
来源:互联网 发布:性价比高的耳机知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:30


       push %ebp

       movl  %esp, %ebp










Can anybody explain me what effect these two instructions cause in the assembly code generated by gcc for x86 machines:


push %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp 



%ebp is the "base pointer" for your stack frame. It's the pointer used by the C runtime to access local variables and parameters on the stack. Here's some typical function prologue code generated by GCC (g++ to be precise) First the C++ source.

寄存器%ebp (tenfy注:AT&T汇编中,引用寄存器需要加上%前缀,在带有c/c++的内嵌汇编中,则需要带%%前缀)  存储函数调用过程中当前“栈帧”的基址,该基址是用于c运行库访问栈中的局部变量和参数的指针。这里有些典型的gcc(确切的说是g++)生成的函数调用中最开始执行的代码,首先看c++源码如下:


// junk.c++
int addtwo(int a)
    int x = 2;

    return a + x;



This generates the following assembler.



.file   "junk.c++"
.globl _Z6addtwoi
.type   _Z6addtwoi, @function
    pushl   %ebp                     #tenfy:调用函数的栈帧指针地址先入栈,在此之前对应的实参和返回地址已经入栈了
    movl    %esp, %ebp         #tenfy:把当前的栈顶指针赋值给%ebp,使得当前调用新的栈帧指针跟%esp一致,此时%ebp和%esp指向一致。
    subl    $16, %esp              #tenfy:当前栈顶的指针减去16,使得当前的%esp往内存低地址移动16个字节,为局部变量的存储预留空间
    movl    $2, -4(%ebp)         #tenfy:把立即数2赋值给到%ebp-4的内存单元,从示意图可以看出,即从基址%ebp往内存低处移动四个字节,写入int x=2
    movl    -4(%ebp), %edx    #把x也写入寄存器%edx
    movl    8(%ebp), %eax     #tenfy:8(%ebp)即是%ebp往高地址内存移动8个byte,也就是实参1的栈地址,即把实参a的值写入寄存器%eax
    addl    %edx, %eax           #tenfy:把寄存器%edx和%eax相加后,存入%eax,注意:%eax也是gcc作为存储函数返回值的寄存器
    .size   _Z6addtwoi, .-_Z6addtwoi
    .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.3"
    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits


Now to explain that prologue code (all the stuff before .LCFI2:), first:


1,pushl %ebp  stores the stack frame of the calling function on the stack. (调用函数的栈帧入栈)
2,movl %esp, %ebp takes the current stack pointer and uses it as the frame for the called function. (当前栈顶指针作为新的调用函数的栈帧)
3,subl $16, %esp leaves room for local variables.  (为局部变量预留空间)

        Now your function is ready for business. Any references with a negative offset from the %ebp% register are your local variables (x in this example). Any references with a positive offset from the %ebp% register are your parameters passed in.



       The final point of interest is the leave instruction which is an x86 assembler instruction which does the work of restoring the calling function's stack frame. This is usually optimized away in to the faster move %ebp %esp and pop %ebp% sequence in C code. For illustrative purposes, however, I didn't compile with any optimizations on at all.

令人感兴趣的最后一个关键点是指令leave,它是一个x86的汇编指令,主要用于恢复调用函数的栈帧。该指令常常用于优化c代码中的指令序列:move %ebp %esp和pop %ebp,然而,为了更有说明性,我在编译中根本没有打开任何优化的开关。



It's typical code that you see at the beginning of a function.



It saves the contents of the EBP register on the stack, and then stores the content of the current stack pointer in EBP.



The stack is used during a function call to store local arguments. But in the function, the stack pointer may change because values are stored on the stack.



If you save the original value of the stack, you can refer to the stored arguments via the EBP register, while you can still use (add values to) the stack.



At the end of the function you will probably see the command


pop %ebp   ; restore original value
ret        ; return  



push %ebp

This will push the 32 bit (extended) base pointer register on the stack, i.e. the stack pointer (%esp) is subtracted by four, then the value of %ebp is copied to the location that the stack pointer points to.



movl %esp, %ebp

This copies the stack pointer register to the base pointer register.



The purpose of copying the stack pointer to the base pointer is to create a stack frame, i.e. an area on the stack where a subroutine can store local data. The code in the subroutine would use the base pointer to reference the data.



It's part of what is known as the function prolog.

It saves the current base pointer that is going to be retrieved when the function ends and sets the new ebp to the beginning of the new frame

