
来源:互联网 发布:自学编程入门教材 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 23:39

    Petit FatFs是FatFs的简版,可以移植到8位单片机上,我此次试验是在PIC16F877A上移植了这种文件系统,用于管理SD卡中的txt文件内容的读写。其中SD卡的驱动程序在另一篇博客中有所介绍。







/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for Petit FatFs (C)ChaN, 2009      */
#include <pic.h>/*Platform dependent macros and functions needed to be modified */
#include "pff.h"//include "integer.h"
#include "diskio.h"//include "integer.h"
#define CS RC2
#define _XTAL_FREQ 12000000
void init_pic_usart(void)
     RCSTA=0x90;//1001 0000,SPEN=1,serial port enabled.CREN=1,
     TXSTA=0X24;//0010 0100,TX9=0,select 8 bits transmission.
           //TXEN=1,transmit enabled .
       //SYNC=0,Asynchronous mode.
       //BRGH=1,High speed.
void usart_send_byte(CHAR data)
void usart_send_str(const UCHAR *buff,UCHAR EnterFlag)//send of string,and then line feed
 UINT i;
 UINT len=strlen(buff);//count the string length
  usart_send_byte(0x0d);//line feed
void init_pic_spi()
 //SMP=1,input data sampled at the end of data output time
 //CKE=1;transmit occurs on transition from idle to active clock
 //SSPM3-SSPM0 0000 SPI master mode ,clock=fosc/64
 //CKP=1 idle state for clock high level
 //SPEN=1 enable serial port
 //WCOL=0 no collision
 //falling edge of SCK transmit data
void write_command(UCHAR command,DWORD arguement,UCHAR CRC)
 UCHAR arg[4],i=0; 
 arg[3]=(UCHAR)(arguement);//four 0x00
UCHAR receive_response()
 UCHAR a=0;
  SSPBUF=0XFF;//if we want to read a data,must send first,we send complete,receive comlete
  while(!BF);//receive flag
  else if(0x00==SSPBUF)
  else if(0xfe==SSPBUF)
  else if(0xff!=SSPBUF)
 return SSPBUF; 
/* Initialize Disk Drive                                                 */
DSTATUS disk_initialize (void)
 DSTATUS stat;
 // Put your code here
 int i=0;
  CS=1;//disable sd card 
  for(i=0;i<15;i++) //more than 74 clock pules,15*8=120,FOR YU JU CUO LE
  while(!BF);//8 clock
 SSPBUF=0XFF;//8 clock pules
 while(!BF);//untile now ,reset completed
 SSPBUF=0XFF;//8 clock pules
 while(!BF);//untile now ,SD card has came into SPI work mode 
 return stat;
/* Read Partial Sector                                                   */
DRESULT disk_readp(
 BYTE* dest,   /* Pointer to the destination object */
 DWORD sector,  /* Sector number (LBA) */
 WORD sofs,   /* Offset in the sector */
 WORD count   /* Byte count (bit15:destination) */
 // Put your code here
 UINT i=0;

  while(!BF);//8 clock
  write_command(0x11,sector,0xff);//CMD17:the command of read data block,address must be integer multiple of 512
 }while(receive_response()!=0x00); __delay_us(100);//usart_send_str("haha,here",1);//must have 

  while(!BF);//skip sofs bytes
 for(i=0;i<count;i++)//read count byte
  while(!BF);//skip sofs bytes
  SSPBUF=0XFF;//skip reminder bytes
  while(!BF); //abandon two CRC bytes
 while(!BF); //abandon two CRC bytes
 while(!BF);//8 clock
 return res;
/* Write Partial Sector                                                  */
DRESULT disk_writep(
    const BYTE* buff,  /* Pointer to the data to be written, NULL:Initiate/Finalize write operation */
 DWORD sc  /* Sector number (LBA) or Number of bytes to send */
{   /*buff=0,sc=0 finish the write function */
   /*buff=0,sc!=0 init write sector */
   /*buff!=0,sc=!0 normal write */
 WORD bc;//typedef unsigned short WORD;
 static WORD wc;//init with 0 and keep the value last time
 res=RES_ERROR;//init res
 {      /* Send data bytes */
  {     /* Send data bytes to the card */
  if(sc)/* Initiate sector write process */
    while(!BF);//8 clock pules
   while(!BF);//head data
   wc=512;       /* Set byte counter */
  { /* Finalize sector write process */
    SSPBUF=0x00; //if the pointer is not on the sector boundary,left bytes should filled with 0
    while(!BF);/* Fill left bytes and CRC with zeros */
   res = RES_OK;//!= prior to &&,while sdcard is busy ,dataout is low
 return res;


