
来源:互联网 发布:无锡知源药业有限公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 08:52


作者:tombkeeper (t0mbkeeper_at_hotmail.com)

/* MSNMessenger的口令是经过DPAPI加密后保存在注册表中的
* 这个程序演示解码过程
* tombkeeper[0x40]nsfocus[0x2e]com
* tombkeeper[0x40]xfocus[0x2e]net
* 2004.08.11

#include <Windows.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "Advapi32.lib")

#define FCHK(a)     if (!(a)) {printf(#a " failed/n"); return 0;}

typedef struct _CRYPTOAPI_BLOB {
    DWORD cbData;
    BYTE* pbData;

    DWORD cbSize;
    DWORD dwPromptFlags;
    HWND hwndApp;
    LPCWSTR szPrompt;

typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PCryptUnprotectData)(
    DATA_BLOB* pDataIn,
    LPWSTR* ppszDataDescr,
    DATA_BLOB* pOptionalEntropy,
    PVOID pvReserved,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    DATA_BLOB* pDataOut

PCryptUnprotectData CryptUnprotectData = NULL;

int main(void)
    int ret;
    HMODULE hNtdll;

    HKEY hKey;
    DWORD dwType;
    char Data[0x100] = {0};
    DWORD dwSize;

    DATA_BLOB DataIn;
    DATA_BLOB DataOut;

    ret = RegOpenKeyEx
    if( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 1;

    ret = RegQueryValueEx
        "Password.NET Messenger Service",
    if( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 1;

    FCHK ((hNtdll = LoadLibrary ("Crypt32.dll")) != NULL);
    FCHK ((CryptUnprotectData = (PCryptUnprotectData)
           GetProcAddress (hNtdll, "CryptUnprotectData")) != NULL);

    DataIn.pbData = Data + 2;   //口令密文从第二位开始
    DataIn.cbData = dwSize-2;


    base64_decode (DataOut.pbData, Data, strlen(DataOut.pbData));
    printf ( "MSN Password: %s/n", Data);
    return 0;

//copied from GNU libc - libc/resolv/base64.c
int base64_decode (char const *src, char *target, size_t targsize)
    static const char Base64[] =
    static const char Pad64 = '=';

    int tarindex, state, ch;
    char *pos;

    state = 0;
    tarindex = 0;

    while ((ch = *src++) != '/0')
        if (isspace (ch))         /* Skip whitespace anywhere. */

        if (ch == Pad64)

        pos = strchr (Base64, ch);
        if (pos == 0)             /* A non-base64 character. */
            return (-1);

        switch (state)
            case 0:
            if (target)
                if ((size_t) tarindex >= targsize)
                    return (-1);
                target[tarindex] = (pos - Base64) << 2;
            state = 1;
            case 1:
            if (target)
                if ((size_t) tarindex + 1 >= targsize)
                    return (-1);
                target[tarindex] |= (pos - Base64) >> 4;
                target[tarindex + 1] = ((pos - Base64) & 0x0f) << 4;
            state = 2;
            case 2:
            if (target)
                if ((size_t) tarindex + 1 >= targsize)
                    return (-1);
                target[tarindex] |= (pos - Base64) >> 2;
                target[tarindex + 1] = ((pos - Base64) & 0x03) << 6;
            state = 3;
            case 3:
            if (target)
                if ((size_t) tarindex >= targsize)
                    return (-1);
                target[tarindex] |= (pos - Base64);
            state = 0;
            abort ();

   * We are done decoding Base-64 chars.  Let's see if we ended
   * on a byte boundary, and/or with erroneous trailing characters.

    if (ch == Pad64)
    {                           /* We got a pad char. */
        ch = *src++;              /* Skip it, get next. */
        switch (state)
            case 0:         /* Invalid = in first position */
            case 1:         /* Invalid = in second position */
                return (-1);

            case 2:         /* Valid, means one byte of info */
             /* Skip any number of spaces. */
            for ((void) NULL; ch != '/0'; ch = *src++)
                if (!isspace (ch))
             /* Make sure there is another trailing = sign. */
            if (ch != Pad64)
                return (-1);
            ch = *src++;          /* Skip the = */
            /* Fall through to "single trailing =" case. */
            /* FALLTHROUGH */

            case 3:         /* Valid, means two bytes of info */
             * We know this char is an =.  Is there anything but
             * whitespace after it?
            for ((void) NULL; ch != '/0'; ch = *src++)
                if (!isspace (ch))
                    return (-1);

             * Now make sure for cases 2 and 3 that the "extra"
             * bits that slopped past the last full byte were
             * zeros.  If we don't check them, they become a
             * subliminal channel.
            if (target && target[tarindex] != 0)
                return (-1);
         * We ended by seeing the end of the string.  Make sure we
         * have no partial bytes lying around.
        if (state != 0)
            return (-1);

    return (tarindex);