帧图像        private Image<TColor, Byte> currentFrame;           //当前帧图像        private double scale;                               //计算背景时所使用的缩放系数,大于平均值*scale倍数的像素认为是前景        private Image<Gray, Byte> backgroundMask;           //计算得到的背景图像        private Image<TColor, Single> imageTemp;            //临时图像        private bool isStatDataReady;                       //是否已经准备好统计数据        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesHi;             //背景模型中各通道的最大值图像        private Image<Gray, Single>[] imagesLow;            //背景模型中各通道的最小值图像        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        public BackgroundStatModelMultiplyAcc()        {            imageAccSum = null;            imageAccMultiply = null;            frameCount = 0;            previousFrame = null;            currentFrame = null;            scale = 6d;            backgroundMask = null;            isStatDataReady = false;            imagesHi = null;            imagesLow = null;        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取计算前景时所用的阀值        /// </summary>        public double Scale        {            get            {                return scale;            }            set            {                scale = value > 0 ? value : 6d;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            if (frameCount == 0)            {                imageAccSum = new Image<TColor, Single>(image.Size);                imageAccSum.SetZero();                imageAccMultiply = new Image<TColor, float>(image.Size);                imageAccMultiply.SetZero();            }            imageTemp = image.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d); //将图像转换成浮点型            imageAccSum.Acc(imageTemp);            if (previousFrame != null)                CvInvoke.cvMultiplyAcc(previousFrame.Ptr, imageTemp.Ptr, imageAccMultiply.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);            previousFrame = imageTemp.Copy();            frameCount++;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取或者设置当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return currentFrame;            }            set            {                currentFrame = value;                CalcBackgroundMask();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {            //计算出标准协方差、最高及最低阀值图像            Image<TColor, Single> imageAvg = imageAccSum.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 0d);            Image<TColor, Single> imageScov = imageAccMultiply.ConvertScale<Single>(1d / frameCount, 0d);            imageScov.Sub(imageAvg.Pow(2d));            imageScov = imageScov.Pow(0.5d);            Image<TColor, Single> imageHi = imageAvg.Add(imageScov.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            Image<TColor, Single> imageLow = imageAvg.Sub(imageScov.ConvertScale<Single>(scale, 0d));            imagesHi = imageHi.Split();            imagesLow = imageLow.Split();            isStatDataReady = true;            //释放资源            imageAvg.Dispose();            imageScov.Dispose();            imageHi.Dispose();            imageLow.Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算背景        /// </summary>        private void CalcBackgroundMask()        {            if (imageAccSum == null || imageAccMultiply == null || imageAccSum.Size != currentFrame.Size)                throw new ArgumentException("在计算背景时发生参数错误。可能是:还没有建立背景模型;或者当前帧的尺寸与背景尺寸不一致。");            if (!isStatDataReady)                CalcStatData();            imageTemp = currentFrame.ConvertScale<Single>(1d, 0d);            Image<Gray, Single>[] images = imageTemp.Split();            //计算背景图像            if (backgroundMask == null)                backgroundMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(currentFrame.Size);            backgroundMask.SetZero();            for (int i = 0; i < currentFrame.NumberOfChannels; i++)                backgroundMask._Or(images[i].InRange(imagesLow[i], imagesHi[i]));            //释放资源            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)                images[i].Dispose();        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return backgroundMask.Not();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (imageAccSum != null)                imageAccSum.Dispose();            if (imageAccMultiply != null)                imageAccMultiply.Dispose();            if (previousFrame != null)                previousFrame.Dispose();            if (currentFrame != null)                currentFrame.Dispose();            if (backgroundMask != null)                backgroundMask.Dispose();            if (isStatDataReady)            {                for (int i = 0; i < imagesHi.Length; i++)                {                    imagesHi[i].Dispose();                    imagesLow[i].Dispose();                }            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 背景统计模型    /// </summary>    public class BackgroundStatModelBase<TColor> : IBackgroundStatModel<TColor>        where TColor : struct, IColor    {        //成员变量        IBackgroundStatModel<TColor> bgModel;        BackgroundStatModelType type;        /// <summary>        /// 构造函数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="type">背景模型类型</param>        public BackgroundStatModelBase(BackgroundStatModelType type)        {            this.type = type;            switch (type)            {                case BackgroundStatModelType.FrameDiff:                    bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff<TColor>();                    break;                case BackgroundStatModelType.AccAvg:                    bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelAccAvg<TColor>();                    break;                case BackgroundStatModelType.RunningAvg:                    bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelRunningAvg<TColor>();                    break;                case BackgroundStatModelType.SquareAcc:                    bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelSquareAcc<TColor>();                    break;                case BackgroundStatModelType.MultiplyAcc:                    bgModel = new BackgroundStatModelMultiplyAcc<TColor>();                    break;                default:                    throw new ArgumentException("不存在的背景模型", "type");            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景模型类型        /// </summary>        public BackgroundStatModelType BackgroundStatModelType        {            get            {                return type;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 更新背景模型        /// </summary>        /// <param name="image"></param>        public void Update(Image<TColor, Byte> image)        {            bgModel.Update(image);        }        /// <summary>        /// 计算统计数据        /// </summary>        public void CalcStatData()        {            bgModel.CalcStatData();        }        /// <summary>        /// 设置或者获取当前帧        /// </summary>        public Image<TColor, Byte> CurrentFrame        {            get            {                return bgModel.CurrentFrame;            }            set            {                bgModel.CurrentFrame = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取背景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> BackgroundMask        {            get            {                return bgModel.BackgroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取前景        /// </summary>        public Image<Gray, Byte> ForegroundMask        {            get            {                return bgModel.ForegroundMask;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 释放资源        /// </summary>        public void Dispose()        {            if (bgModel != null)                bgModel.Dispose();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 背景模型类型    /// </summary>    public enum BackgroundStatModelType    {        FrameDiff,      //帧差        AccAvg,         //平均背景        RunningAvg,     //均值漂移        MultiplyAcc,    //计算协方差        SquareAcc       //计算方差    }}

    在OpenCv中已经实现了编码本背景模型,不过实现方式与《学习OpenCv》中提到的方式略有不同,主要有:(1)使用单向链表来容纳Code Element;(2)清除消极的Code Element时,并未重置t。OpenCv中的以下函数与编码本背景模型相关:
cvCreateBGCodeBookModel  建立背景模型
cvBGCodeBookUpdate       更新背景模型
cvBGCodeBookClearStale   清除消极的Code Element
cvBGCodeBookDiff         计算得到背景与前景(注意:该函数仅仅设置背景像素为0,而对前景像素未处理,因此在调用前需要将所有的像素先置为前景)
cvReleaseBGCodeBookModel 释放资源
    在EmguCv中只实现了一部分编码本背景模型,在类BGCodeBookModel<TColor>中,可惜它把cvBGCodeBookDiff给搞忘记了 -_-


            //(1)初始化对象            if (rbCodeBook.Checked)            {                if (bgCodeBookModel != null)                {                    bgCodeBookModel.Dispose();                    bgCodeBookModel = null;                }                bgCodeBookModel = new BGCodeBookModel<Bgr>();            }            //(2)背景建模或者前景检测            bool stop = false;            while (!stop)            {                Image<Bgr, Byte> image = capture.QueryFrame().Clone();  //当前帧                bool isBgModeling, isFgDetecting;                       //是否正在建模,是否正在前景检测                lock (lockObject)                {                    stop = !isVideoCapturing;                    isBgModeling = isBackgroundModeling;                    isFgDetecting = isForegroundDetecting;                }                //得到设置的参数                SettingParam param = (SettingParam)this.Invoke(new GetSettingParamDelegate(GetSettingParam));                //code book                if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.CodeBook)                {                    if (bgCodeBookModel != null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgCodeBookModel.Update(image);                            //背景建模一段时间之后,清理陈旧的条目 (因为清理操作不会重置t,所以这里用求余数的办法来决定清理的时机)                            if (backgroundModelFrameCount % CodeBookClearPeriod == CodeBookClearPeriod - 1)                                bgCodeBookModel.ClearStale(CodeBookStaleThresh, Rectangle.Empty, null);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgCodeBookModel.BackgroundMask.Bitmap;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            Image<Gray, Byte> imageFg = new Image<Gray, byte>(image.Size);                            imageFg.SetValue(255d);     //CodeBook在得出前景时,仅仅将背景像素置零,所以这里需要先将所有的像素都假设为前景                            CvInvoke.cvBGCodeBookDiff(bgCodeBookModel.Ptr, image.Ptr, imageFg.Ptr, Rectangle.Empty);                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = imageFg.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //更新视频图像                pbVideo.Image = image.Bitmap;            }            //(3)释放对象            if (bgCodeBookModel != null)            {                try                {                    bgCodeBookModel.Dispose();                }                catch { }            }

    在OpenCv还实现了两种高级的背景统计模型,它们为别是:(1)FGD——复杂背景下的前景物体检测(Foreground object detection from videos containing complex background);(2)MOG——高斯混合模型(Mixture Of Gauss)。包括以下函数:
CvCreateFGDetectorBase  建立前景检测对象
CvFGDetectorProcess     更新前景检测对象
CvFGDetectorGetMask     获取前景
CvFGDetectorRelease     释放资源


            //(1)创建对象            if (rbMog.Checked)            {                if (fgDetector != null)                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                    fgDetector = null;                }                fgDetector = new FGDetector<Bgr>(FORGROUND_DETECTOR_TYPE.FGD);            }            else if (rbFgd.Checked)            {                if (fgDetector != null)                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                    fgDetector = null;                }                fgDetector = new FGDetector<Bgr>(FORGROUND_DETECTOR_TYPE.MOG);            }            //背景建模及前景检测            bool stop = false;            while (!stop)            {                Image<Bgr, Byte> image = capture.QueryFrame().Clone();  //当前帧                bool isBgModeling, isFgDetecting;                       //是否正在建模,是否正在前景检测                lock (lockObject)                {                    stop = !isVideoCapturing;                    isBgModeling = isBackgroundModeling;                    isFgDetecting = isForegroundDetecting;                }                //得到设置的参数                SettingParam param = (SettingParam)this.Invoke(new GetSettingParamDelegate(GetSettingParam));                if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.Fgd || param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.Mog)                {                    if (fgDetector != null && (isBgModeling || isFgDetecting))                    {                        //背景建模                        fgDetector.Update(image);                        backgroundModelFrameCount++;                        pbBackgroundModel.Image = fgDetector.BackgroundMask.Bitmap;                        //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                        if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                            this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = fgDetector.ForgroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //更新视频图像                pbVideo.Image = image.Bitmap;            }            //(3)释放资源            if (fgDetector != null)            {                try                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                }                catch { }            }



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Threading;using Emgu.CV;using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;using Emgu.CV.Structure;using Emgu.CV.UI;using Emgu.CV.VideoSurveillance;namespace ImageProcessLearn{    public partial class FormForegroundDetect : Form    {        //成员变量        Capture capture = null;                         //视频捕获对象        Thread captureThread = null;                    //视频捕获线程        private bool isVideoCapturing = true;           //是否正在捕获视频        private bool isBackgroundModeling = false;      //是否正在背景建模        private int backgroundModelFrameCount = 0;      //已经建模的视频帧数        private bool isForegroundDetecting = false;     //是否正在进行前景检测        private object lockObject = new object();       //用于锁定的对象        //各种前景检测方法对应的对象        BGCodeBookModel<Bgr> bgCodeBookModel = null;    //编码本前景检测        private const int CodeBookClearPeriod = 40;     //编码本的清理周期,更新这么多次背景之后,清理掉很少使用的陈旧条目        private const int CodeBookStaleThresh = 20;     //在清理编码本时,使用的阀值(stale大于该阀值的条目将被删除)        FGDetector<Bgr> fgDetector = null;              //Mog或者Fgd检测        BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff<Bgr> bgModelFrameDiff = null;      //帧差        BackgroundStatModelAccAvg<Bgr> bgModelAccAvg = null;            //平均背景        BackgroundStatModelRunningAvg<Bgr> bgModelRunningAvg = null;    //均值漂移        BackgroundStatModelSquareAcc<Bgr> bgModelSquareAcc = null;      //标准方差        BackgroundStatModelMultiplyAcc<Bgr> bgModelMultiplyAcc = null;  //标准协方差        public FormForegroundDetect()        {            InitializeComponent();        }        //窗体加载时        private void FormForegroundDetect_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            //设置Tooltip            toolTip.Active = true;            toolTip.SetToolTip(rbMog, "高斯混合模型(Mixture Of Gauss)");            toolTip.SetToolTip(rbFgd, "复杂背景下的前景物体检测(Foreground object detection from videos containing complex background)");            toolTip.SetToolTip(txtMaxBackgroundModelFrameCount, "在背景建模时,使用的最大帧数,超出该值之后,将自动停止背景建模。\r\n对于帧差,总是只捕捉当前帧作为背景。\r\n如果设为零,背景检测将不会自动停止。");                        //打开摄像头视频捕获线程            capture = new Capture(0);            captureThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(CaptureWithEmguCv));            captureThread.Start(null);        }        //窗体关闭前        private void FormForegroundDetect_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)        {            //终止视频捕获            isVideoCapturing = false;            if (captureThread != null)                captureThread.Abort();            if (capture != null)                capture.Dispose();            //释放对象            if (bgCodeBookModel != null)            {                try                {                    bgCodeBookModel.Dispose();                }                catch { }            }            if (fgDetector != null)            {                try                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                }                catch { }            }            if (bgModelFrameDiff != null)                bgModelFrameDiff.Dispose();            if (bgModelAccAvg != null)                bgModelAccAvg.Dispose();            if (bgModelRunningAvg != null)                bgModelRunningAvg.Dispose();            if (bgModelSquareAcc != null)                bgModelSquareAcc.Dispose();            if (bgModelMultiplyAcc != null)                bgModelMultiplyAcc.Dispose();        }        //EmguCv视频捕获        private void CaptureWithEmguCv(object objParam)        {            if (capture == null)                return;            bool stop = false;            while (!stop)            {                Image<Bgr, Byte> image = capture.QueryFrame().Clone();  //当前帧                bool isBgModeling, isFgDetecting;                       //是否正在建模,是否正在前景检测                lock (lockObject)                {                    stop = !isVideoCapturing;                    isBgModeling = isBackgroundModeling;                    isFgDetecting = isForegroundDetecting;                }                //得到设置的参数                SettingParam param = (SettingParam)this.Invoke(new GetSettingParamDelegate(GetSettingParam));                //code book                if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.CodeBook)                {                    if (bgCodeBookModel != null && (isBgModeling || isFgDetecting))                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgCodeBookModel.Update(image);                            //背景建模一段时间之后,清理陈旧的条目                            if (backgroundModelFrameCount % CodeBookClearPeriod == CodeBookClearPeriod - 1)                                bgCodeBookModel.ClearStale(CodeBookStaleThresh, Rectangle.Empty, null);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgCodeBookModel.BackgroundMask.Bitmap;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            Image<Gray, Byte> imageFg = new Image<Gray, byte>(image.Size);                            imageFg.SetValue(255d);     //CodeBook在得出前景时,仅仅将背景像素置零,所以这里需要先将所有的像素都假设为前景                            CvInvoke.cvBGCodeBookDiff(bgCodeBookModel.Ptr, image.Ptr, imageFg.Ptr, Rectangle.Empty);                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = imageFg.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //fgd or mog                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.Fgd || param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.Mog)                {                    if (fgDetector != null && (isBgModeling || isFgDetecting))                    {                        //背景建模                        fgDetector.Update(image);                        backgroundModelFrameCount++;                        pbBackgroundModel.Image = fgDetector.BackgroundMask.Bitmap;                        //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                        if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                            this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = fgDetector.ForgroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //帧差                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.FrameDiff)                {                    if (bgModelFrameDiff != null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgModelFrameDiff.Update(image);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel)); //对于帧差,只需要捕获当前帧作为背景即可                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            bgModelFrameDiff.Threshold = param.Threshold;                            bgModelFrameDiff.CurrentFrame = image;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgModelFrameDiff.ForegroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //平均背景                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.AccAvg)                {                    if (bgModelAccAvg!=null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgModelAccAvg.Update(image);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            bgModelAccAvg.CurrentFrame = image;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgModelAccAvg.ForegroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //均值漂移                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.RunningAvg)                {                    if (bgModelRunningAvg != null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgModelRunningAvg.Update(image);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            bgModelRunningAvg.CurrentFrame = image;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgModelRunningAvg.ForegroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //计算方差                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.SquareAcc)                {                    if (bgModelSquareAcc != null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgModelSquareAcc.Update(image);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            bgModelSquareAcc.CurrentFrame = image;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgModelSquareAcc.ForegroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //协方差                else if (param.ForegroundDetectType == ForegroundDetectType.MultiplyAcc)                {                    if (bgModelMultiplyAcc != null)                    {                        //背景建模                        if (isBgModeling)                        {                            bgModelMultiplyAcc.Update(image);                            backgroundModelFrameCount++;                            //如果达到最大背景建模次数,停止背景建模                            if (param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount != 0 && backgroundModelFrameCount > param.MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount)                                this.Invoke(new NoParamAndReturnDelegate(StopBackgroundModel));                        }                        //前景检测                        if (isFgDetecting)                        {                            bgModelMultiplyAcc.CurrentFrame = image;                            pbBackgroundModel.Image = bgModelMultiplyAcc.ForegroundMask.Bitmap;                        }                    }                }                //更新视频图像                pbVideo.Image = image.Bitmap;            }        }        //用于在工作线程中更新结果的委托及方法        private delegate void AddResultDelegate(string result);        private void AddResultMethod(string result)        {            //txtResult.Text += result;        }        //用于在工作线程中获取设置参数的委托及方法        private delegate SettingParam GetSettingParamDelegate();        private SettingParam GetSettingParam()        {            ForegroundDetectType type = ForegroundDetectType.FrameDiff;            if (rbFrameDiff.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.FrameDiff;            else if (rbAccAvg.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.AccAvg;            else if (rbRunningAvg.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.RunningAvg;            else if (rbMultiplyAcc.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.MultiplyAcc;            else if (rbSquareAcc.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.SquareAcc;            else if (rbCodeBook.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.CodeBook;            else if (rbMog.Checked)                type = ForegroundDetectType.Mog;            else                type = ForegroundDetectType.Fgd;            int maxFrameCount = 0;            int.TryParse(txtMaxBackgroundModelFrameCount.Text, out maxFrameCount);            double threshold = 15d;            double.TryParse(txtThreshold.Text, out threshold);            if (threshold <= 0)                threshold = 15d;            return new SettingParam(type, maxFrameCount, threshold);        }        //没有参数及返回值的委托        private delegate void NoParamAndReturnDelegate();        //开始背景建模        private void btnStartBackgroundModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            if (rbCodeBook.Checked)            {                if (bgCodeBookModel != null)                {                    bgCodeBookModel.Dispose();                    bgCodeBookModel = null;                }                bgCodeBookModel = new BGCodeBookModel<Bgr>();            }            else if (rbMog.Checked)            {                if (fgDetector != null)                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                    fgDetector = null;                }                fgDetector = new FGDetector<Bgr>(FORGROUND_DETECTOR_TYPE.FGD);            }            else if (rbFgd.Checked)            {                if (fgDetector != null)                {                    fgDetector.Dispose();                    fgDetector = null;                }                fgDetector = new FGDetector<Bgr>(FORGROUND_DETECTOR_TYPE.MOG);            }            else if (rbFrameDiff.Checked)            {                if (bgModelFrameDiff != null)                {                    bgModelFrameDiff.Dispose();                    bgModelFrameDiff = null;                }                bgModelFrameDiff = new BackgroundStatModelFrameDiff<Bgr>();            }            else if (rbAccAvg.Checked)            {                if (bgModelAccAvg != null)                {                    bgModelAccAvg.Dispose();                    bgModelAccAvg = null;                }                bgModelAccAvg = new BackgroundStatModelAccAvg<Bgr>();            }            else if (rbRunningAvg.Checked)            {                if (bgModelRunningAvg != null)                {                    bgModelRunningAvg.Dispose();                    bgModelRunningAvg = null;                }                bgModelRunningAvg = new BackgroundStatModelRunningAvg<Bgr>();            }            else if (rbSquareAcc.Checked)            {                if (bgModelSquareAcc != null)                {                    bgModelSquareAcc.Dispose();                    bgModelSquareAcc = null;                }                bgModelSquareAcc = new BackgroundStatModelSquareAcc<Bgr>();            }            else if (rbMultiplyAcc.Checked)            {                if (bgModelMultiplyAcc != null)                {                    bgModelMultiplyAcc.Dispose();                    bgModelMultiplyAcc = null;                }                bgModelMultiplyAcc = new BackgroundStatModelMultiplyAcc<Bgr>();            }            backgroundModelFrameCount = 0;            isBackgroundModeling = true;            btnStartBackgroundModel.Enabled = false;            btnStopBackgroundModel.Enabled = true;            btnStartForegroundDetect.Enabled = false;            btnStopForegroundDetect.Enabled = false;        }        //停止背景建模        private void btnStopBackgroundModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            StopBackgroundModel();        }        //停止背景建模        private void StopBackgroundModel()        {            lock (lockObject)            {                isBackgroundModeling = false;            }            btnStartBackgroundModel.Enabled = true;            btnStopBackgroundModel.Enabled = false;            btnStartForegroundDetect.Enabled = true;            btnStopForegroundDetect.Enabled = false;        }        //开始前景检测        private void btnStartForegroundDetect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            isForegroundDetecting = true;            btnStartBackgroundModel.Enabled = false;            btnStopBackgroundModel.Enabled = false;            btnStartForegroundDetect.Enabled = false;            btnStopForegroundDetect.Enabled = true;        }        //停止前景检测        private void btnStopForegroundDetect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            lock (lockObject)            {                isForegroundDetecting = false;            }            btnStartBackgroundModel.Enabled = true;            btnStopBackgroundModel.Enabled = false;            btnStartForegroundDetect.Enabled = true;            btnStopForegroundDetect.Enabled = false;        }    }    //前景检测方法枚举    public enum ForegroundDetectType    {        FrameDiff,        AccAvg,        RunningAvg,        MultiplyAcc,        SquareAcc,        CodeBook,        Mog,        Fgd    }    //设置参数    public struct SettingParam    {        public ForegroundDetectType ForegroundDetectType;        public int MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount;        public double Threshold;        public SettingParam(ForegroundDetectType foregroundDetectType, int maxBackgroundModelFrameCount, double threshold)        {            ForegroundDetectType = foregroundDetectType;            MaxBackgroundModelFrameCount = maxBackgroundModelFrameCount;            Threshold = threshold;        }    }}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Drawing;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using Emgu.CV.Structure;using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;namespace ImageProcessLearn{    /// <summary>    /// 声明一些没有包含在EmguCv中的OpenCv函数    /// </summary>    public static class OpenCvInvoke    {        //自适应动态背景检测        [DllImport("cvaux200.dll")]        public static extern void cvChangeDetection(IntPtr prev_frame, IntPtr curr_frame, IntPtr change_mask);        //均值漂移分割        [DllImport("cv200.dll")]        public static extern void cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering(IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, double spatialRadius, double colorRadius, int max_level, MCvTermCriteria termcrit);        //开始查找轮廓        [DllImport("cv200.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr cvStartFindContours(IntPtr image, IntPtr storage, int header_size, RETR_TYPE mode, CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD method, Point offset);        //查找下一个轮廓        [DllImport("cv200.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr cvFindNextContour(IntPtr scanner);        //用新轮廓替换scanner指向的当前轮廓        [DllImport("cv200.dll")]        public static extern void cvSubstituteContour(IntPtr scanner, IntPtr new_contour);        //结束轮廓查找        [DllImport("cv200.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr cvEndFindContour(ref IntPtr scanner);    }}


    其实关于背景模型的方法还有很多,比如《Video-object segmentation using multi-sprite background subtraction》可以在摄像机运动的情况下建立背景《Nonparametric background generation》利用mean-shift算法处理动态的背景模型,如果我的时间和能力允许,也许会去尝试实现它们。另外,《Wallflower: Principles and practice of background maintenance》比较了各种背景建模方式的差异,我希望能够尝试翻译出来。

