
来源:互联网 发布:elsevier sdol数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:55

' Copyright (c) Wrox Press Ltd 2002. All rights reserved.
' Buyers of the Visual Basic .NET Solutions Toolkit book (ISBN 1861007396) can use this code without restriction.
' This code cannot be copied, compiled, or altered except by buyers of the aforementioned book.
' Wrox Press Ltd retains copyright of this code in all cases and unauthorized transmission, duplication, and
' publishing is forbidden.

Imports System
Imports System.IO

Namespace Wrox.Toolkit.Util
    Public Class Crc32
        Private Const TABLESIZE As Integer = 256
        Private Const DEFAULTPOLYNOMIAL As Integer = &HEDB88320
        Private Const DEFAULTINITIALVALUE As Integer = &HFFFFFFFF

        Private lookup(TABLESIZE - 1) As Integer
        Private crcPolynomial As Integer = 0

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal crcPolynomial As Integer)
            Me.crcPolynomial = crcPolynomial
        End Sub

        Public Property Polynomial() As Integer
                Return crcPolynomial
            End Get

            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                Me.crcPolynomial = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Overloads Function CalculateBlock(ByVal bytes() As Byte) _
                                                 As Integer
            Return CalculateBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
        End Function

        Public Overloads Function CalculateBlock(ByVal bytes() As Byte, _
                                                 ByVal index As Integer, _
                                                 ByVal length As Integer _
                                                ) As Integer
            Return CalculateBlock(bytes, index, length, DEFAULTINITIALVALUE)
        End Function

        Public Overloads Function CalculateBlock( _
                                  ByVal bytes() As Byte, _
                                  ByVal index As Integer, _
                                  ByVal length As Integer, _
                                  ByVal initialValue As Integer) _
                                  As Integer
            If bytes Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("CalculateBlock(): bytes")
            ElseIf index < 0 Or length <= 0 _
                   Or index + length > bytes.Length Then
                Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
            End If

            Return Not InternalCalculateBlock(bytes, index, _
                                              length, initialValue)
        End Function

        Private Function InternalCalculateBlock( _
                         ByVal bytes() As Byte, _
                         ByVal index As Integer, _
                         ByVal length As Integer, _
                         ByVal initialValue As Integer) _
                         As Integer
            Dim crc As Integer = initialValue
            Dim shiftedCrc As Integer

            Dim position As Integer
            For position = index To length - 1

                shiftedCrc = crc And &HFFFFFF00
                shiftedCrc = shiftedCrc / &H100
                shiftedCrc = shiftedCrc And &HFFFFFF

                crc = shiftedCrc Xor lookup(bytes(position) Xor _
                                                            (crc And &HFF))

            Return crc
        End Function

        Public Overloads Function CalculateFile(ByVal path As String) _
                                                As Integer
            Return CalculateFile(path, DEFAULTINITIALVALUE)
        End Function

        Public Overloads Function CalculateFile( _
                                  ByVal path As String, _
                                  ByVal initialValue As Integer) _
                                  As Integer
            If path Is Nothing Then
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("path")
            ElseIf path.Length = 0 Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid path")
            End If

            Return Not InternalCalculateFile(path, initialValue)
        End Function

        Private Function InternalCalculateFile( _
                         ByVal path As String, _
                         ByVal initialValue As Integer) _
                         As Integer
            Const blockSize As Integer = 4096
            Dim count As Integer
            Dim inStream As FileStream
            Dim bytes(blockSize - 1) As Byte
            Dim crc As Integer = initialValue

                inStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)

                While inStream.Position < inStream.Length
                    count = inStream.Read(bytes, 0, blockSize)
                    crc = InternalCalculateBlock(bytes, 0, count, crc)
                End While
                If Not inStream Is Nothing Then
                End If
            End Try

            Return crc
        End Function

        Private Sub InitLookupTable()
            Dim byteCount, bitCount As Integer
            Dim crc, shiftedCrc As Integer

            For byteCount = 0 To TABLESIZE - 1
                crc = byteCount

                For bitCount = 0 To 7

                    shiftedCrc = crc And &HFFFFFFFE
                    shiftedCrc = shiftedCrc / &H2
                    shiftedCrc = shiftedCrc And &H7FFFFFFF

                    If (crc And &H1) Then
                        crc = shiftedCrc Xor crcPolynomial
                        crc = shiftedCrc
                    End If

                lookup(byteCount) = crc
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

' Copyright (c) Wrox Press Ltd 2002. All rights reserved.
' Buyers of the Visual Basic .NET Solutions Toolkit book (ISBN 1861007396) can use this code without restriction.
' This code cannot be copied, compiled, or altered except by buyers of the aforementioned book.
' Wrox Press Ltd retains copyright of this code in all cases and unauthorized transmission, duplication, and
' publishing is forbidden.

Imports System
Imports Wrox.Toolkit.Util

Module CRC32Test
    Sub Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String)
        If cmdArgs.Length <> 1 Then
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: CRC32Test <path>")
            Exit Sub
        End If

            Dim crc32Val As Integer
            Dim crc As New Crc32()

            crc32Val = crc.CalculateFile(cmdArgs(0))

            Console.WriteLine("CRC32 is {0:x}", crc32Val)
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: {0}", e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module
