
来源:互联网 发布:mac广州专柜地址查询 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:30
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<pthread.h>#define DEFAULT_THREAD_NUM 4typedef struct job_s {    void *(*process)(void*);    void *arg;    struct job_s *next;}job_t;typedef struct thread_pool_s {    pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;    pthread_cond_t  queue_ready;    job_t           *queue_head;    unsigned int    cur_queue_size;    pthread_t       *tids;    unsigned int    max_thread_num;    int             shutdown;}thread_pool_t;thread_pool_t *pool = NULL;void *thread_routine(void *arg) {    printf("thread 0x%x is starting.\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());    while (1) {        pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock));        while (0 == pool->cur_queue_size && 0 == pool->shutdown) {            printf("thread 0x%x is waiting.\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());            pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_ready), &(pool->queue_lock));        }        if (pool->shutdown) {            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock));            printf("thread 0x%x will exit.\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());            pthread_exit(NULL);        }        job_t *temp = pool->queue_head;        pool->queue_head = temp->next;        pool->cur_queue_size--;        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock));        (*temp->process)(temp->arg);        free(temp);    }    return NULL;}int thread_pool_init(int max_thread_num) {// initialize by the order defined    int i;    if (max_thread_num <= 0)        max_thread_num = DEFAULT_THREAD_NUM;    pool = (thread_pool_t*)malloc(sizeof(thread_pool_t));    if (NULL == pool)        return -1;    pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);    pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_ready), NULL);    pool->queue_head = NULL;    pool->cur_queue_size = 0;    pool->tids = (pthread_t*)malloc(max_thread_num * sizeof(pthread_t));    if (NULL == pool->tids) {        free(pool);        pool = NULL;        return -1;    }    for (i = 0; i < max_thread_num; i++) {        printf("thread 0x%x is creating.\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());        pthread_create(&(pool->tids[i]), NULL, (void*)thread_routine, NULL);    }    pool->shutdown = 0;    return 1;}int thread_pool_add(void *(*process)(void*), void *arg) {    job_t *temp = (job_t*)malloc(sizeof(job_t));    temp->process = process;    temp->arg = arg;    temp->next = NULL;    pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock));    if (NULL == pool->queue_head) {        pool->queue_head = temp;    } else {        job_t *p = pool->queue_head;        while (p->next)             p = p->next;        p->next = temp;    }    pool->cur_queue_size++;    pthread_cond_signal(&(pool->queue_ready));    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock));    return 0;}int thread_pool_destroy() {// 0 means success and -1 means failed.    int i;    if (pool->shutdown)        return -1;    pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_ready));    for (i = 0; i < pool->max_thread_num; i++)        pthread_join(pool->tids[i], NULL);    free(pool->tids);    job_t *p = pool->queue_head;    while (p) {        pool->queue_head = p->next;        free(p);        p = pool->queue_head;    }    pool->shutdown = 1;    //pthread_mutex_destory(&(pool->queue_lock));    //pthread_cond_destory(&(pool->queue_ready));    free(pool);    pool = NULL;    return 0;}void *my_process(void *arg) {    printf("thread 0x%x is working on task %d.\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self(), *(int*)arg);    sleep(1);    return NULL;}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    int i;    thread_pool_init(3);    int *datas = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {        datas[i] = i;        thread_pool_add(my_process, (datas + i));    }    sleep(5);    thread_pool_destroy();    free(datas);    return 0;}
