Old Flame (Episode 105)

来源:互联网 发布:社会支持网络理论 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 02:25
At a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Companion Music Conservatory, Boone was stunned when the featured "Tubes" performer was Elyse Chapel (Colette Stevenson), the first great love of his life. As soon as he set eyes on her, his Cyber Viral Implant (CVI) caused him to have tempestuous memories of their passionate love affair from his younger days. When the two met after the concert, it was obvious to Lili (Lisa Howard), Da'an (Leni Parker) and Sandoval (Von Flores) that Boone was under the woman's spell. Boone and Elyse slipped away to the Flat Planet Cafe, where they reminisced about their past together. It was clear that Boone had never forgotten Elyse despite his great love for his late wife, Kate.

Meanwhile, in the same early hours, a sophisticated heist was under way at a nearby nuclear power plant. An armored truck was ambushed, its precious cargo of plutonium hijacked by professional terrorists. Boone and Lili were on the case the next morning, but Lili was equally concerned about Boone's involvement with Elyse. Boone put his career in jeopardy when he slipped away to meet with her a second time instead of tracking the terrorists. When Elyse stumbled into a subway shootout with the gunmen, it became apparent to everyone that Boone's judgment was being severely compromised.


Determined to save her friend, Lili turned to Augur (Richard Chevolleau), whose feelings for her were becoming more than just professional. Together they found out that Elyse Chapel was an FBI agent sent to test Boone's allegiance to the Taelons, and their supposed affair was just a fabricated memory in his CVI. When Elyse played her card and told Boone she was a Resistance member, he knew his proper response should have been to arrest her immediately but instead he stalled, wanting to know who was trying to destroy him. A successful take-down of the nuclear terrorists revealed the entire operation was one of Sandoval's schemes, orchestrated with Da'an's complete compliance. Delivering Elyse to Taelon headquarters where the ruse was fully revealed, Boone once again ended up the broken-hearted loner, working for both sides, but belonging to no one.