
来源:互联网 发布:刷脸破解软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 06:46


1. 首先要先搭建好wireshark编译环境,可以参考官方的wireshark编译环境配置,安装上面的配置基本上是无问题。

  本人出现在 nmake -f setup 时出现了解压压缩包失败的问题,打开 tools/win-setup.sh文件,注释掉unzip的相关命令即可,后续编译过程中,根据错误提示,自己手动解压。

2. 下载protobuf-wireshark代码,到google下载,下载protobuf-wireshark-runtime-0.1.tar.gz文件

3. 解压protobuf-wireshark-runtime-0.1.tar.gz文件后,修改 wireshark.conf配置文件。设置wireshark的源代码和安装目录,本人配置如下

wireshark_src_dir     : /cygdrive/h/wireshark-1.8.6
wireshark_install_dir : /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Wireshark
wireshark_version     : 1.8.6

4. 启动cygwin终端,并切换到protobuf-wireshark-runtion-0.1的目录下面,本人地址为;/cygdrive/h/a/protobuf-wireshark-runtime-0.1

5. 执行$ ./ wireshark.conf 




6. 切换到plugins\protobuf目录,并从其他插件目录拷贝 Makefile.common、moduleinfo.nmake、Makefile.nmake、 4个文件,并对这写文件做修改。



1) moduleinfo.nmake文件内容

## $Id: moduleinfo.nmake 20157 2006-12-19 22:23:22Z jake $## The namePACKAGE=protobuf# The versionMODULE_VERSION_MAJOR=0MODULE_VERSION_MINOR=1MODULE_VERSION_MICRO=0MODULE_VERSION_EXTRA=0## The RC_VERSION should be comma-separated, not dot-separated, # as per Graham Bloice's message in## "The RC_VERSION variable in config.nmake should be comma separated. # This allows the resources to be built correctly and the version# number to be correctly displayed in the explorer properties dialog# for the executables, and XP's tooltip, rather than"#MODULE_VERSION=$(MODULE_VERSION_MAJOR).$(MODULE_VERSION_MINOR).$(MODULE_VERSION_MICRO).$(MODULE_VERSION_EXTRA)RC_MODULE_VERSION=$(MODULE_VERSION_MAJOR),$(MODULE_VERSION_MINOR),$(MODULE_VERSION_MICRO),$(MODULE_VERSION_EXTRA)



# Makefile.nmake# nmake file for Wireshark plugin## $Id: Makefile.nmake 42971 2012-06-01 14:08:12Z wmeier $#PROTOBUF_DIR=F:\OpenSource\protobuf-2.4.1\srcPROTOBUF_LIB=F:\OpenSource\protobuf-2.4.1\vsprojects\Release\libprotobuf.libinclude ..\..\config.nmakeinclude moduleinfo.nmakePLUGIN_NAME=protobufDISSECTOR_SRC=packet-protobuf.cDISSECTOR_SRCC=wireshark-glue-protobuf.ccDISSECTOR_SUPPORT_SRC=DISSECTOR_INCLUDES=wireshark-glue-protobuf.h moduleinfo.hCFLAGS=$(WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS) $(STANDARD_CFLAGS) \/I../.. $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \/I$(PROTOBUF_DIR).c.obj::$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fd.\ -c $<.cc.obj::$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fd.\ -c $<LDFLAGS = $(PLUGIN_LDFLAGS)!IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARKLINK_PLUGIN_WITH=..\..\epan\libwireshark.lib ..\..\wsutil\libwsutil.lib $(PROTOBUF_LIB)CFLAGS=/D_NEED_VAR_IMPORT_ $(CFLAGS)DISSECTOR_OBJECTS = $(DISSECTOR_SRC:.c=.obj)DISSECTOR_OBJECTSS = $( = $(DISSECTOR_SUPPORT_SRC:.c=.obj)OBJECTS = $(DISSECTOR_OBJECTS) $(DISSECTOR_SUPPORT_OBJECTS) $(DISSECTOR_OBJECTSS)RESOURCE=$(PLUGIN_NAME).resall: $(PLUGIN_NAME).dll$(PLUGIN_NAME).rc : moduleinfo.nmakesed -e s/@PLUGIN_NAME@/$(PLUGIN_NAME)/ \-e s/@RC_MODULE_VERSION@/$(RC_MODULE_VERSION)/ \-e s/@RC_VERSION@/$(RC_VERSION)/ \-e s/@MODULE_VERSION@/$(MODULE_VERSION)/ \-e s/@PACKAGE@/$(PACKAGE)/ \-e s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/ \-e s/@MSVC_VARIANT@/$(MSVC_VARIANT)/ \< > $@$(PLUGIN_NAME).dll $(PLUGIN_NAME).exp $(PLUGIN_NAME).lib : $(OBJECTS) $(LINK_PLUGIN_WITH) $(RESOURCE)link -dll /out:$(PLUGIN_NAME).dll $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LINK_PLUGIN_WITH) \$(GLIB_LIBS) $(RESOURCE)## Build plugin.c, which contains the plugin version[] string, a# function plugin_register() that calls the register routines for all# protocols, and a function plugin_reg_handoff() that calls the handoff# registration routines for all protocols.## We do this by scanning sources.  If that turns out to be too slow,# maybe we could just require every .o file to have an register routine# of a given name (packet-aarp.o -> proto_register_aarp, etc.).## Formatting conventions:  The name of the proto_register_* routines an# proto_reg_handoff_* routines must start in column zero, or must be# preceded only by "void " starting in column zero, and must not be# inside #if.## DISSECTOR_SRC is assumed to have all the files that need to be scanned.## For some unknown reason, having a big "for" loop in the Makefile# to scan all the files doesn't work with some "make"s; they seem to# pass only the first few names in the list to the shell, for some# reason.## Therefore, we have a script to generate the plugin.c file.# The shell script runs slowly, as multiple greps and seds are run# for each input file; this is especially slow on Windows.  Therefore,# if Python is present (as indicated by PYTHON being defined), we run# a faster Python script to do that work instead.## The first argument is the directory in which the source files live.# The second argument is "plugin", to indicate that we should build# a plugin.c file for a plugin.# All subsequent arguments are the files to scan.#!ENDIFclean:rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(RESOURCE) *.pdb *.sbr \    $(PLUGIN_NAME).dll $(PLUGIN_NAME).dll.manifest $(PLUGIN_NAME).lib \    $(PLUGIN_NAME).exp $(PLUGIN_NAME).rcdistclean: cleanmaintainer-clean: distcleancheckapi:# TODO: Fix api's :)#$(PERL) ../../tools/ -g abort -g termoutput -build $(DISSECTOR_SRC) $(DISSECTOR_INCLUDES)





提示:需要下载,解压后把dirent.h放到VC\Include目录下面,这是一个模拟linux dir相关接口的源代码。

10.把 plugins\protobuf\protobuf.dll 拷贝到wireshark安装目录下plugins\版本号\ 目录下。

11. 在wireshark 安装目录下创建protobuf目录,用于放置protobuf的配置文件和消息定义文件。

12.启动你的wireshark,可以开始抓包分析google protobuf消息了。。

