[use linux] - memo 1

来源:互联网 发布:云计算代表企业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 02:26
1. laptop-mode-tools
laptop-mode /etc/laptop-mode/...    .conf
cat /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode
acpi to view battery status, fans ,,,....

2. network

ifconfig, iwconfig needs root accout; locates in /usr/sbin

ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add default gw

ip link set wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 power on
iwconfig wlan0 txpower auto

dhclient wlan0

man wireless
man interfaces

3. $(HOME)/.bashrc
set alias
and $PS1

4. man pager = less , -P parameter can select pager program.
need install less.

5. apt-get install
deb mirrors.163.com/debian /squeeze main contrib non-free

6. man bash
HOME/profile .bashrc , /etc/

7. /etc/init.d/...

8. pw-utils package..
pw-hibernate, pw-suspend

9. lynx

10. debian iso usb boot
cat file.iso > /dev/sdX

11. ifup, ifdown ==> call ifconfig,route;
based on the /etc/network/interfaces.
man ifup interfaces
status :  /etc/network/run/state

12. apt-get install linux-doc-html
install HOWTOs

13. apt-get install xorg xterm xclock xpdf

14. pdf in console
linux frame buffer



install fbgs to view the pdf in console.

if in X, use xpdf

2. X, install X and mplayer
xorg documentation
apt-get install xorg xinit twm xterm xclock X11-common X11-utils


exec twm

3. how to auto connect wifi?
use the wpa-* option


4. boot up hdcp dicovery, make slow bootup
disable hdcp... use static ip addr

1. display chinese
dpkg-reconfigure locales
select the zh_CN and ...

install chinese fonts

search xfonts in apt

for xfce4,  can install the xfce4-terminal.

firefox --> preference. set the language and default character encoding

2. chinese input method
ibus ibus-pinyin

3. grub rescue. file not found
assue grub is installed in (hd0,7)

set root=(hd0,7)
set prefix=(hd0,7)/boot/grub
insmod /boot/grub/normal.mod

here may be change the kernel's partition, if partition table is changed..

after boot into linux,

grub-install /dev/sda


1. setup the console font

2. frame buffer

3. console screen resolution

4. sed replace
/  or  @ or :
sed 's@/path/to/somewhere@another/&@' src
sed 's:/path/to/somewhere:another/&:' src

1. vim clipboard.  reg + and *
not supported...   
vim --version | grep xterm_clipboard

apt-get remove vim
compile & install vim

read README.txt and README_unix.txt
./configure --help
edit the src/Makefile

apt-get install libncurses5-dev
apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libx11-dev libxt-dev

make distclean
./configure --with-features=big --enable-gui=gtk2 --with-x
sudo make install

sudo make uninstall

also can try:
sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
2. mount --bind
mount --bind fol1 fol2
fol1 will be mirrored to fol2.
umount fol1 will release the binding.

3. mknod
crate the device node.
mknod -m <mode> path/name c/b <major> <minor>
eg. mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3
c: charater device
b: block device
fol2 w

4. swap
swapon -s  to view the status of swap usage
swapon -a turn on all swap

UUID can be refered by blkid command
or list the files of /dev/disk/by-uuid

5. install firefox
download the binary package from website
unpack & uncompress it. cp to the dir. such as /opt/firefox
create a link in the /usr/bin

6. install flash player plugin of firefox
read the readme!
cp the lib to firefox/plugins
cp the usr to /usr