Developing Application Frameworks in .Net--(Note2, Configuration/Class Factory)

来源:互联网 发布:2015总决赛数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 11:01
Configuration / Remoting  -----> Class Factory

[ Configuration in C# ]
    COM components used the registry to configure components. Configuration of .NET applications is done by using configuration files. With registry configurations, an xcopy-deployment is not possible. The configuration files use XML syntax to specify startup and runtime settings for applications.

Startup settings
Runtime settings
Remoting settings
Security settings
....................... all are declared defaultly in < machine.config >
---- Application configuration files
     [web.config] ---> for web application
     [*.exe.config]--> for executable application <add app.config in startup project>

---- Machine configuration files
---- publisher policy files

    <add key = "DatabaseConnection" value = "Initial Catalog = Northwind; Data Source = localhost;"/>

CLR affords:

All configuration information are read by implementation of IConfigurationSectionHandler which has only one method to override
object Create ( object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)

object infor = ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("sectionName1");
----- look for section named sectionName1
----- create handler object by type information with reflection mechanism
----- CLR call the create method of the object created just now
----- The third parameter XmlNode section contains the detail info of the section.
----- Parse the xml node and return an object
*** CLR only instantiate the handler once. ***

Four handler classes CLR affords:
System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler     return Dictionary object, key/value
System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler         Ignore this type, return NULL
System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler   return NameValueCollection object
System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler     retrun HashTable object, the data of attributes

    <section name = "lunch" type = "System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler, System">
<lunch soup = 'eggdrop' soda = 'coke' dish = 'beef'/>

HashTable luchInfo = (HashTable)ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("lunch");
string soup = lunchInfo["soup"].ToString();
string soda = lunchInfo["soda "].ToString();
string dish  =  lunchInfo["dish"].ToString();

Encapsulate information and use Intellisense functionality
Handler class <Implement IConfigurationSectionHandler Interface>---> Configuration Manager class <constructor with XMLNode>----> configuration class <Property or Field to get settings>
public class ConfigurationHandler  : System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler
public object Create(Object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)
            Type type 
= System.Type.GetType(section.Attributes["type"].Value);
object[] parameters = {section};
//call the configuration object's constructor
            object configObject = null;
= Activator.CreateInstance(type, parameters);

catch (Exception ex)
string x = ex.Message;
return null;

return configObject;    


/// Provides access to configuraiton object for the framework component
    public class ConfigurationManager
public SAF.Configuration.ClassFactoryConfiguration ClassFactoryConfig;
private XmlNode configurationData;

/// Initialize all the configuration objects accessible through this configuration manager.
        public  ConfigurationManager (XmlNode sections)
= sections;
            ConfigurationAgentManager cam 
= new ConfigurationAgentManager(configurationData);
= new ClassFactoryConfiguration(cam.GetData("SAF.ClassFactory"));


public class ClassFactoryConfiguration
private XmlNode classFactoryXml;

/// the constructor is called by the configuraiton manager
        public ClassFactoryConfiguration(XmlNode configData)
= configData;

/// retrieve information about a class stored in the SAF.ClassFactory section
        public XmlNode GetFactoryData(string name)
return classFactoryXml.SelectSingleNode("Class[@name='" + name + "']");


The second purpose: Integeration setting --- Agent
public class ConfigurationAgentManager
private XmlNode configurationData;
public ConfigurationAgentManager(XmlNode configData){
= configData;

/// it return the Xml containing the configuraiton settings for a given key 
        public XmlNode GetData(string key){
            XmlNode result
            XmlAttribute agentAttribute 
if (configurationData.SelectSingleNode(key) != null){
//check if there is agent defined for a particular section or key
//if there is, load the agent and make it retrieve the data
//otherwise, just load the data from the configuraiton file
                agentAttribute = configurationData.SelectSingleNode(key).Attributes["ConfigurationAgent"];
if ( agentAttribute == null) {
= configurationData.SelectSingleNode(key);
else {
//retrive the data using the agent
                    string data = GetAgent(agentAttribute.Value).GetConfigurationSetting();
                    XmlDocument xml 
= new XmlDocument();
= (XmlNode)xml.DocumentElement;


return result;

/// the method load the agent using reflection and return an instance of agent  to the caller
        private IConfigurationAgent GetAgent(string agentName){
            XmlNode agentNode 
= configurationData.SelectSingleNode("//Agent[@name ='" + agentName +  "']");
            Type type 
= Type.GetType(agentNode.Attributes["type"].Value);
            IConfigurationAgent agent 
= (IConfigurationAgent)Activator.CreateInstance(type,null);
//Initialize method setup the agent object with the parameter information specified
//in the file that is needed for the agent to do its job
return agent;


/// Interface that each agent class must implement.its two methods are called by agent manager at runtime.
       public interface IConfigurationAgent
void Initialize(XmlNode xml);
string GetConfigurationSetting();

.Net Remoting

server activation
    ---- singleton
    ---- single call
client activation

<section name="Framework" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />
<section name="MyApplication" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />

="ClassFactory.rem" />
<channel ref="http" port="8989"/>

<!--Class Factory-->
<Framework type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationManager,SAF.Configuration">
<SAF.ClassFactory>            <Class name="ProductFactory-A" type="TestConcreteFactory.ConcreteProductFactory,TestConcreteFactory" />            <Class name="ProductFactory-B" type="TestConcreteFactory.ConcreteNewProductFactory,TestConcreteFactory" />            <Class name="Remote-ProductFactory-C" location="http://localhost:8989/ClassFactory.rem"   type="TestConcreteFactory.ConcreteRemoteProductFactory,TestConcreteFactory" />

<!--Agent-->    <MyApplication type="Application.Configuration.AppConfigurationManager,Application.Configuration">
<Agent name = "WSAgent1" type="TestConfigurationAgent.ConfigurationWSAgent,TestConfigurationAgent">


Class Factory and Reflection
             MyClass classA = new MyClass();

using System.Reflection;
            Assembly assm 
= Assembly.Load("TestApp");
            Type objType 
= assm.GetType("TestApp.MyClass");
object objInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(objType);
"DoWork", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objInstance, null);

public class ClassFactory
private ClassFactory(){}
/// Called by the client to get an instance of the factory class
        public static object GetFactory(string factoryName)
object factory = null;
            ConfigurationManager cm 
= (ConfigurationManager)ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("Framework");
            ClassFactoryConfiguration cf
=  cm.ClassFactoryConfig;
            XmlNode classFactoryData 
= cf.GetFactoryData(factoryName);        
//obtain the type information
            string type = classFactoryData.Attributes["type"].Value;
            Type t 
= System.Type.GetType(type);
//creat an instance of concrete class factory
            if (classFactoryData.Attributes["location"!= null)
// Remoting
                string location = classFactoryData.Attributes["location"].Value;
= Activator.GetObject(t,location);

= Activator.CreateInstance(t,null);
return factory;

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